History 4110   

People of the West


You will be assigned one ethnic group in a state/region of the West. Prepare a brief essay in which you discuss at least one monograph done in at least the past ten years on the particular group. Identify the major issues addressed, and the methodology employed. Give a personal assessment of the quality of the monograph.


Pacific Northwest Indians

Eastern Europeans in Western mining

Nebraska immigrant ranchers

Mexican Americans, Utah

Germans from Russia, Nebraska
African-Americans, West Coast (Civil War period or before)

Hutterites, Montana and the Dakotas

Chinese and Black interaction in the West

Scandinavians, Pacific Northwest timber industry

Chinese, British Columbia/Pacific Northwest

Mennonites, northern plains

Italians/Greeks, southeastern Utah

Irish, Butte, Mont.

“Buffalo soldiers” (African-Americans in the frontier army)

African-Americans, Seattle

Portuguese in the West

Chinese in the Rocky Mountain West

Jews in the intermountain West

Native American-African American relations in the 19th century West

Mexican-Americans, Colorado