Course Proposals

Course Name:  Basic Residential Architectural Drafting 
Course Prefix: DGET
Course Number: 1350
             Submitted by (Name & E-Mail):  Jeremy Farner,

Current Date:  11/16/2011
College: Applied Science & Technology
Department:   Manf & Mech Eng Tech                              
From Term: Fall  2012 



Current Course Subject N/A
Current Course Number

DGET 1350. Basic Architectural Drafting (3) F, Sp The study of architectural working drawings. Covers procedures used in developing a complete set of residential plans using CAD. Includes architectural drafting standards, design procedures, and building code requirements. Prerequisites: DGET 1050 and DGET 1250.

New/Revised Course Information:

Subject:  DGET            

Course Number: 1350

Check all that apply:
    This is for courses already approved for gen ed.
    Use a different form for proposing a new gen ed designation.


Course Title: Residential Architectural Design

Abbreviated Course Title:

Course Type:  LEC

Credit Hours:  3  or if variable hours:    to

Contact Hours: Lecture 3  Lab    Other

Repeat Information:  Limit 0   Max Hrs 0 

Grading Mode:  standard

This course is/will be: a required course in a major program
a required course in a minor program
a required course in a 1- or 2- year program


DET 1250

Course description (exactly as it will appear in the catalog, including prerequisites):

The study of residential and light commercial (Type IV and V buildings) architectural design and construction documents. Covers procedures used in developing residential plans using 2D CAD. Includes architectural design and drafting standards, conventions, procedures and current building code requirements of the International Residential Code (IRC) and International Energy Convervation Code (IECC). Prerequisite: DET 1250

Justification for the new course or for changes to an existing course. (Note: Justification should emphasize academic rationale for the change or new course. This is particularly important for courses requesting upper-division status.)

Restructure DGET 1360 to better align with courses offered as concurrent enrollment in high schools. Take the course content of DGET 1360 and 2350 divide them into three (3) credit hour courses that build upon each other (DET 1250, DET 1350 & DET 2350).

for substantive proposals only

1. Did this course receive unanimous approval within the Department?


If not, what are the major concerns raised by the opponents?

2. If this is a new course proposal, could you achieve the desired results by revising an existing course within your department or by requiring an existing course in another department?

3. How will the proposed course differ from similar offerings by other departments? Comment on any subject overlap between this course and topics generally taught by other departments, even if no similar courses are currently offered by the other departments. Explain any effects that this proposal will have on program requirements or enrollments in other department. Please forward letters (email communication is sufficient) from all departments that you have identified above stating their support or opposition to the proposed course.

4. Is this course required for certification/accreditation of a program?


If so, a statement to that effect should appear in the justification and supporting documents should accompany this form.

5. For course proposals, e-mail a syllabus to Faculty Senate which should be sufficiently detailed that the committees can determine that the course is at the appropriate level and matches the description. There should be an indication of the amount and type of outside activity required in the course (projects, research papers, homework, etc.).

Architectural Drafting and Design [With CDROM]Residential Architectural Design

Course Syllabus

Fall 2012



Jeremy Farner, ET 214-G

Phone 626-6962

Preferred contact method:

Office Hours: Posted outside office


Course Number:        

DET 1350, M, W, F 9:30-10:50

Room ET 120 & Lab 126

(Required course for DGET majors)


Peer Reviews


Required Attendance



Required Attendance

Open Lab


Required Attendance

Course Description:  

The study of residential and light commercial (Type IV and V buildings) architectural design and construction documents. Covers procedures used in developing residential plans using 2D CAD. Includes architectural design and drafting standards, conventions, procedures, and current building code requirements of the International Residential Code (IRC) and International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). Prerequisites: DET 1250.

Course Objectives:    

1.       Produce construction graphic solution to real-world design scenario with local business         partners.

2.       Relate conceptual design ideas through hand sketching.

3.      Apply National CAD standards to line types, line weights, layers, sheets, templates &      dimension/ text/ multi-leader styles.

4.      Relate drawing standards and conventions to create floor plans, elevations, sections &         interior elevations.

5.      Apply the International Residential Code and International Energy Conservation Code to         develop a home plan.

6.      Identify common components of finish work and cabinetry.

7.      Identify Architectural roof styles and how they relate to common elevation styles.

8.      Identify code requirements for electrical and HVAC components.

9.      Identify how land is legally described and developed to build on using the 6 major         orientation factors.

10.   Identify the symbols and annotation used to develop a floor and furniture plan using    proper room relationships and sizes.

11.    Show functional literacy in a variety of construction types.

12.    Identify and utilize 3D freeware (Google Sketch-up) to aid in the visualization of                 conceptual design.

13.   Relate construction specifications for a variety of construction types.

14.   Apply drawing standards and conventions to create a foundation plan and layout.                          

Course Textbooks:                                    

                Residential Architectural Design Custom Textbook (ISBN TBD

                Instructor Notes from Copy Center


Course Equipment:   

                Architects Scale (Triangle with 11 Scales)

Architects Symbol Template (Doors, Furniture etc.)

Multiple Storage Devices (USB) Back Up files regularly

Sketching Paper (Grid paper works the best)

Course Administration: Lectures                     

Lectures will concern the body of knowledge surrounding architectural drafting. Demonstrations will cover specific operations and techniques. Students are expected to be at all class sessions (see Excused Absences policy below). If a student has to miss a lecture or a demonstration, permission for an excused absence must be granted by the professor before class. It is the responsibility of the students to secure all materials and information presented in class, even with an excused absence. Lectures will not be repeated. Lectures may be taped recorded with the professor's permission.

Excused Absences:    

Students must clear any absence beforehand with the instructor, who will require documentation before the absence is excused. Absences due to illness or other circumstances beyond a student’s control will be handled on a case-by-case basis and will also require documentation. 


Attendance Policy:    





Campus Emergency: 

In the event of a major campus emergency; course requirements and deadlines are subject to change that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances. Here are ways to get information about changes in the course; Canvas, my email address: , or my office phone 801-626-6962


Course Schedule:        

Aside from the syllabus, the information contained on Canvas IS subject to change and is NOT the most current source of information concerning DET 1250. As in the AEC industry, the instructor has the right to make changes to many portions of the curriculum due to the ever-changing nature of technology, certain information on Canvas may be obsolete or out-of-date. As such, it is up to the student to confirm this information by either attending class or obtaining the information from another source.

Outside Work:

Outside work will be absolutely necessary. Students will NOT be able to do well in this course if they work only in regularly scheduled class sessions.

Student Conduct and Polices:

·         No swearing, or derogatory comments about, or towards, any member of the class will be tolerated in any class period. 

·         No food or drinks of any kind will be allowed in any lab sessions. 

·         Students are expected to arrive on time for all class and lab sessions. 

·         Late assignments will not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made with the Instructor and because of extreme circumstances. (Not coming to lab, or forgetting, doesn't rate as an extreme circumstance.) 

·         No student will be allowed to make up any written exam, lab practical, exam, or quiz unless they have an official or medical excuse.

·         Any student found participating in cheating, plagiarism, copying material from another person's disk, using illegal cribs or other materials during a written examination, lying to course instructors and lab assistants about his or her own work, stealing tests, quizzes, or answer keys, and any such activities will be considered in conflict with the printed academic honesty guidelines as set out by Weber State University. In such cases the matter will be reported to the Office of the Dean and the appropriate Weber State University administration officers for consideration and possible disciplinary action.

·         Any student requiring accommodations or services due to a disability must contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in room 181 of the Student Service Center. SSD can also arrange to provide course materials (including this syllabus) in alternative formats if necessary.










File Security and Disks:

Students are responsible for the security of their files!. They should have multiple copies on multiple sources (laptop, home computer, flash drives) at all times. Given a faulty diskette or other media, the instructor will assist students in attempting to recover lost files. However, ultimately each individual is responsible for maintaining their digital data. Loss of data, files, or other associated items needed for a project will require that a student recreate their work, with no exceptions. 

Although a rare occurrence, Flash Drives have been known to become corrupted, resulting in the permanent loss of the data. As such, it is highly recommended that students use Flash Drives for storage only, and that they not work directly from them. Instead, they should work from a copy on your local hard drive, then save to the flash drive once they are finished working with the file(s).


Computer Lab Policy:

1.                        The computer labs are restricted to ONLY those students registered in the current        semester for a class in the Engineering Technology or Construction Management   Technology        departments within the College of Applied Science and Technology.

2.                       NO food or drinks are allowed in the computer labs.


4.                Viewing or use of ANY PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED! Anyone                 caught viewing pornographic material will not only be asked to leave, but will have their       lab             privileges REVOKED.

5.                       No one should ever abuse the equipment in any way.

6.                      No one should use any command or function to copy or backup licensed software from any      WSU computer. It is a violation of Federal Copy Right Laws to possess pirated software.   Anyone who is found guilty of such violations will be expelled from the College of       Applied Science and Technology and Weber State University.

7.                       Do not disconnect or connect any devices in the lab. If you are having problems with any           device                 please immediately notify the lab aide on duty.

8.                      When in the labs please keep your level of noise down. Other students may be working         and             may not appreciate your conversation from across the room. Please take      social                 conversations outside the labs.

9.                      No speakers are provided, if you need to listen to music or videos please use your          personal headphones.

10.    The computers shut down after 30 minutes of "inactivity".  (No mouse movement or key          strokes) All program changes, internet browsing, temporary files, and your saved files on     the C: drive including viruses are removed when the computer is shut down.  Always shut                down the computer you used before you leave.

11.     The D: drive is not protected nor does it get erased on these computers after shut                        down or restart.  It is a local drive only seen on the computer you are working on.  Use                        it while you are working or have forgotten your flash drive. This drive gets whipped every            semester so don't forget to get the information you have saved to the D: drive.




Laptops & Cell Phones:

It is permissible to bring a laptop (notebook, palmtop) computer to class for the purpose of taking notes. Turn the sound OFF--- the clicking, clacking, or sound effects distracts other students.

Similarly, there will be no tolerance for beeping, chirping, ringing (or any other sound) from a pager or cell phone in class. If students must use your cell phone for any reason, they must leave the room.

Course Assignments - Projects:

Students will be expected to successfully complete multiple projects throughout the course of the semester. Projects will be graded on professionalism, execution, creativity, technical merit, and communicative value.



Exams will cover material from the lecture, demonstrations, and laboratory portions of the course and be administered during the regularly scheduled lecture period. The final exam will be a comprehensive exam and given at the appropriately scheduled time. 

Grading Criteria:           

The final grade will be a summation of all homework, quizzes and exams. (ie. 900 earner points/ 1000 possible points = 90% or A-) The exams will be a comprehensive assessment of both theoretical (book) and application (AutoCAD) at the end of the semester.


Grading Policy:               

Grades will be given using the following total earned scores.

 94-100% =


74-76% =


90-93% =


70-73% =


87-89% =


67-69% =


84-86% =


64-66% =


80-83% =


60-63% =


77-79% =


59-0% =



Tips for studying:


No learning takes place until a question is posed or a personal need is discovered!


If you do not have the textbook, you are planning on not passing the class unless you are lucky!  All information cannot possibly covered in class and therefore you must come to class prepared and ready to ask questions about what will be covered.  (This means that you should have read the chapter prior to class so questions can be dealt with during the lecture.)  You are responsible for all information in the chapter not just what is lectured on!

(50% of test questions will come from lecture & 50% from text)

DET 1350 Weekly Assignment Schedule Fall 2012
Week 1        
Class Date Topic Resource Assignment Due Date
8/20/2012 Introductions & Outline of Course Syllabus Get Scales/ Textbooks/ Download AutoCAD 2012 8/24/2012
8/22/2012   Internet Research & Site Visits Style and Design Presentation 8/27/2012
8/24/2012 Using Provided Templates & Resources DGET 1360 Templates (Layers, Line Types, DIM Style,  Text Styles, Multi-Leader Styles, Plot Styles) Customize Laptops 8/24/2012
Week 2
8/27/2012 Style and Design Presentations Model Home Presentation 9/3/2012
8/29/2012 Liv-Space Presentation (Ryan Thornock Bowman-Kemp) Handouts Your Custom Home Design Brief 9/5/2012
8/31/2012 Guest Speaker Kirt Merrill Nielson Homes VP of Construction and Design (Term Project Guidelines) Handout 3 Bubble Sketches of Main and Basement Floor Plans
Week 3
9/3/2012 Model Home Presentations
9/5/2012 Construction Specifications Minimum Residential Construction Specifications FHA description of Materials 9/10/2012
Code Check Video (Time ?????)
9/7/2012 Guidelines and Required Codes that affect Design Chapter 9 Review Questions Take Home Room Size Measurement Activity
Week 4
9/10/2012 Room Relationships & Sizes Chapter 10 Review Questions Take Home Applicances, Plumbing  & Cabinetry Measurement Activity 9/19/2012
9/12/2012 Exterior Design Factors Chapter 11 Review Quesitons Floor Plan and Elevation Sketches 1/4" Scale on Grid Paper 9/21/2012
The American House Video (25 Min.)  & Housing Styles Video (19 Min.)
9/14/2012 Architectural Styles Module Hearlihy Architectural Blueprint Reading CD Summary of anwers and experience 9/17/2012
Week 5
9/17/2012 Floor Plan Symbols Chapter 16 Review Questions    
9/19/2012 Field Trip to Nilson Model in South Weber Waiver Typed Report of How this Helped you 9/26/2012
9/21/2012 Floor Plan & Elevations Sketch In Class Peer Reviews
Week 6
9/24/2012 Site Orientation Chapter 13 Review Questions Site Plan 10/1/2012
  Zoning Ordinances Module Hearlihy Architectural Blueprint Reading CD Summary of anwers and experience
9/26/2012 Legal Descriptions Chapters 14 Review Questions  
  Plat Plan Module Hearlihy Architectural Blueprint Reading CD Summary of anwers and experience
9/28/2012 Site Plan Layout Chapter 15 Review Questions Take Home Furniture Measurment Activity
  Plot Plan Module Hearlihy Architectural Blueprint Reading CD Summary of anwers and experience
Week 7
10/1/2012 Floor plan Dimensions & Notes/ Floor plan Layout Chapters 17  Review Questions 04- Main Floor Plan 10/8/2012
10/3/2012 Furniture Plans Furniture Requirements 09- Main Floor Furniture Plan
10/5/2012 Open Lab
Week 8
10/8/2012 Main Floor & Furniture Plans In Class Peer Reviews
10/10/2012 Midterm 50 Question T/F , Multiple Guess, Scales, Essay, Short Answer Case
10/12/2012 Fall Break (No Class)
Week 9
10/15/2012 Foundation Systems Chapter 33 Review Questions 02-Foundation Plan 10/22/2012
Foundations Video (14 Min.)
10/17/2012 Floor Systems & Foundation Support/ Foundation Plan Layout Chapter 34 Review Questions 03- Basement Plan
10/19/2012 Open Lab 08-Basement Furniture Plan
Week 10
10/22/2012 Basement Floor, Furniture & Foundation Plans In Class Peer Reviews
10/24/2012 Electrical Plan & HVAC Sytems Chapters 19 & 21 Review Questions 11- Basement Electrical Plan 10/29/2012
10/26/2012 In class Electrical Application Group Exercise 12- Main Floor Electrical Plan
Week 11
10/29/2012 Basement & Main Electrical Plans In Class Peer Reviews
10/31/2012 Roofs & Roof Plan Layout Chapter 22 Review Questions 07- Roof Plan 11/5/2012
Lines on Roof plan Worksheet
11/2/2012 Roof Styles Module Hearlihy Architectural Blueprint Reading CD Summary of anwers and experience
Roof and Roof Structures Video (27 Min.)  
Week 12
11/5/2012 Elevations & Exterior Elevation Layout Chapter 24 Review Questions 05- Front & Right Elevations 11/12/2012
06- Rear & Left Elevations
11/7/2012 Exterior Elevations Module Hearlihy Architectural Blueprint Reading CD Summary of anwers and experience
11/9/2012 Open Lab
Week 13
11/12/2012 Roof Plans and Exterior Elevation Plans In Class Peer Reviews
11/14/2012 Interior Elevations & Fireplace Construction & Layout Chapter 26 & 40 Review Questions 10- Interior Elevations 11/19/2012
11/16/2012 Interior Elevations Module Hearlihy Architectural Blueprint Reading CD Summary of anwers and experience
Week 14
11/19/2012 Introduction to Google Sketch Up Handouts/ Online Tutorials Model up home 11/26/2012
11/21/2012 Plotting Guidelines & Plan Set Expectations/ Grading Handout/ Sign up for plotting time with Lab Aides 01- Cover Sheet / Site Plan / Furniture Plans
11/23/2012 Thanksgiving Holiday (No Class)
Week 15
11/26/2012 Plotting Redlined Plans Full  1/4"=1'-0" Scale Must be Plotted on Arch C paper 18" x 24" 12/3/2012
11/28/2012 Final Review for Take home Final    (100 Questions 75 Multiple Guess & 25 T/F)
11/30/2012 Senior Project Presentations
Finals Week
12/3/2012 Final Presentations to Nilson Homes Design Staff (Monday) Buisiness Dress ET 126 9:30-11:30