Alexie, Sherman/ Spokane-Coeur d’Alene (1966- )
Reservation Blues
Indian Killer (1996)
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fight in Heaven
(1993)Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth/ Crow-Creek Sioux (1930-
Seek the House of Relatives
Then Badger Said This (1983)
Why I Can't Read Wallace Stegner: A Tribal Voice (essays) (1996)
Crow Dog, Mary (now called Mary Brave Bird)/ Lakota
--with Richard Erdoes, Lakota Woman (1990)
Deloria, Ella Cara/Yankton Sioux (1899-1971)
Waterlily (1988)
Erdrich, Louise/Turtle Mountain Chippewa (1954 - )
The Beet Queen (1986)
Jacklight (1984)
Love Medicine (1984)
Tracks (1988)
The Bingo Palace (1995)
Tales of Burning Love (1996) |
Hale, Janet Campbell/Skitswish (1947- )
The Owl's Song (1974)
The Jailing of Ceclia Capture (1985)
Bloodlines: Odyssey of a Native Daughter (1993)
Hogan, Linda/Chickasaw (1947-)
The Woman Who Watches over the World: A Memoir
Mean Spirit (1990)
Solar Storms
Dwellings: A Spiritual History of the Living World
King, Thomas/Cherokee/Greek (1943-
Green Grass, Running Water (1993)
Medicine River
--et. al., The Native in Literature (1987)
McNickle, D'Arcy/ Creek; adopted by Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
Wind From an Enemy Sky (1977)
The Surrounded (1978)
The Hawk is Hungry (short stories) (1996)
Momaday, N. Scott/Kiowa-Cherokee (1932-
American Indian Authors (c1972)
House Made of Dawn
The Way to Rainy Mountain (1969)
The Names: A Memoir (1976)
Silko, Leslie Marmon/Laguna Pueblo (1942-)
Storyteller (1984)
Ceremony (1978)
Welch, James/Blackfeet-Gros Ventre (1940-
The Heartsong of Charging Elk (2001)
Fools Crow (1986)
The Indian Lawyer (1990)
The Death of Jim Loney (1979)
Winter in the Blood (1974)