History 2710
Analyses of Scholarship

Instead of a research paper, you will analyze 3 scholarly journal articles.

You will critique (using the format "Critiquing a Scholarly article") 3 pieces of scholarship in formal papers (2-3 pages), typed, free of gross spelling and grammatical errors. You may analyze the scholarship of 3 difference topics in U.S. history 1877-1997, or you may analyze a single topic through 3 different scholars. An analysis paper is due at the end of each of the 5 weeks intervals of the semester.(15 points each.)

Analysis #1: find an article through from the JSTOR database. The topic can be of your choosing as long as it concerns U.S. history, 1877-1997. Use advanced search and limit you search to history journals.

Analysis #2:  find an article through The History Cooperative. You may continue your focus on a particularly topic or research another. Use the advanced search for History Cooperative--do not use JSTOR which is now partnered with this data base.

Analysis #3:  find an article through Academic Search Premier. You may continue your focus on a particularly topic or research another. Use advanced search and check the box for scholarly articles. You will not be able to limit your search to history journals; but you must still choose an article which has a historical perspective.

Be mindful: in citing electronic articles, you must credit the database.

Paper will be graded using a writing rubric.