Submission Date: August 9, 2012
College: College of Applied Science and
Network Technology and Business
Multimedia (NTM)
Program Title: CIL Classes and Exams
Check all that apply:
____New course(s) required for major, minor,
emphasis, or concentration.
____Modified course(s) required for major,
minor, emphasis, or concentration.
____Credit hour change(s) required for
major, minor, emphasis, or concentration.
____Credit hour change(s) for a course which
is required for the major, minor, emphasis, or concentration.
Attribute change(s) for
any course.
____Program name change.
____Deletion of required course(s).
Other changes (specify) Grade
change from C- to C_____________________________________
The Network Technology and Business
Multimedia (NTM) CIL classes and exams are a WSU general education
requirement for Computer Literacy.
The CIL general education requirement should
reflect the grading for all core and general education requirements at WSU.
We are asking that the NTM general education classes listed on page 2
be changed from a C- to a C to match the English, history, and math general
education grading requirement.
Copy the present program from the current
catalog and add the required changes (exactly as you wish them to appear in
the catalog). Use
strikeout (strikeout) when deleting items in the program and
highlight (highlight)
when adding items.
If multiple changes are being
proposed, please provide a summary. The
NTM Department policies will not change nor be affected by the change.
Submit the original to the Faculty Senate
Office, MC 1033, and 22
electronic copies to kbrown4
CIL Core Requirement URL
Page 47-48 of the PDF version of the catalog
4. Computer & Information Literacy (2
to 5 credit hours)
Successful completion of approved four-part (A, B, C, D ) requirement. Can
be met by receiving a credit grade on each proficiency exam or taking
courses with a C-
C grade or
better, or a combination of the two.
Completion of one three-credit NTM 1700 TE -
Introduction to Microcomputer Applications course and/or one
one-credit IST 2010 TE - Business Computer Skills
will meet Parts A, B, and C of the requirement.
Exams are credit/no credit, courses vary.
Students should check with the advisor for their Major to determine the
best way to meet the computer literacy requirement. More information is also
available at:
NTM 1501 TA - Word Processing Competency Exam
(.5) or
NTM 1701 TA - Introduction to Word Processing
NTM 1502 TB - Operating Systems and Digital
Presentations Competency Exams (.5) or
NTM 1702 TB - Operating Systems and Digital
Presentations (1)
NTM 1503 TC - Spreadsheets Competency Exam
(.5) or
NTM 1703 TC - Introduction to Spreadsheets
Part D. INFORMATION LITERACY (Library and Internet Research Skills)
NTM 1504 TD - Information Literacy Competency Exam
or one of the following courses:
LIBS 1704 TD - Information Navigator
LIBS 2604 TD - Information Resources in Education
EDUC 2604 TD - Information Resources in Education
LIBS 2704 TD - Information Resources in the
Business Disciplines (1)
BSAD 2704 TD - Information Resources in the
Business Disciplines (1)
LIBS 2804 TD - Information Resources in the Social
Sciences (1)
LIBS 2904 TD - Information Resources in the Health
Professions (1)
HTHS 2904 TD - Information Resources in the Health
Professions (1)
CIL Transfer Credit
Computer and Information Literacy (CIL) transfer credit that does not
automatically transfer from another college or university will be evaluated
on an individual basis. Transfer credit must meet the current WSU CIL
requirements, have been taken within the last seven years, and passed with a
grade of C- C
or above.
The Network Technology and Business Multimedia Department offers testing
options for those who have transfer credit over the seven-year limit.
Exams are credit/no credit, courses vary.
Students should check with the advisor for their Major to determine the
best way to meet the computer literacy requirement. More information is also
available at:
Did this program change receive unanimous
approval within the Department?
If not, what are the major concerns raised by the opponents?
Explain any effects this program change will
have on program requirements or enrollments in other departments including
the Bachelor of Integrated Studies Program.
In the case of similar offerings or affected programs, you should
include letters from the departments in question stating their support or
opposition to the proposed program.
The library CIL classes as of today offer a C- and Joan Hubbard agrees with
our decision to change the grade to a C.
Her note is attached
As of now, the library classes require a C- as a passing grade, but we
absolutely agree with what you intend to do in the Fall regarding changing
all of the CIL classes to a C, rather than C-. As the time comes
closer, please let me know what, if any, paperwork you need from us.
Regards, Joan
The IS&T department uses an 80% pass rate so this will not affect the IS&T
CIL requirement, which has a prerequisite of NTM 1700 or equivalent before
taking IS&T 2010
This will have no effect on other departments
Indicate the number of credit hours
for course work within the program.
(Do not include credit hours for General Education, Diversity, or
other courses unless those courses fulfill requirements within the proposed
Indicate the number of credit hours for
course work within the current program. (Do not include credit hours for
General Education, Diversity, or other courses unless those courses fulfill
requirements within the current program.)
Date submitted online _________________________
For new course
proposals, excluding Experimental and Variable Title courses, the following
must be completed by the Library bibliographer:
____ The WSU Library
has adequate information resources to support this proposal.
____ Currently, the WSU
Library does not have adequate information resources to support this course.
However, if this proposal is approved, a Library bibliographer will
work closely with departmental faculty to acquire the information resources
needed. Funding for the new
resources will come from the library’s budget.
__________________________________ WSU Librarian/Date
Approval Sequence:
Department Chair/Date
(or BIS Director)
College Curriculum Committee/Date
(Signature not needed on Experimental or Variable
Title courses.)
Career and Technical Education Director.
(Needed on new or deleted courses
required in a 2-year program.)
Dean of College/Date
Courses required in programs leading to
secondary undergraduate teacher certification must be approved by the
University Council on Teacher Education
before being submitted to the Curriculum Committee.
University Council on Teacher
Graduate course proposals must be
reviewed by the University Graduate Council before being submitted to
the Curriculum Committee. I have read the
proposal and discussed it with the program director.
University Graduate Council
Representative/Date |
Effective Date_________________________
University Curriculum Committee/Date
Passed by Faculty Senate __________________Date