American West -- Diverse Religious Communities

Numbers of Congregations:


  8962 to 18466  
  5505 to 8343  
  3855 to 5181  
  1543 to 3535  
  571 to 1507  

Rates of Adherence per 1000 population:

(Source: The Association of Religious Data Archives )

From American Ethnic Geography is a map gallery of religions in America which includes:


Mormonism is a religion, movement, ideology, and subculture that originated in the early 1800s as a product of the Latter Day Saint movement led principally by Joseph Smith, Jr. It is self-described as a form of Christian Restorationism. Not easily categorized, Mormonism is generally understood as much more than a religion. The faith has been described at various times and in various contexts as "a sect, a mystery cult, a new religion, a church, a people, a nation, or an American subculture."


  1. The official web site of the LDS Church


