Approved 10-4-01
September 13, 2001
12:00 noon
MA 211K
Bruce Christensen, Bill Clapp, Gary Dohrer, Mark Henderson, Dave Eisler, Ron
Holt, Marie Kotter, Kathleen Lukken representing Dave Eisler, Monika Serbinowska,
Gene Sessions, Jenny Turley, Kay Brown - Secretary
Dave Eisler, Paul Thompson
Bruce Christensen: Moved to approve the minutes
from the September 6, 2001 meeting
Second: Marie Kotter
Outcome: The minutes were approved.
Dumke College of Health Professions, Nursing Department, diversity
course proposals for Culture and Health Care - Nursng 4000, and Clinical
Experience Related to Culture and Health Care of Nurses - Nursng 4001.
Culture and Health Care - Nursng 4000 came before the Executive Committee last April. The course was withdrawn until the clinical course was ready for review. Both courses are now presented for diversity consideration.
Bruce Christensen: Moved to send forward to the
Faculty Senate from Nursing the diversity course proposals for
Culture and Health Care - Nursng 4000, and Clinical Experience
Related to Culture and Health Care of Nurses - Nursng 4001.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
A.S. DEGREEThe Nursing Department has included in this program two classes in addition to the courses mandated for accreditation, Introductory Pathophysiology - HlthSci 2230 and Foundation of Nutrition - Nutri LS102. The AAS degree will not be eliminated at this time.
Marie Kotter: Moved to send forward to the Faculty
Senate the revised program proposal from Nursing for the Nursing
Associate of Science degree.
Second: Ron Holt
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Forward to the Faculty Senate the following changes on
Senate and Committee Membership
Constitutional Review, Apportionment, and Organization Committee for a three-year term.Jennifer Turley replaces Monica Mize on Executive Committee.
Chris Trivett replaces Dwayne Meadows for a three-year term on the Senate.
Tamas Szabo replaces Timothy Steele for his remaining year on the Senate.
Shirley Leali added as a committee member representing the College of Education on the
Gary Dohrer: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate
for the September 20 meeting the above changes for
The Executive Committee discussed taking to the Faculty
Senate the recommendation for an ad hoc committee for Online Instruction
and Distance Learning rather than sending that charge to the
Constitutional Review, Apportionment and Organization Committee.
PPM 1-13, Article V, Section 6, Establishment of Ad Hoc Committees
"Ad hoc committees are appointed by the Faculty Senate in those instances where a committee is needed to carry out a specific function and none of the existing committees is in a position to accept the responsibility. The composition and powers of such committees will be recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the Senate. Ad hoc committees continue to function until they have completed their assigned task or until the end of the current academic year, whichever comes first. Ad hoc committees may be reappointed for a second academic year if they have not completed their assigned task. If the task of an ad hoc committee is such that it cannot be completed within a two_year period, consideration should be given to requesting the Faculty Senate to establish the committee as a permanent committee."
Mark Henderson: Moved to delete from the charges to
the Constitutional Review, Apportionment and Organization
Committee that they recommend to the Faculty Senate the creation
of an ad hoc committee on Online Instruction and Distance
Second: Marie Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
COMMITTEEThe following should be included in the statement of the committee’s purpose.
(1) Guidelines
(2) Strategic Issues
(3) Information Access Issues
(4) Evaluation of Distance-Learning Instructors
Gene Sessions will write a statement of purpose for the ad hoc committee and email it to Executive Committee members for their input.
Bruce Christensen: Moved to recommend to the Faculty
Senate at the September 20 meeting an ad hoc committee for
Online Instruction and Distance Learning.
Second: Jenny Turley
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
If the Senate approves the establishment of an ad hoc committee for Online Instruction and Distance Learning, Executive Committee members will forward to the Faculty Senate office two names from their colleges as possible members for this committee. Kay Brown will contact Jill Newby from the Library to propose two names for possible membership on this committee.
Is this a topic that might lead to Senate action?
Are you seeking a recommendation from the Senate or is there an expectation of a
policy change?
Is there a more appropriate venue?
The request should include a written description of what will be presented to the Senate, and why it is appropriate for the Senate.
Requests should be received by the Faculty Senate Office the Thursday prior to the Agenda Setting meeting.
Forest Crawford has requested to present a diversity update to
the Faculty Senate.
Gary Dohrer: Moved to place on the agenda for the
September 20, 2001 Faculty Senate meeting a diversity update
presented by Forest Crawford with the suggestion that he take
ten minutes or less for his presentation.
Second: Jenny Turley
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 opposed and 1 abstention.
Nathan Woodbury has requested to present information on convocations
restructuring to the Faculty Senate.
The Executive Committee and the Faculty Senate Committee
Chairs will meet on September 20 at 12:30 p.m. in UB 352 for lunch.
Committee charges and committee membership list will be given to each
committee chair.
The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.