Telecommunications & Business Education Summary Sheet


Department Name Change: 

Telecommunications & Business Education (TBE) to Network Technology and Business Multimedia (NTM)


Nonsubstantive changes:

Course Name Change and description changes:

            TBE 4760 Network/Telecommunications Internship (1-4 3)

Must be completed senior year in a network/telecommunications environment with company placement and objectives approved by the department.


TBE 4790 Network/Telecommunications Senior Project (2)

Capstone project applying the principles of network/telecommunications to the development of a network/telecommunications system within a company.

Course Prerequisite changes:

TBE 2710 Change prerequisite from TBE 2500 to TBE 2300.

TBE 2720 Change prerequisite from TBE 2500 to TBE 2300.

TBE 3200 Change prerequisite from TBE 2200 to TBE 2200 or instructor approval.

TBE 3300 Change prerequisite from TBE 2300 and TBE 3200 or instructor permission

 to TBE 2435 or instructor permission.

TBE 3532 Change prerequisite from TBE 2080 and TBE 2532 or equivalent to

TBE 2532 or equivalent.

            TBE 3550 Change prerequisite from TBE 2500 to TBE 2300 or TBE 2534.

BIS and Minor for Business/Multimedia Technologies

Adding TBE 3250 as an elective to the choices. 


Substantive Changes:

Drop from catalog:

    TBE 2500 Introduction to Telecommunications (3)

    TBE 3710 Fiber Optics in Telecommunications

New Course:

 3310  Network Server Administration (3)

Revised Courses:

3720 Wireless Telephony  (To be called Advanced Transport Media 3)   (Update of current , Combination of old 3710 and 3720 courses.)

3730 Telecommunications Policy   (To be called Cyber Policy and Ethics 3)  (Update of current course.)


Name Changes:  Telecommunications—Network Management Technology

            Major:   BS - Telecommunications Administration to Network Management Technology

            AAS Degree:  Telecommunications to Network Management Technology

            Minor:  Telecommunications to Network Management Technology

            Institutional Certificate:  Telecommunications to Network Management Technology.




Changes to AAS Network Management Technology Degree

(Total hours in revised degree if double counting COMM  HU2110 and Econ SS1010  61-63)


            ACTG 2010  Survey of Accounting I (3)

            CEET 1105 Personal Computer Fundamentals (4)

            TBE 1040 Speedbuilding Keyboarding (1)

            TBE 2010 Business English Applications (3)

            TBE 2080 Database Applications (1)

            TBE 2500 Introduction to Telecommunications (3)

            TBE 3070 Advanced Spreadsheet Applications (1)

            TBE 3090 Electronic Presentations (2)


            CS 1400 Fundamentals of Programming (4)

            CS 2550 Database Design and Application Development (4)

            CS 2650 Computer Architecture/Organization (4)


Changes to BS Network Management Technology Degree

   (Total hours  in revised degree if double counting Diversity, COMM HU 2110 and Econ SS1010 = 122-124)

         AAS changes listed above is the first two years of this 2-plus-2 program.


         MGMT 3010 Organizational Behavior & Management

         MKTG 3010 Marketing Concepts & Practices

         TBE 3210 Advanced Linux Systems Administration (3)

         TBE 3710 Fiber Optics in Telecommunications (Being combined with 3720)

Course Changes:

         TBE 3720 Advanced Transport Media (Combination of old TBE 3710 and 3720)

         TBE 3730 Cyber Policy and Ethics (Update of old TBE 3730 course)

New Course developed and added:

         TBE 3310 Network Server Administration


         CS 3030 Scripting Languages (4)

         CS 3705 Protocol Analysis (4)


Changes to Minor Network Management Technology Degree

            (Total hours in revised degree 23)

Drop: TBE 2500 Introduction to Telecommunications (3)

Add:   TBE 3200 Linux Systems Administration (3)


Changes to Institutional Certificate Network Management Technology Degree

            (Total hours in revised degree 18)

Drop: TBE 2500 Introduction to Telecommunications (3)

Add:   TBE 3200 Linux Systems Administration (3)


Approval letters (E-mail) from other Departments whose courses are used in TBE major/s:

            Greg Anderson, Chair of Computer Science (CS courses)

Julie McCulley, Electronics Engineering Technology  (CEET courses)



Letters from

Computer Science

Electronics Engineering Technology