Approved 1-18-01
January 11, 2001
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K
Bruce Christensen, Gary Dohrer, Dave Eisler, Ron Holt, Marie Kotter,
Judith Mitchell - Chair, Dan Schroeder, Gene Sessions, Sally Shigley, President
Thompson, Kay Brown - Secretary.
Alden Talbot
Sally Shigley: Moved to approve the minutes from
the November 30, 2000 meeting.
Second: Bruce Christensen
Outcome: The minutes were approved.
PPM 8-16
Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure
Gene Sessions: Moved to forward to the Faculty
Senate for the January 25, 2001 meeting the change in PPM
8-16 which includes
PPM 8-12
PPM 8-12, Dated Guidelines. This PPM indicates October 1
as the deadline for faculty have the right to submit written
recommendations to the chair of the department Ranking Tenure
Evaluation Committee. There is a conflict with the date. Frank
Guliuzza proposed the October 1 deadline be changed to January 8.
MOTION Gene Sessions: Moved to forward to the Faculty
Senate for the January 25, 2001 meeting the proposed change
in PPM 8-12 to change the October 1 deadline for faculty to
submit written recommendations to the chair of the
Department Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee to January 8.
Second: Dan Schroeder
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
The timetable for elections will be sent to college
deans. Deans have been notified of the carry over membership to the
faculty senate, the outgoing members and the number of members to the
Faculty Senate that need to be elected from their college. College
election results need to be sent to the Faculty Senate Office by
February 23. Election of Executive Committee members for 2001-2002
will take place March 7, 2001.
DAVISExecutive Committee members were asked what attracted them to Weber State. Positive aspects included: location/region, primarily a teaching school, place bound, early opportunities here for junior faculty, climate, recreational opportunities, strong intellectual department, good colleagues.
Negative points considered at the time of hire were heavy teaching load plus labs and few sabbatical opportunities.
Why Do Faculty Leave Weber State?
Professional Development Needs
Not enough opportunities
Limited help to write grants
Money to attend conferences
Technology Needs
More technical support
ARCC funded about one tenth of the proposal submitted
More online course support
Hardware and software
Student Support
Field trips
Travel opportunities
Money for students to attend conferences or hold memberships in
professional organizations
Convocation speakers
Endowed Lectureships
Judith Mitchell passed out a copy of the Utah Council of Faculty
Senate Leaders=
resolution for participation of faculty on the Board of Trustees. This
resolution reads: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: In the interest
of fostering better working relationships between the institutional
Board of Trustees in each USHE institution and the Faculty of that
institution, the
Utah Council of Faculty Senate Leaders strongly urges the Regents
to modify the state statutes in order to approve the appointment of
the faculty senate leader to be a voting member of each institutional
Board of Trustees.
The standard faculty evaluation form was discussed and
suggestions made. Judith Mitchell will write a memo to department
chairs and include a copy of the standard form with the two questions
by the Faculty Senate. The results from the evaluation will be
compiled by Steve Kerr and kept in the Library at the Reserve Desk.
Enrollment figures for Spring 2001 semester are up over
last year. Currently, enrollment is 9.3%. The Provost believes this
will drop some and end up in the 7 or 8% range. The increase in
enrollment comes from retaining current students rather than new
The schedule for the two candidates applying for the
Associate Provost position is as follows:
Dr. Bruce Bowen is scheduled to meet with the faculty at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 17 in the SAGE Room of the Education Building.
Dr. Charlotte Tullos is scheduled to meet with the faculty at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, January 22 in the SAGE Room of the Education Building.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.