Department Name Change:


Following trends and technology in the marketplace and upon recommendation of department advisory committees, the Department of Telecommunications & Business Education faculty and staff are seeking permission to change the department name to Network Technology and Business Multimedia and will use the abbreviation of NTM.


Network Technology is more descriptive of our program than is Telecommunications Administration.  Business Multimedia is a growing major and is not included in the current department name.  The Business Education Composite Teaching majors usually come to us by referral or with knowledge of what we are and where the major is located so that major doesn’t need to be included in the department name.  We are attempting to keep the name short and descriptive.


All three of our majors have an advisory committee and all are in agreement with the name change.  The department faculty and staff have voted in unanimous agreement on this name change.


This e-mail is our request to officially change the Department name from Telecommunications & Business Education to Network Technology and Business Multimedia (NTM).