Submission Date:  10/18/2011


College:  Jerry & Vickie Moyes College of Education


Department:  Health Promotion and Human Performance


Program Title:  Bachelor of Science in Athletic Therapy          





The Department of Health Promotion and Human Performance (HPHP) offers an undergraduate program in Athletic Therapy. This program is designed for students preparing to enter graduate school for physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician's assistant programs, and/or medicine. Students who graduate from this major only will NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO SIT FOR THE BOARD OF CERTIFICATION (BOC) EXAM TO BECOME A CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINER. These students take many of the support courses, professional knowledge courses, and many of the AT major courses (see Course Requirements).  However, Athletic Therapy students DO NOT take the Clinical Application courses.  Instead, these students complete the prerequisites required to enter their chosen graduate program.



Check all that apply: 


_X___New course(s) required for major, minor, emphasis, or concentration.

_X___Modified course(s) required for major, minor, emphasis, or concentration.

_X___Credit hour change(s) required for major, minor, emphasis, or concentration.

____Credit hour change(s) for a course which is required for the major, minor, emphasis, or concentration.

____Attribute change(s) for any course.

____Program name change.

____Deletion of required course(s).

____Other changes (specify) _________________________________________________________________


If multiple changes are being proposed, please provide a summary.   Use strikeout (strikeout) when deleting items in the program and highlight (highlight) when adding items.




The Department of Health Promotion and Human Performance (HPHP) offers an undergraduate program in Athletic Therapy. This program is designed for students preparing to enter graduate school for physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician's assistant programs, and/or medicine. Students who graduate from this major only will NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO SIT FOR THE BOARD OF CERTIFICATION (BOC) EXAM TO BECOME A CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINER. These students take many of the support courses, professional knowledge courses, and many of the AT major courses (see Course Requirements).  However, Athletic Therapy students DO NOT take the Clinical Application courses.  Instead, these students complete the prerequisites required to enter their chosen graduate program.

» Program Prerequisites: Make application and be accepted to Weber State University. Formally declare Athletic Therapy as an intended major with the HPHP advisement coordinator. (See Admission Requirements below.)


» Minor: Not required.


» Grade Requirements: Grade of "B" or better in all Athletic Therapy major courses and grade of "C" or better in all support courses in addition to a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher in all courses required for this major.


» Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 120 credit hours is required for graduation - 40 of which must be upper division (courses numbered 3000 and above).


The Athletic Therapy Program Director serves as the faculty advisor to Athletic Therapy majors. The advisor is available to the student for counseling on grades and progress toward graduation. Athletic Therapy majors must meet with a faculty advisor at least once within the first two weeks of each semester. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule the required meetings with the advisor. The HPHP department advisement coordinator will serve as the academic advisor prior to admission to the program, and will assist with advisement through completion of the program of study. Call 801-626-7425 for more information or to schedule an appointment. (Also refer to the Department Advisor Referral List.)

Admission Requirements

  1. Before a student can be considered for the Athletic Therapy program, the following application requirements must be met:
    1. Admission to Weber State University.
    2. Submit an Athletic Therapy Student Application and student transcript which demonstrates the following:
      1. Completion of 25 credit hours with a minimum 3.00 Weber State University GPA. Of these 25 credits, the students must demonstrate completion of
        1. HTHS LS1110 and 1111 or ZOOL 2100 and 2200 
        2. NUTR LS 1020 – Nutrition
        3. PSY SS1010 – Intro to psych
      2. Grade “B” or better in all Athletic Therapy major courses and “C” or better in support courses.
  2. Applications may be obtained from Athletic Therapy Program Director or HPHP department advisement coordinator.
  3. Applications will be accepted on a rolling admissions. Students who fail to meet admission requirements will not be allowed to enroll in AT 4100, AT 4200, AT 4550, or AT 4600.

Retention Requirements

  1. After students are selected into the Athletic Therapy Major, retention in the program will be based on the following criteria:
    1. Grade "B" or better in all athletic therapy major courses.
    2. Grade "C" or better in all the support courses.
    3. Students must maintain an overall Weber State University GPA of 3.0 or higher in all courses required for this major.  
  2. Students who fail to meet the retention criteria will be placed on probation in the Athletic Therapy major for one semester. If standards are not met by the end of the probationary period, the student may be dismissed from the major at the discretion of the program director.
    1. Students who receive any grade below a B in an athletic therapy major course must repeat that course and receive a grade of "B" or higher to remain in the major.
    2. Students who receive any grade below a C in an athletic therapy support course must repeat that course and receive a grade of "C" or higher to remain in the major.
    3. Failure to repeat the course (when offered) will result in dismissal from the program at the discretion of the program director.

General Education

Refer to General Requirements for Bachelor of Science requirements.

Major Course Requirements for BS Degree

Athletic Therapy Courses (30 22 credit hours)


Program Electives (3-6 credit hours) – Must choose at least one.  Students completing less than 6 credits of PEP 4890 must choose two.


Support Courses (33 35-38 credit hours)

* These courses also fulfill General Education or degree requirements.

** These courses may be substituted on a case-by-case basis when students are required to fulfill science requirements for admittance to graduate school with permission from the Program Director.

*** All students need to complete a minimum of 1 credit hour of PEP 4890 or 60 hours of cooperative work experience. Students may opt to complete more than 1 credit of PEP 4890 based on the number of completed upper division courses and based on graduate program entrance prerequisites. Some students will be required to complete an FBI background check and drug test prior to completing the work experience. The expenses, approximately $75, will be paid for by the student. Some students may also be required to secure additional immunizations, including a hepatitis B vaccination, depending on the cooperative work experience site. The expenses, approximately $40-100, will be paid for by the students.

**** Students may also take HTHS 1110 and 1111 instead of ZOOL 2100 and 2200. However, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that HTHS 1110 and 1111 will be accepted as prerequisite courses for their graduate program of choice.

Other Pre-Professional Courses

Athletic Therapy Students also generally take the coursework needed for their professional graduate school (physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician’s assistant, or medicine). These courses typically include CHEM 1110 and 1120, PHYS 2010 and 2020, and MATH 1060 (Trigonometry). The prerequisites vary somewhat from one graduate program to another and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all Pre-Professional pre-professional courses fulfill entrance requirements.

Optional Elective


Submit the original to the Faculty Senate Office, MC 1033, and an electronic copy to kbrown4



Annual program surveys were reviewed along with feedback from the departmental academic advisor.  Athletic Therapy students requested greater flexibility in the major requirements to allow more room in their schedules to complete the pre-requisites required for their graduate programs of study.  In addition, substitutions for major requirements had been authorized for several years, but had never been formalized in the catalog.  The changes made will allow for more flexibility for all students and formalize the options that have been made available previously.


                                                               INFORMATION PAGE


Attach a copy of the present program from the current catalog and a revised version (exactly as you wish it to appear in the catalog).


See attached.


Did this program change receive unanimous approval within the Department? _yes – 10/18/2011 
If not, what are the major concerns raised by the opponents?



Explain any effects this program change will have on program requirements or enrollments in other departments including the Bachelor of Integrated Studies Program.  In the case of similar offerings or affected programs, you should include letters from the departments in question stating their support or opposition to the proposed program.




Indicate the number of credit hours for course work within the program.  (Do not include credit hours for General Education, SI, Diversity, or other courses unless those courses fulfill requirements within the proposed program.)            

60-66 credits.

Indicate the number of credit hours for course work within the current program. (Do not include credit hours for General Education, SI, Diversity, or other courses unless those courses fulfill requirements within the current program.) 65-68 credits.




                                                                   APPROVAL PAGE




                                                                                                (Program Title)



Approval Sequence:




Department Chair/Date           (& BIS Director if applicable)           




College Curriculum Committee/Date            




Program Director or ATE Director (if applicable)/Date        




Dean of College/Date


Courses required in programs leading to secondary undergraduate teacher certification must be approved by the University Council on Teacher Education  before being submitted to the Curriculum Committee.



University Council on Teacher Education/Date                                  



Master’s program changes must be reviewed by the University Graduate Council before being submitted to the Curriculum Committee. 


I have read the proposal and discussed it with the program director.



University Graduate Council  Representative/Date





University Curriculum Committee/Date                                                                    


Passed by Faculty Senate __________________Date


Effective Date (As per PPM 4-2a) _________________________





The Department of Health Promotion and Human Performance (HPHP) offers an undergraduate program in Athletic Therapy. This program is designed for students preparing to enter graduate school for physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician's assistant programs, and/or medicine. Students who graduate from this major only will NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO SIT FOR THE BOARD OF CERTIFICATION (BOC) EXAM TO BECOME A CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINER. These students take many of the support courses, professional knowledge courses, and many of the AT major courses (see Course Requirements).  However, Athletic Therapy students DO NOT take the Clinical Application courses.  Instead, these students complete the prerequisites required to enter their chosen graduate program.

» Program Prerequisites: Make application and be accepted to Weber State University. Formally declare Athletic Therapy as an intended major with the HPHP advisement coordinator. (See Admission Requirements below.)


» Minor: Not required.


» Grade Requirements: Grade of "B" or better in all Athletic Therapy major courses and grade of "C" or better in all support courses in addition to a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher in all courses required for this major.


» Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 120 credit hours is required for graduation - 40 of which must be upper division (courses numbered 3000 and above).


The Athletic Therapy Program Director serves as the faculty advisor to Athletic Therapy majors. The advisor is available to the student for counseling on grades and progress toward graduation. Athletic Therapy majors must meet with a faculty advisor at least once within the first two weeks of each semester. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule the required meetings with the advisor. The HPHP department advisement coordinator will serve as the academic advisor prior to admission to the program, and will assist with advisement through completion of the program of study. Call 801-626-7425 for more information or to schedule an appointment. (Also refer to the Department Advisor Referral List.)

Admission Requirements

  1. Before a student can be considered for the Athletic Therapy program, the following application requirements must be met:
    1. Admission to Weber State University.
    2. Submit an Athletic Therapy Student Application and student transcript which demonstrates the following:
      1. Completion of 25 credit hours with a minimum 3.00 Weber State University GPA. Of these 25 credits, the students must demonstrate completion of
        1. HTHS LS1110 and 1111 or ZOOL 2100 and 2200 
        2. NUTR LS 1020 – Nutrition
        3. PSY SS1010 – Intro to psych
      2. Grade “B” or better in all Athletic Therapy major courses and “C” or better in support courses.
  2. Applications may be obtained from Athletic Therapy Program Director or HPHP department advisement coordinator.
  3. Applications will be accepted on a rolling admissions. Students who fail to meet admission requirements will not be allowed to enroll in AT 4100, AT 4200, AT 4550, or AT 4600.

Retention Requirements

  1. After students are selected into the Athletic Therapy Major, retention in the program will be based on the following criteria:
    1. Grade "B" or better in all athletic therapy major courses.
    2. Grade "C" or better in all the support courses.
    3. Students must maintain an overall Weber State University GPA of 3.0 or higher in all courses required for this major.  
  2. Students who fail to meet the retention criteria will be placed on probation in the Athletic Therapy major for one semester. If standards are not met by the end of the probationary period, the student may be dismissed from the major at the discretion of the program director.
    1. Students who receive any grade below a B in an athletic therapy major course must repeat that course and receive a grade of "B" or higher to remain in the major.
    2. Students who receive any grade below a C in an athletic therapy support course must repeat that course and receive a grade of "C" or higher to remain in the major.
    3. Failure to repeat the course (when offered) will result in dismissal from the program at the discretion of the program director.

General Education

Refer to General Requirements for Bachelor of Science requirements.

Major Course Requirements for BS Degree

Athletic Therapy Courses (30 credit hours)

Support Courses (33-38 credit hours)

* These courses also fulfill General Education or degree requirements.

** These courses may be substituted on a case-by-case basis when students are required to fulfill science requirements for admittance to graduate school with permission from the Program Director.

*** All students need to complete a minimum of 1 credit hour of PEP 4890 or 60 hours of cooperative work experience. Students may opt to complete more than 1 credit of PEP 4890 based on the number of completed upper division courses and based on graduate program entrance prerequisites. Some students will be required to complete an FBI background check and drug test prior to completing the work experience. The expenses, approximately $75, will be paid for by the student. Some students may also be required to secure additional immunizations, including a hepatitis B vaccination, depending on the cooperative work experience site. The expenses, approximately $40-100, will be paid for by the students.

**** Students may also take HTHS 1110 and 1111 instead of ZOOL 2100 and 2200. However, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that HTHS 1110 and 1111 will be accepted as prerequisite courses.

Other Pre-Professional Courses

Athletic Therapy Students also generally take the coursework needed for their professional graduate school (physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician’s assistant, or medicine). These courses typically include CHEM 1110 and 1120, PHYS 2010 and 2020, and MATH 1060 (Trigonometry). The prerequisites vary somewhat from one graduate program to another and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all Pre-Professional courses fulfill entrance requirements.

Optional Elective





The Department of Health Promotion and Human Performance (HPHP) offers an undergraduate program in Athletic Therapy. This program is designed for students preparing to enter graduate school for physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician's assistant programs, and/or medicine. Students who graduate from this major only will NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO SIT FOR THE BOARD OF CERTIFICATION (BOC) EXAM TO BECOME A CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINER. These students take many of the support courses, professional knowledge courses, and many of the AT major courses (see Course Requirements).  However, Athletic Therapy students DO NOT take the Clinical Application courses.  Instead, these students complete the prerequisites required to enter their chosen graduate program.

» Program Prerequisites: Make application and be accepted to Weber State University. Formally declare Athletic Therapy as an intended major with the HPHP advisement coordinator. (See Admission Requirements below.)


» Minor: Not required.


» Grade Requirements: Grade of "B" or better in all Athletic Therapy major courses and grade of "C" or better in all support courses in addition to a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher in all courses required for this major.


» Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 120 credit hours is required for graduation - 40 of which must be upper division (courses numbered 3000 and above).


The Athletic Therapy Program Director serves as the faculty advisor to Athletic Therapy majors. The advisor is available to the student for counseling on grades and progress toward graduation. Athletic Therapy majors must meet with a faculty advisor at least once within the first two weeks of each semester. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule the required meetings with the advisor. The HPHP department advisement coordinator will serve as the academic advisor prior to admission to the program, and will assist with advisement through completion of the program of study. Call 801-626-7425 for more information or to schedule an appointment. (Also refer to the Department Advisor Referral List.)

Admission Requirements

  1. Before a student can be considered for the Athletic Therapy program, the following application requirements must be met:
    1. Admission to Weber State University.
    2. Submit an Athletic Therapy Student Application and student transcript which demonstrates the following:
      1. Completion of 25 credit hours with a minimum 3.00 Weber State University GPA. Of these 25 credits, the students must demonstrate completion of
        1. HTHS LS1110 and 1111 or ZOOL 2100 and 2200 
        2. NUTR LS 1020
        3. PSY SS1010
      2. Grade “B” or better in all Athletic Therapy major courses and “C” or better in support courses.
  2. Applications may be obtained from Athletic Therapy Program Director or HPHP department advisement coordinator.
  3. Applications will be accepted on a rolling admissions. Students who fail to meet admission requirements will not be allowed to enroll in AT 4100, AT 4200, AT 4550, or AT 4600.

Retention Requirements

  1. After students are selected into the Athletic Therapy Major, retention in the program will be based on the following criteria:
    1. Grade "B" or better in all athletic therapy major courses.
    2. Grade "C" or better in all the support courses.
    3. Students must maintain an overall Weber State University GPA of 3.0 or higher in all courses required for this major.  
  2. Students who fail to meet the retention criteria will be placed on probation in the Athletic Therapy major for one semester. If standards are not met by the end of the probationary period, the student may be dismissed from the major at the discretion of the program director.
    1. Students who receive any grade below a B in an athletic therapy major course must repeat that course and receive a grade of "B" or higher to remain in the major.
    2. Students who receive any grade below a C in an athletic therapy support course must repeat that course and receive a grade of "C" or higher to remain in the major.
    3. Failure to repeat the course (when offered) will result in dismissal from the program at the discretion of the program director.

General Education

Refer to General Requirements for Bachelor of Science requirements.

Major Course Requirements for BS Degree

Athletic Therapy Courses (22 credit hours)


Program Electives (3-6 credit hours) – Must choose at least one.  Students completing less than 6 credits of PEP 4890 must choose two.


Support Courses (35-38 credit hours)

* These courses also fulfill General Education or degree requirements.

** These courses may be substituted on a case-by-case basis when students are required to fulfill science requirements for admittance to graduate school with permission from the Program Director.

*** Some students will be required to complete an FBI background check and drug test prior to completing the work experience. The expenses, approximately $75, will be paid for by the student. Some students may also be required to secure additional immunizations, including a hepatitis B vaccination, depending on the cooperative work experience site. The expenses, approximately $40-100, will be paid for by the students.

**** Students may also take HTHS 1110 and 1111 instead of ZOOL 2100 and 2200. However, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that HTHS 1110 and 1111 will be accepted as prerequisite courses for their graduate program of choice.

Other Pre-Professional Courses

Athletic Therapy Students also generally take the coursework needed for their professional graduate school (physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician’s assistant, or medicine). These courses typically include CHEM 1110 and 1120, PHYS 2010 and 2020, and MATH 1060 (Trigonometry). The prerequisites vary somewhat from one graduate program to another and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all pre-professional courses fulfill entrance requirements.

Optional Elective