History 2710    MacKay Quizzes

All Quizzes will be made up of identification topics. You should write 2-3 paragraphs for each of 5 topics. Those 5 topics will be chosen randomly for you from the list of possible topics.

What is common to most identifications is the need to handle the basic "reportorial" questions: Who? What? When? Where? (Answers to these questions are usually presented in the first paragraph)  Why (Historically) Significant? (Answer this question in 2-3 additional paragraphs.)

 In trying to identify the significance of a person, place, or thing, step back and look at the "big picture": what distinguishes the item from others of its class? why is it important enough to appear on a test?

Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3
  1. 14th Amendment or Reconstruction
  2. Plessy v. Ferguson

  3. New Western Historians

  4. Gilded Age

  5. Corporate Capitalism

  6. Socialism

  7. Robber Barons

  8. Jacob Riis or any other muckraker

  9. New Immigrants

  10. Any one of the labor strikes

  11. Farmer's revolt or Populism

  12. Any one of the Progressive reformers

  13. Progressive amendments to the Constitution

  1. Philippine War
  2. Election of 1912
  3. New weapons of war, WWI
  4. Wilson's 14 Points
  5. Red Scare/Palmer raids
  6. Consumer Capitalism or Henry Ford
  7. Cultural issues in the 1920s
  8. The Great Depression
  9. New Deal
  10. Fascism
  11. Causes of WWII
  12. "Rosie the Riveter"
  13. Korematsu case
  1. McCarthyism
  2. Marshall Plan
  3. NATO
  4. Military-Industrial Complex
  5. G. I. Bill of Rights
  6. The Cold War
  7. The Modern Family (1950s -)
  8. African American Civil Rights Movement
  9. Other American Rights Movements
  10. 1960s - Troubled Times
  11. Great Society
  12. Richard M. Nixon
  13. Vietnam War
There will also be an extra point question based on the listed topics.