

My research interests are in the musculoskeletal design of organisms, particularly how it relates to locomotion and posture. When I see an animal perform a particular behavior, I ask "how is it that this movement is possible?" and "how did this type of structural/functional system evolve?" To answer these types of questions, I currently employ a variety of techniques. First, an understanding of the structural basis of the system is essential. Thus I am very interested in dissecting animals to learn their anatomy. There are still tremendous gaps in our knowledge of even the most basic anatomical systems of animals. Second, we can analyze muscle function by removing a small sample and assaying it for a variety of enzymatic properties related to its function. Thus we can determine if a muscle is aerobic and specialized for a sustained, fatigue-resistent behavior, or anaerobic and better for short-duration but high-power effects.  

Past student projects have examined the wing-drying posture of cormorants, the postural muscles in gliding gulls and soaring albatrosses, and a study of pouch anatomy and biomechanics during diving in Brown Pelicans. Recent projects involving students include hindlimb flight posture in birds, an analysis of the muscle fiber characteristics in the syringeal muscles of songbirds, soaring flight biomechanics in Golden Eagles, and the hindlimb muscles of kangaroo rats. Many undergraduate students have presented their work at professional meetings.

Visit my Undergraduate Research Page here.

Publications (student co-authors in bold) - e-mail me for reprints:

Meyers, R.A. 2019. Comparative anatomy of the postural mechanisms of the forelimbs of birds and mammals. Journal of Ornithology 160(3): 869-882.

Walker, A.M. and R.A. Meyers. 2019. The Anatomy and histochemistry of flight hindlimb posture in birds. II. The flexed hindlimb posture of perching birds. Journal of Anatomy 234: 668-678.

Christensen, L.A., Allred, L. M., F. Goller, and R.A. Meyers. 2017. Is sexual dimorphism in singing behavior related to syringeal muscle composition? The Auk 134(3):710-720. []

Meyers, R.A. and J. McFarland. 2016. Anatomy and histochemistry of spread-wing posture in birds. 4. Eagles soar with fast, not slow muscle fibers. Acta Zoologica 97:319-324. 

Cooper, B., Mendez, J.M., Saar, S., Whetstone, A.G., Meyers, R.A., and F. Goller. 2012. Age-related changes in the Bengalese finch song motor program. Neurobiology of Aging 33(3):564-568

Uchida, A.M., R.A. Meyers, B.G. Cooper, and F. Goller. 2010. Fibre architecture and song activation rates of syringeal muscles are not lateralized in the European starling. J. Exp Biology 213: 1069-1078.

McFarland, J.  and R.A. Meyers. 2008. Anatomy and histochemistry of hindlimb flight posture in birds. 1. The extended hindlimb posture of shorebirds. J. Morphol. 269(8):967-979.

Shepard, L.S., McFarland, J.C. and R.A. Meyers. 2008. Hindlimb flight posture of Utah shorebirds. Utah Birds 21(1):13-25.

Meyers,. R.A. and J.W. Hermanson. 2006. The horse soleus muscle: postural sensor or vestigial structure? Anatomical Record 288A(10):1068-1076.

Meyers, R.A. and R.P. Myers. 2005. Mandibular bowing and mineralization in Brown Pelicans. Condor 107:447-451.

Meyers, R.A. and E.F. Stakebake. 2005. Anatomy and histochemistry of spread-wing posture in birds. 3. Immunohistochemistry of flight muscles and the "shoulder lock" in albatrosses. J. Morphol. 263: 12-29.

Kovacs, C.E. and R.A. Meyers. 2000. Anatomy and histochemistry of flight muscles in a wing- propelled diving bird, the Atlantic Puffin, Fratercula arctica. J. Morphol. 244(2): 109-125 .

Meyers, R.A. and B.M. Clarke. 1998.  How do flap-neck chameleons move their flaps? Copeia 1998: 759-761.

Meyers, R.A. 1997. Anatomy and histochemistry of spread-wing posture in birds. 1. Wing drying posture in the Double-crested Cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus. J. Morphol. 233:67-76.

Meyers, R.A. and E. Mathias. 1997. Anatomy and histochemistry of spread-wing posture in birds. 2. Gliding flight in the California Gull, Larus californicus: A paradox of fast fibers and posture. J. Morphol. 233:237-247.

Meyers, R.A. 1996. Morphology of the antebrachial musculature in the American Kestrel, Falco sparverius (Aves). Ann. Anat. 178:49-60.

Meyers, R.A. and J.H. Hermanson. 1994. Pectoralis muscle morphology in the little brown bat, Myotis lucifugus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae): A non-convergence with birds. J. Morphol. 219: 269-274.

Meyers, R.A. 1993. Gliding flight in the American Kestrel, Falco sparverius: An electromyographic study. J. Morphol. 215(3): 213-224.

Meyers, R.A. 1992. The avian Fascia pectoralis: Anatomy and functional implications. Zool. Jahrb. Anat. 122: 381-384.

Meyers, R.A. 1992. Morphology of the shoulder musculature of the American Kestrel, Falco sparverius, with implications for gliding flight. Zoomorphology 112:91-103.

Meyers, R.A. 1992. The morphological basis of folded-wing posture in the American Kestrel, Falco sparverius. Anat. Record 232(4):493-498.

Welsford, I.G., R.A. Meyers, D.S. Wilson, R.A. Satterlie and G.E. Goslow, Jr. 1991. Neuromuscular organization for "wing" control in a mollusc (Clione limacina) and a bird (Columba livia): Parallels in design. Amer. Zool. 31:670-679.

Homberger, D.G. and R.A. Meyers. 1989. The morphology of the lingual apparatus of the domestic chicken, Gallus gallus, with special attention to the structure of the fasciae. Amer. J. Anat. 186:217-257.

Meyers, R. 1980. An alternative approach to fetal pig dissection. Amer. Biol. Teacher 42(9):559-561.

Recent Presentations (student co-authors in bold):

Spainhower, K.B., and Meyers, R.A. 2016. Fiber type distribution and tail muscle function in birds. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR.

Christensen, L., Meyers, R.A., and F. Goller. 2014. Lack of Song in Females Does Not Drive Sexual Dimorphism in Syringeal Muscle Composition. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX.

Spainhower, K.B., Milligan, C., L. Christensen, L., Meyers, R.A., and F. Goller. 2014. Species differences in the restructuring of syringeal muscles after denervation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX.

Allred, L. M., Christensen, L.A., Meyers, R.A., and F. Goller, 2011. Denervation and Testosterone Changes Muscle Fiber Types in the Zebra Finch Syrinx. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Salt Lake City, UT.

Meyers, R.A., L. Allred, S. Ahmad, and F. Goller. 2010. Effects of Denervation and Androgen Supplementation on Zebra Finch Syrinx Morphology. 9th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Punta del Este, Uruguay.

Uchida, A.M., J. Green, S. Ahmad, F. Goller and R.A. Meyers. 2009. Sexual Dimorphism of Syringeal Muscles in Songbirds. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston, MA.

Meyers, R.A., McFarland, J.C. and Shepard, L.S. 2008. Hold ‘Em or Fold ‘Em? Structure and evolution of hindlimb flight posture in birds. 125th American Ornithologists Union, Portland, OR.

Uchida, A.M., Leaptrot, M.B., Meyers, R.A. and Goller, F., and 2008. Structure and function of songbird syringeal muscles.  125th American Ornithologists Union, Portland, OR.

Uchida, A.M., Lemmon, K., Mcfarland, J.C.,  Cooper, B.G., Goller, F., and Meyers, R.A. 2007. Structure and Function of European Starling Syringeal Muscles. 8th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Paris, France, July 16-21

Meyers, R.A. and  McFarland, J.C. 2007. Anatomy and Histochemistry of Golden Eagle Flight Muscles. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Phoenix, AZ

Shepard, L.S. and Meyers, R.A. 2007. Hold ‘Em or Fold ‘Em? Hindlimb Flight Posture in Birds. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Phoenix, AZ

Uchida, A.M., Lemmon, K., Mcfarland, J.C.,  Cooper, B.G., Goller, F., and Meyers, R.A. 2007. Structure and Function of Syringeal Muscles in European Starlings. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Phoenix, AZ

McFarland, J. and Meyers, R.A 2006. Anatomy and histochemistry of hindlimb flight posture in shorebirds. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Orlando, FL

Meyers, R.A, Schmutz, D. and Goller, F. 2006. Histochemical analysis of songtbird syringeal muscles. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Orlando, FL

Gray, P., Meyers, R. and Bernal, D. 2006. The effect of temperature on the metabolic biochemical capacity in the hearts of warm bodied sharks. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Orlando, FL

Myers, R.P. and R.A. Meyers. 2004. Taking the plunge: Pouch morphology and function in the Brown Pelican.  Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans , LA.

Stakebake, E. F. and R.A. Meyers. 2001.  The albatross shoulder lock: A biomechanical and immunohistochemical study.  Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Chicago , IL.

Meyers, R.A., T.R. Button, B.M. Clarke, and J.W. Hermanson. 1998. The horse soleus muscle: Postural sensor or vestigial structure? Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston , MA

Clarke, B.M. and R.A. Meyers. 1997. Neck-flap movement in Chamaeleo dilepis: A model undergraduate research project. Annual meeting of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Ogden , Utah .

Meyers, R.A. and B.M. Clarke. 1997. The flap neck chameleon: How does it move its flaps? American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Seattle , Washington

Kovacs, C., R. Meyers, and G.E. Goslow, Jr. 1995. Two gears in the flight muscles of wing-propelled diving birds?  Satellite Symposium  preceding the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Tucson , Arizona .

Mathias, E.R., B.A. Chadwell, and R.A Meyers. 1995. Gliding flight in gulls: The paradox of fast muscle fibers and posture. American Society of Zoologists, Washington, DC .

Meyers, R.A., S.P. Murray, and E.R. Mathias. 1995. Spread-wing posture in the double-crested cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus: Anatomy and histochemistry. American Society of Zoologists, Washington , DC .

Meyers, R.A., J.A. Gerwin, and J.W. Hermanson. 1994. Mechanism of spread-wing posture in the double-crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus. 4th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphologists, Chicago , Illinois .

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Last updated: February  2020