Curriculum Committee Notes - August 24, 2011

Chemistry Curriculum

Chemistry Course Proposals

Organic Chemistry I - CHEM 2310, Organic Chemistry I Lab - CHEM 2315, Organic Chemistry II - CHEM 2320, Organic Chemistry II Lab - CHEM 2325, Biochemistry I Lab - CHEM 3075

Chem 2310 - Chem 2315 was added as a corequisite. The corequisite only applies to the first

time the course is taken. The department will override the corequisite when a student repeats the course.

Chem 2315 - The proposals needs to indicate: "This is a required course in a major program."

Chem 2320 - Course hours should be 4 credit hours.

Chem 3075 - This course is created for transfer students.


Chem 2310/2315 and 2320/2325 - How many students will be affected by the change? About 100 Students.

How many transfer students? Just a handful of students.

Organic Chemistry 2310/2315: The intent is that these be taken simultaneously the first time they are taken. If they repeat either course, then can be taken individually.

Effective date for all course changes and program changes: Summer 2012

The proposals passed unanimously.

Chemistry Program Proposals - Chemistry Major, Teaching Major, Physical Science Composite

Teaching Major, Chemistry Departmental Honors, Chemistry Teaching Minor, Chemical Technician (AAS and Institutional Certificate)

The above program changes passed unanimously.

The Chemistry BIS Emphasis passed unanimously.

Chemistry Minor

Question: Will the department lose some students selecting the minor because of the increase in credit hours required? The biochemistry faculty are discussing making some changes.

Question - "Grade Requirements: A minimum passing grade of "D-" will be accepted in any course used toward the minor." This is a departmental policy. The minimum grade requirement is also consistent with University policy. The Chemistry Department does require an average GPA of 2.0.

The Chemistry minor passed unanimously.