Course Proposals

Course Name:   Clinical Application of Athletic Training - Supplement 
Course Prefix: AT
Course Number: 3550
             Submitted by:  Jordan Hamson-Utley,

Current Date:  9/15/2011
College: Education
Department:   HP&HP                              
From Term: Fall  2012 



Current Course Subject N/A
Current Course Number


New/Revised Course Information:

Subject:  AT            

Course Number: 3550

Check all that apply:
    This is for courses already approved for gen ed.
    Use a
different form for proposing a new gen ed designation.

Course Title: Clinical Application of Athletic Training - Supplement

Abbreviated Course Title: Clin App Supplement

Course Type: 


Credit Hours:  3  or if variable hours:    to

Contact Hours: Lecture 3  Lab 0   Other

Repeat Information:  Limit 0   Max Hrs 0 

Grading Mode:  standard

This course is/will be:

a required course in a major program
a required course in a minor program
a required course in a 1- or 2- year program


Prerequisites: AT3500 Clinical Application of Athletic Training - Supplement

Course description (exactly as it will appear in the catalog, including prerequisites):

AT 3550. Clinical Application of Athletic Training – Supplement (3) Su
Provides an opportunity for students to gain clinical experience with varied patient populations in the areas of assessment, evaluation, modalities and rehabilitation. Prerequisite: AT 3500.


Justification for the new course or for changes to an existing course. (Note: Justification should emphasize academic rationale for the change or new course. This is particularly important for courses requesting upper-division status.)

AT 3550 (3 credits) is being added as a new course to provide equality in clinical education across athletic training program majors that will increase the number of required clinical hours of the accelerated path students; the proposed change will increase the clinical hours by 250 through a summer course requirement.

There are two pathways to completing the BS in athletic training: 1) the 4-year (8 semester) regular plan which requires 905 clinical experience hours, and 2) the 5 semester accelerated plan which currently requires 580 clinical experience hours. After examining both curriculums for clinical hour requirements, there was a disparity in clinical hours required between the two undergraduate cohorts. Clinical hours provide the foundation for learning skills required to be a knowledgeable and proficient clinician. By requiring an equal number of clinical hours for both pathways, the program can ensure equal opportunity for students to gain exposure to the essential learning experiences.

Currently, CAATE sets no minimum clinical hour guideline. A random survey of athletic training education programs across the country (N=32) found a required clinical hour range from 900-1200, with a mean of 1012 hours. The athletic training program faculty are confident that 905 hours in a structured clinical education program, which meets all the required elements of CAATE sport exposures (e.g., contact, non-contact, women, men), will more than adequately prepare our students to enter the field as proficient allied health professionals.

The addition of AT 3550 would meet the needs of a clinical hour increase (250 hours) and be required only of the accelerated pathway. It would add an additional 3 credit hours only to students in the accelerated track, who come to the pathway already having completed their associates degree. The current athletic training major includes 79 credit hours; the addition of AT 3550 would move this to 82 for students in the accelerated track only. However, we now have 13 credits that count for general education [HLTH SS1030 Healthy Lifestyles (3), HTHS LS1110 Biomedical Core Lab (4), PSY SS1010 Introductory Psychology (3), NUTR LS1020 Foundations in Nutrition (3)]. So, the total number of credits required for the major that do not also count for general education (13), is 66.

for substantive proposals only

1. Did this course receive unanimous approval within the Department?


If not, what are the major concerns raised by the opponents?


2. If this is a new course proposal, could you achieve the desired results by revising an existing course within your department or by requiring an existing course in another department?

No; this is a specific course for the Athletic Training majors and is not offered currently, nor is it offered by another department. Each clinical course serves a purpose for review of classroom content. The accelerated track students in the major will be the only students required to register for this course; to reduce confusion for students and program faculty and staff, a new course is the best option (compared to modifying a current course to be taken repeatedly). Current students that double major in Athletic Training and Athletic Therapy (quite a few) take AT 4890 to fulfill their Internship requirement for Athletic Therapy; adding AT 3550 as a separate course for Athletic Training students will eliminate potential issues with dual track students graduating without taking AT4890 for their accelerated Athletic Training degree.

3. How will the proposed course differ from similar offerings by other departments? Comment on any subject overlap between this course and topics generally taught by other departments, even if no similar courses are currently offered by the other departments. Explain any effects that this proposal will have on program requirements or enrollments in other department. Please forward letters (email communication is sufficient) from all departments that you have identified above stating their support or opposition to the proposed course.

No other colleges or departments are effected by this change.

There is minimal overlap between all clinical courses as they were initially created to support learning over time. The structure of AT 3550 will demonstrate the learning over time theory and will minimally overlap with AT 3501 and AT 4500 (clinical courses that precede and follow AT 3550 respectively).


4. Is this course required for certification/accreditation of a program?


If so, a statement to that effect should appear in the justification and supporting documents should accompany this form.

5. For course proposals, e-mail a syllabus to Faculty Senate which should be sufficiently detailed that the committees can determine that the course is at the appropriate level and matches the description. There should be an indication of the amount and type of outside activity required in the course (projects, research papers, homework, etc.).



Weber State University

Department of Health Promotion and Human Performance

Athletic Training Education Program

AT 3550 Clinical Application of Athletic Training - Supplement

Summer 2014


Course Number:       CRN #________

Credit:                        Three (3) Semester Hours      

Instructor:                  J. Jordan Utley, PhD, LAT, ATC

Office:                                    Swenson Bldg, 102E

Office Hours:             As Posted; email for an appointment

Phone:                        801-626-7530



Course Description:

Clinical Application of Athletic Training – Supplement (3) Su

Provides an opportunity for students to gain clinical experience with varied patient populations in the areas of assessment, evaluation, modalities and rehabilitation. Prerequisite: AT 3500.


Course Objectives:

The clinical experience is an opportunity to enhance the educational preparation of accelerated athletic training students and to obtain structured and professional experience in a safe, supervised work environment.  The purpose of the clinical experience is to foster a spirit of independence and initiative as well as provide you the opportunity to develop confidence in both your personal and professional abilities and establish vital links with professionals in your field of study.


Your Clinical Experiences are:

Ř  Taken for credit (3 semester credit hours).

Ř  Minimum of 250 hours with an ACI

Ř  On campus and/or off-campus assigned by the clinical coordinator or program director.

Ř  Taken during the summer following the completion of AT 3500.


Your Clinical Experience MUST be completed in the summer semester in which you have registered for the credit.


You MUST be registered for and complete AT 3550 to graduate from the Athletic Training program as an accelerated student (beginning Fall 2012 and beyond).


For your clinical experience to be successful, a committed and collaborative partnership must exist among those involved in the experience (intern, clinical coordinator or program director, Cooperative Work Experience coordinator). As the key benefactor of this partnership, you must be willing to put forth an optimal performance.


Required Text:

Clinical Education Manual for AT 3550.


Course Requirements:

Your grade will be calculated from the following:

1.       Reports (50 points each * 5; 250 points total)

Students will post all reports to Canvas.  Details on the requirements for each report can be found on the Canvas course page.

  a. Orientation and Initial Impression Report

b.      Clinical Experience Description Report

c. Expectations Report

d. Status Report – Midterm

e.       Status Report – Final

2.      Evaluations (120 points total) Students must submit hard copies of the following evaluations to Canvas:

a.    Evaluation of Clinical Experience Setting and Supervisor Report (20 points)

b.   Clinical Experience Student Performance Evaluation Profile (to be completed &
                        signed by the Site Supervisor) (100 points)

3.      Completed Hours (Students must submit a hard copy documentation of their hours, signed by the site supervisor)

a.   Students will not receive any points for their clinical experience hours.  However,
                        for every 5 hours that a student is short of their required number of hours, their final
                        average will be reduced by 1 percentage point 


Late Assignments: Late reports/evaluations will not be accepted.


Assignments                                                             Points

5 Reports                                                                   250 points

2 Evaluations                                                            120 points

Total                                                                          370 points


Final Grade


Your final grade is based on the number of points you earned divided by the total number of possible points.           





Due Dates for Reports and Evaluations


Due Date


 Week 1

Meet Dr. Utley for Orientation to the course

 Week 2

Orientation and Initial Impression Report

 Week 5

Clinical Experience Description Report

 Week 6

Expectations Report

 Week 7

Status Report - Midterm

Week 13

Status Report - Final

Week 13

Evaluation of Clinical Experience Setting and Supervisor Report

 Week 14

Clinical Experience Student Performance Evaluation Profile (to be completed by the Site Supervisor)

Week 14

Hours log – signed by supervisor


Academic Integrity:

Cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated.  The policy of the Weber State University Student Code found at will be enforced.  Any individual caught cheating on examinations and/or assignments or plagiarizing will receive an automatic “E” for their final grade.  Furthermore, a letter will go into the student’s file describing the situation.


Students with Disabilities: 

Any student requiring accommodations or services due to a disability must contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in room 181 of the Student Service Center. SSD can also arrange to provide course material (including this syllabus) in alternative formats if necessary.



Weber State University is committed to providing an environment free from harassment and other forms of discrimination based upon race, color, ethnic background, national origin, religion, creed, age, lack of American citizenship, disability, status of veteran of the Vietnam era, sexual orientation or preference or gender, including sexual/gender harassment. Such an environment is a necessary part of a healthy learning and working atmosphere because such discrimination undermines the sense of human dignity and sense of belonging of all people in the environment.  Thus, students in this class should practice professional deportment, and avoid treating others in a manner that is demeaning or derisive in any respect.


While diverse viewpoints and opinions are welcome in this class, in expressing them, we will practice the mutual deference so important in the world of work.  Thus, while I encourage you to share your opinions, when appropriate, you will be expected to do so in a manner that is respectful towards others, even when you disagree with them.


If you have questions regarding the university’s policy against discrimination and harassment you may contact the university’s AA/EO office (626-6239) or visit its website:


The instructor reserves the right to make changes/additions to the syllabus and will notify all students present in class of any such changes/additions; all changes will benefit the student.