Approved 3-6-02

January 17, 2002
2:00 p.m.
MA 318


Bruce Christensen, Bill Clapp, Gary Dohrer, Dave Eisler, Mark Henderson, Marie Kotter, Monika Serbinowska, Gene Sessions, Paul Thompson, Jenny Turley, Kay Brown - Secretary

Ron Holt

Jenny Turley: Moved to approve the minutes from the January 10, 2002 meeting.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee – John Sohl, Chair

Revisions to the Tenure and Promotion documents from the College of Science and the College of Education were send to John Sohl who distributed them to APAFT Committee members for review.

College of Science Tenure Document
- Under the "Scholarship" section on page three under "Scholarship," is listed, Category I and Category II. Some members of APAFT felt the two categories were confusing. The two categories under "Scholarship" received extensive debate by faculty in the College of Science. The authors of the document added "Category II" to make the document more closely match the scholarship categories in the PPM, and at the same time retain an emphasis on the referred journal articles, under Category I, that have historically been part of the College of Science Tenure Document.

Substantive changes made to the document - The addition of Category II under Scholarship. The rest of the document is basically the same with some changes in wording.

Concerns - Two categories under Scholarship can be confusing. Questions were raised about the following wording, "The candidate is responsible for documenting each item of scholarship in Categories I and II, and explaining its significance as well as his or her role in accomplishing it. A mere listing of accomplishments is not sufficient . . . Category II consists of professional activities that may or may not satisfy the criteria above . . . " The question of when the candidate finds out if their scholarly activity will satisfy the criteria was raised.

Many of the PPM reference numbers are incorrect and need to be corrected.

Page one, third paragraph, second sentence, "Additionally, while not a guarantee of employment, tenure means that the burden of proof of competence shifts from that of the faculty member, to that of the institution following the granting of tenure." The Provost was concerned about the word "competent," and thought they intended the word to be incompetent. This statement is potentially in conflict with the tri annual review process of post-tenure review. The Provost did not think the University has an obligation to prove competence or incompetence in that ongoing process.

Page two, first paragraph, last sentence, "Evaluators will make their own judgements as to how to classify such work based on the available evidence." The Provost thinks the candidate should classify the work, but the committee should have the ability to reclassify the work.

Page two, second paragraph, next to the last sentence, "The normal expectation is that the majority of the required scholarship, teaching, and service contributions be accomplished after the candidate has arrived at WSU. Exceptions would include contractual agreements made at the time of hiring and years granted towards tenure for work done elsewhere." The last sentence suggests that if it is not done at the time of contract, or if it is not one of the two exceptions, it may be more difficult to do. Is that the intent of the document?

Page three, under Professional Ethics, first paragraph, last sentence, "Serious failures of the candidate in these areas shall result in a ‘no’ rating in this category, and must be documented by the evaluators." Ethics is the most difficult area to rate. "Failure" is an ambiguous concept. AAUP (Association of American University Professors) may have a statement that can be used in this document.

Page four, under "Good," last sentence, "Normally, candidates will receive a ‘good’ rating if they are rated as such by students (teaching category only), peers, and supervisors, or a ‘good’ rating may be received if the evaluations show a pattern of improvement culminating in at least two above average evaluations." The term "above average" is used, but the term, "average" is not defined. Average may need to be addressed as "satisfactory." Also, ". . . or a ‘good’ rating may be received if the evaluations show a pattern of improvement culminating in at least two above average evaluations." Does the last statement refer to student evaluations? It is difficult to see how it would refer to scholarship or service. Similar problems exist under "Excellent" on page four.

Page five, item three, last sentence, "A lower recommendation is justified if evidence supporting a higher recommendation is not well-documented." Candidates can interpret that sentence to mean that they were actually the higher rating, but they were not given the higher rating because they did not document it.

The more ambiguity, the more difficult it is for candidates to know where they stand. It also becomes difficult for the Provost when a confrontational case arises.

Gary Dohrer: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the College of Science Tenure Document.
Second: Bruce Christensen
Outcome: The motion failed

College of Education Tenure Document
- This document received very few comments by APAFT Committee members.

Concerns - On page three under ratings, "The ratings are to reflect the faculty member’s total academic career." It then goes on to page 4 under Category II: Scholarship and Professional Growth, first paragraph, next to the last sentence, "The evidence should indicate ongoing scholarly endeavors . . . " The concern APAFT committee members had was that it was inconsistent with the "Ratings" section that talks about the total academic career.

Executive Committee members did not have time to review the College of Education document prior to this meeting as it was not received in the Faculty Senate Office until a few minutes before the meeting. The Provost, also, was not able to carefully review the document. Executive Committee members felt it was important to have time to review the tenure document prior to forwarding it to the Faculty Senate. It would be helpful to have the document clearly show the new pieces that are being added to the document by using "redline" and the pieces that are being deleted by using the "strikeout" format.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the College of Education Document.
Second: Jenny Turley
Outcome: The motion failed with 1 abstention.

Curriculum and General Education Committee membership change. Shane Schvaneveldt has been recommended to replace Lon Addams.

Bruce Christensen: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate Shane Schvaneveldt to replace Lon Addams for this semester on the Curriculum and General Education Committee.
Second: Marie Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Salary, Benefits, Budget, and Fiscal Planning Committee membership change. Shi-hwa Wang is on sabbatical for Spring Semester. Dean Phillips has submitted three names as possible replacements for Shi-hwa Wang representing the College of Arts and Humanities. The name of Drex Brooks was selected by the Executive Committee to present to the Faculty Senate.

Mark Henderson: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate Drex Brooks to replace She-hwa Wang for this semester on the Salary, Benefits, Budget, and Fiscal Planning Committee.
Second: Gary Dohrer
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Jill Newby has left the university and has been serving as a Faculty Senate representative from the Library. The Library has voted Kathy Payne to replace Jill Newby on the Faculty Senate. Jill was a committee member on APAFT.

Gary Dohrer: Moved to Forward to the Faculty Senate Kathy Payne to replace Jill Newby on the Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee.
Second: Jenny Turley
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Curriculum and General Education Committee – Jim Wilson, Chair

- Course change for Choreography I: Space & Time/Design in Dance - Dance 3500; New course proposal for Special Topic Dance Form: (variable title), (Sample of the variable title) Flamenco - Dance 1450A/3450A.

Bruce Christensen: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Dance the course change for Choreography I: Space & Time/Design in Dance - Dance 3500; New course proposal for Special Topic Dance Form: (variable title), (Sample of the variable title) Flamenco - Dance 1450A/3450A.

- New course proposal for Health Communication - Comm 3230.

This course is cross-listed with HAS, however, the course description is different. Marie Kotter will talk with Betty Kusnierz to make sure the course descriptions are the same in both listings.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Communication the new course proposal for Health Communication - Comm 3230.
Second: Mark Henderson
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously contingent upon the same course description for the cross-listed courses.

Communication - Bachelor of Science course proposal for Communication Research Methods - Comm 3150.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Communication the Bachelor of Science course proposal for Communication Research Methods - Comm 3150.
Second: Monika Serbinowska
Outcome: The motion pass unanimously.

Visual Art
- Course changes for Introduction to Digital Media - Art 3420 changed to Design for the Internet - Art 3420D, Introduction to Digital Media - Art 3420 to Bitmap Imaging - Art 3420 A, Vector Drawing - Art 3420 B, and Digital Page Composition - Art 3420 C; New Course Proposals: Junior Photography Seminar - Art 3150, and Photographic Theory and Practice - Art 3990; Program proposals for BS/BA Revision emphasis for Two Dimensional, Three Dimensional, Design, Illustration, BS/BA Art Teaching, BS/BA Art Major: Photography Emphasis, Bachelor of Fine Arts, BS/BA General Art, and Photography Minor.

Revisions to the programs outlining the credit hours needed to complete the program have just been received in the Faculty Senate Office. The document will be updated with the new information.

Mark Henderson: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Visual Art course changes for Introduction to Digital Media - Art 3420 - Changed to Design for the Internet - Art 3420D, Introduction to Digital Media - Art 3420 to Bitmap Imaging - Art 3420 A, Vector Drawing - Art 3420 B, and Digital Page Composition - Art 3420 C; New Course Proposals: Junior Photography Seminar - Art 3150, and Photographic Theory and Practice - Art 3990; Program proposals for BS/BA Revision emphasis for Two Dimensional, Three Dimensional, Design, Illustration, BS/BA Art Teaching, BS/BA Art Major: Photography Emphasis, Bachelor of Fine Arts, BS/BA General Art, and Photography Minor.
Second: Marie Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Health Administrative Services -
Course deletions for Health Services Administration - HAS 4500, and Medical Group Management - HAS 4510; course changes for Health Care Marketing - HAS 3020, Community Health Care Delivery Systems - HAS 3150, Patient Education - HAS 3190, Interpersonal Skills in Health Care - HAS 3230, Human Resource Development in Health
Care - HAS 3240, Health Care Administrative and Supervisory Theory - HAS 3260, and Senior Seminar - HAS 4740; program change for Health Administrative Services.

Health Promotion and Human Performance - Program change for Health Promotion Major (due to HAS change)

Major curriculum changes are proposed resulting in an increase in credit hours for the following programs: + 2 in Health Services, +1 in Health Promotion, +3 in Health Information Management, and +4 in Long Term Care.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Health Administrative Services Course deletions for Health Services Administration - HAS 4500, and Medical Group Management - HAS 4510; course changes for Health Care Marketing - HAS 3020, Community Health Care Delivery Systems - HAS 3150, Patient Education - HAS 3190, Interpersonal Skills in Health Care - HAS 3230, Human Resource Development in Health Care - HAS 3240, Health Care Administrative and Supervisory Theory - HAS 3260, and Senior Seminar - HAS 4740; program change for Health Administrative Services; and from Health Promotion and Human Performance - Program change for Health Promotion Major (due to HAS change).
Second: Jenny Turley
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Radiologic Sciences
- Course deletions for Diagnostic Services Pharmacology I - RADTEC 2263, and Problem Patient Management - RADTEC 4363; Program changes for Radiography, Nuclear Medicine, and Radiation Therapy.

Gary Dohrer: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Radiologic Sciences the course deletions for Diagnostic Services Pharmacology I - RADTEC 2263, and Problem Patient Management - RADTEC 4363; Program changes for Radiography, Nuclear Medicine, and Radiation Therapy.
Second: Bruce Christensen
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

- Course change for Quantitative Analysis - Chem 3030; Program changes for Chemistry Option I, Chemistry Option II, Chemistry Teaching Major, Chemistry Departmental Honors, Chemistry Minor & BIS Emphasis, Chemical Technician AAS, Chemical Technician Certificate of Proficiency.

Monika Serbinowska: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Chemistry a course change for Quantitative Analysis - Chem 3030; Program changes for Chemistry Option I, Chemistry Option II, Chemistry Teaching Major, Chemistry Departmental Honors, Chemistry Minor & BIS Emphasis, Chemical Technician AAS, Chemical Technician Certificate of Proficiency.
Second: Marie Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Microbiology -
New course proposal for Microbial Ecology - Micro 3154; course change for Environmental Microbiology - Micro 3484.

Monika Serbinowska: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the new course proposal for Microbial Ecology - Micro 3154; course change for Environmental Microbiology - Micro 3484.
Second: Marie Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

New course proposal for Associate Degree Assessment - AUTOSV 2899, CDGT 2899, CEET 2899, SMT 2899, CS 2899, IDT 2899, MET 2899, MFET 2899, SST 2899, and TBE 2899; program changes reflect the addition of the above course for each program - Interior Design Technology, Computer & Electronics Engineering Technology, Computer & Design Graphics Technology, Computer Science, Automotive Service Technology, Construction Management Technology, Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Sales & Merchandising, Business Systems Technology, and Telecommunications Administration.

Monika Serbinowska: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the new course proposal for Associate Degree Assessment - AUTOSV 2899, CDGT 2899, CEET 2899, SMT 2899, CS 2899, IDT 2899, MET 2899, MFET 2899, SST 2899, and TBE 2899; program changes reflect the addition of the above course for each program - Interior Design Technology, Computer & Electronics Engineering Technology, Computer & Design Graphics Technology, Computer Science, Automotive Service Technology, Construction Management Technology, Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Sales & Merchandising, Business Systems Technology, and Telecommunications Administration.
Second: Marie Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

CEET and CET Computer & Electronics Engineering Technology and Computer Engineering Technology - Course deletion for Electronic Circuit Design - CEET 2150; new course proposal for Engineering Seminar CEET 2000/4000; program changes for Computer Engineering Technology, and Electronics Engineering Technology.

Bill Clapp: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Computer and Electronics Engineering Technology and Computer Engineering Technology a course deletion for Electronic Circuit Design - CEET 2150; new course proposal for Engineering Seminar CEET 2000/4000; program changes for Computer Engineering Technology, and Electronics Engineering Technology.
Second: Marie Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Information Systems & Technologies
- Course deletions for NetWare 5 Administration - IS&T 2610, Network Technologies - IS&T 2620, Netware 5 Advanced Administration - IS&T 2630, NDS Design and Implementation - IS&T 2640, Service and Support - IS&T 2640, IntraNetWare - IS&T 2660, and Network Management Using ManageWise - IS&T 2661; course changes for Emerging Information Technologies - IS&T 4720 (change to variable title), and Software Development II - IS&T 2130 (change to upper division 3130); new course proposal for Electronic
Business Communications - IS&T 3750; program proposals for IS&T Minor for Non-Business & Economics, IS&T Minor for Business Majors: Applications and E-Business Technologies, IS&T Minor for Business Majors: Databases and Information Management, and IS&T Minor for Business Majors: Systems and Audit Support.

The course deletions only apply to IS&T. The courses were cross-listed with TBE and are on-going courses taught in TBE.

Bruce Christensen: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Information Systems & Technologies the course deletions for NetWare 5 Administration - IS&T 2610, Network Technologies - IS&T 2620, Netware 5 Advanced Administration - IS&T 2630, NDS Design and Implementation - IS&T 2640, Service and Support - IS&T 2640, IntraNetWare - IS&T 2660, and Network Management Using ManageWise - IS&T 2661; course changes for Emerging Information Technologies - IS&T 4720 (change to variable title), and Software Development II - IS&T 2130 (change to upper division 3130); new course proposal for Electronic Business Communications - IS&T 3750; program proposals for IS&T Minor for Non-Business & Economics, IS&T Minor for Business Majors: Applications and E-Business Technologies, IS&T Minor for Business Majors: Databases and Information Management, and IS&T Minor for Business Majors: Systems and Audit Support.
Second: Monika Serbinowska
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Master of Business Administration
- New course proposal for Business Research for Market Strategy - MBA 6566.

Bruce Christensen: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Master of Business Administration the new course proposal for Business Research for Market Strategy - MBA 6566.
Second: Marie Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

- Course change for Introduction to Counseling Theories - PSYCH 4310; new course proposal for Psychology of Consciousness - PSYCH 2830.

Jenny Turley: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Psychology the course change for Introduction to Counseling Theories - PSYCH 4310; new course proposal for Psychology of Consciousness - PSYCH 2830.
Second: Monika Serbinowska
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

- Program change for the History Minor.

Gary Dohrer: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from History the program change for the History Minor.
Second: Monika Serbinowska
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Political Science
- Course change for Model United Nations - Polsc 3150 (credit hour change).

Bill Clapp: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Political Science the course change for Model United Nations - Polsc 3150 (credit hour change).
Second: Jenny Turley
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

- Course deletions for The Hero in a Thousand Places - Hnrs DV 3120, Human, Machine, and Natural Computation - Hnrs 3130, and Senior Thesis/Project Research - Hnrs 4800; program change for Honors.

Currently there is a two semester approach to the Senior Thesis/Project. This deletion deletes the first course where students mainly selected their thesis project. The topic selection of their thesis project will now be handled through directed readings.

Bruce Christensen: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Honors the course deletions for The Hero in a Thousand Places - Hnrs DV 3120, Human, Machine, and Natural Computation - Hnrs 3130, Senior Thesis/Project Research - Hnrs 4800; Program change for Honors.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Child and Family Studies -
Course change for Contemporary Issues in Planning for Children - Chfam 4510, and Teacher Education - Program change for ESL (English as a Second Language) Minor.

Bill Clapp: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Child and Family Studies the course change for Contemporary Issues in Planning for Children - Chfam 4510, and Teacher Education - Program change for ESL (English as a Second Language) Minor.
Second: Jenny Turley
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Constitutional, Review, Apportionment, and Organization – Jeff Eaton, Chair

Faculty Senate Constitution Revisions were presented to the Executive Committee. Suggestions were made on additional changes and corrections. 

PPM 1-13, Section VI, Article III, AMENDMENTS, states:

"Amendments shall be proposed to the general faculty by a majority of the total voting membership of the Faculty Senate. The Senate shall not take its final action on an amendment during the first meeting at which it is introduced. This Constitution of the Weber State University Faculty Senate may be amended only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of the general faculty as determined by mail ballot, conducted by the secretary of the Senate and by three tellers appointed by the chair of the Senate. A ballot shall be valid only if returned in two envelopes provided by the secretary, with the outer envelope signed, and if received by the secretary of the Faculty Senate within 15 (fifteen) days after the date on which ballots were mailed to the general faculty. A faculty member who wishes to abstain from voting shall submit a blank ballot in envelopes sealed and signed in the prescribed manner. At the end of ten (10) days, the secretary shall send a second ballot, plainly marked, to all members of the faculty who have not yet submitted ballots. At the end of the 15- (fifteen-) day period, the ballots shall be counted and the results announced."

A reading of the suggested changes to the Constitution will be presented at the January Faculty Senate meeting. In the March Faculty Senate meeting a vote on the amendments will take place. If the Senate votes to send the amendments out to the general faculty, the general faculty will vote within 15 days of the March Senate meeting for or against the amendments to the constitution.

The articles under the constitution are designated by "C" and the articles under the bylaws are designated by "B." The entire document can be viewed on the web at

Bruce Christensen: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the revisions to PPM 1-13 presented by the Constitutional Review, Apportionment, and Organization Committee.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The Provost would like to set up at Weber State a Bachelor of Applied Technology degree. It would be a degree designed for students coming from UCAT to Weber State.

Students receiving the Associate of Applied Technology Degree at UCAT would be required to take eighteen hours of general education. The UCAT students can then move into the Bachelor of Applied Technology program at Weber State.

The Executive Committee discussed setting up an ad hoc committee to develop a program proposal for a Bachelor of Applied Technology degree. Executive Committee members will contact faculty member. Membership needs to include two from COAST, two from Health Professions, one from Arts & Humanities, one from Business, with Dave Eisler as the ex officio member, and a liaison from the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will recommend a chair for the committee. The committee membership and charges will be presented to the Faculty Senate at the January 24 meeting.

President Thompson has requested for a faculty member to serve on the Campus Master Plan Committee. It was suggested that Marie Kotter’s name be forwarded to President Thompson with Bill Clapp as an alternate.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.