Presence of Past Survey  

How Do Americans Understand Their Pasts?

During the last 12 months, have you...                        Circle all that apply.

  1. Looked at photographs with family and friends?
  2. Taken any photographs or videos to preserve memories?
  3. Watched any movies or television programs about the past?
  4. Attended a family reunion or reunion of some other group with whom you have a shared experience?
  5. Visited any history museums or historic sites?
  6. Read any books about the past?
  7. Participated in any hobbies or worked on any collections related to the past?
  8. Looked into the history of your family or worked on your family tree (genealogy)?
  9. Written in a journal or diary?
  10. Participated in a group devoted to studying, preserving, or presenting the past?

How trustworthy do you think_________are as a source of information about the past?                        Rate each one on scale of 1 (not trustworthy) to 4 (very trustworthy).

  1. Museums
  2. Personal accounts from your grandparents or other relatives
  3. Conversations with someone who was there
  4. College history professors
  5. High school history teachers
  6. Nonfiction books
  7. Movies or television programs about the past

How connected to the past do you feel when.... Rate each on on scale of 1 (not connected) to 4 (very connected).

  1. Gathering with your family?
  2. Visiting a museum or historic site?
  3. Celebrating holidays?
  4. Reading a book about the past?
  5. Watching a movie or television program about the past?
  6. Studying history in school?

Knowing about the past of which of the following four areas or groups is most important to you?     List in order of most important to least important.

  1. Your family
  2. Your racial or ethnic group
  3. The community in which you now live
  4. The United States
  5. For information about this national survey, see: