Submission Date: Nov 14, 2011
College: Arts & Humanities
Department: Performing Arts
Program Title: Music Minor
Submitted by/contact information: Carey Campbell, ext 6790,
Check all that apply:
__✓__New course(s) required for major, minor, emphasis, or concentration.
____Modified course(s) required for major, minor, emphasis, or concentration.
__✓_Credit hour change(s) required for major, minor, emphasis, or concentration.
____Credit hour change(s) for a course which is required for the major, minor, emphasis, or concentration.
____Attribute change(s) for any course.
____Program name change.
__✓_Deletion of required course(s).
____Other changes (specify) _________________________________________________________________
If multiple changes are being proposed, please
provide a summary. Use strikeout (strikeout)
when deleting items in the program and highlight (highlight)
when adding items.
The two-semester Music History and Literature survey requirement (MUSC 2202 and 2212) will be replaced by requiring music minors to take two existing music GENED courses, one of which must be MUSC 1010: Introduction to Music. This will increase the number of credit hours from 22 to 24, since the surveys are two credits each and the GENED courses are three each.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: proposed program
Music Minor
Music Courses Required (21 credit hours
24 credit hours)
MUSC 1110 Music Theory I (3)
MUSC 1120 Music Theory II (3)
MUSC 1130 Sight-Singing & Ear Training I (1)
MUSC 1140 Sight-Singing & Ear Training II (1)
MUSC 1150 Class Piano I (1)
MUSC 1160 Class Piano II (1)
MUSC 1901 Music: The First-Year Experience (1)
MUSC 2202 Survey of Music History & Lit I (2)
Introduction to Music (3)
MUSC 2212 Survey of Music History & Lit II (2)
One of the following General Education
§ MUSC CA1030 Introduction to Jazz (3)
§ MUSC CA1033 Introduction to American Music (3)
§ MUSC CA1035 History of Rock and Roll (3)
§ MUSC CA/DV1040 Music of World Cultures (3)
§ MUSC HU1043 Music, the Arts & Civilizations (3)
§ MUSC CA1063 Music in Religion (3)
MUSC 3991 Junior Recital (1)
Applied Music Requirement: 4 credit hours minimum or until completion of the Junior Recital
Major Ensemble Requirement: 2 credit hours minimum or until completion of the music minor requirements
Submit the original to the Faculty Senate Office, MC 1033, and an electronic copy to kbrown4
At present our Music minors are required to take a two-semester course called Survey of Music & Literature. The course is offered only to music minors, and, because of that programs low enrollment, the course routinely has no more than a handful of students.
The faculty proposes discontinuing both semesters of the Survey of Music & Literature class and instead requiring two music General Education courses, one of which must be MUSC CA1010 Introduction to Music. With this change, the faculty would still be requiring a breadth survey (Music 1010), but students would have the opportunity to fulfill the second requirement by selecting a more specialized music General Education class that suits their interests.
We feel this plan would make better use of our limited faculty resources, allow students to simultaneously fulfill a program requirement and a General Education requirement, and encourage studying and thinking about music from a variety of angles. Furthermore, these changes would bring our program in line with other Utah universities.
Attach a copy of the present program from the current catalog and a revised version (exactly as you wish it to appear in the catalog).
Please see attached.
Did this program change receive unanimous approval within the Department? _ ✓_Yes__ If not, what are the major concerns raised by the opponents?
Explain any effects this program change will have on program requirements or enrollments in other departments including the Bachelor of Integrated Studies Program. In the case of similar offerings or affected programs, you should include letters from the departments in question stating their support or opposition to the proposed program.
This should have neither positive nor negative impact on any other programs, including BIS.
Indicate the number of credit hours for course work within the program. (Do not include credit hours for General Education, SI, Diversity, or other courses unless those courses fulfill requirements within the proposed program.)
Indicate the number of credit hours for course work within the current program. (Do not include credit hours for General Education, SI, Diversity, or other courses unless those courses fulfill requirements within the current program.)