History 2710   

 The Cold War, 1946-1991


1946    Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech
1947    Truman Doctrine
1948    Marshall Plan; Berlin airlift
1949    NATO;; first USSSR atomic bomb; Communist victory in China
1950    Joseph McCarthy's first charges; outbreak of Korean War 
1953    Armistice in Korea
1954    Vietnamese victory over French in Dien Bien Phu; McCarthy hearings
1947: The Truman Doctrine. 
1949: NATO Treaty signed. 
1949: Communists take power in China; Nationalists retreat to Taiwan 
1950: Korean War begins. 
1953: Armistice ends fighting in the Korean War. 
1955: Warsaw Pact is formed 
1961: Bay of Pigs invasion. 

 Toward Peaceful Coexistence

1962: Cuban Missile Crisis. 
1964: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. 
1965: President Johnson begins escalation of US role in Vietnamese Civil War. 
1972: US withdraws from Vietnam. 
1972: SALT Treaty signed 
1972: Nixon visits China 
1979: The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan 
1985: Gorbachev begins policy of "Perestroika" 
1989: The Fall of the Berlin Wall; The Cold War ends. 
1989: Tiananmen Square Massacre in China 


The cold war began with mistrust between the Soviet Union and the western democracies as early as the Russian Revolution. The Soviet Union felt it had good cause to mistrust the West. 

The West, for its part, never trusted the Soviet Union:

This mutual distrust was barely suppressed during World War II when for practical reasons (the common enemy of Hitler's Germany) the western allies and the Soviet Union became uneasy allies. 

Stalin believed that the western allies were dragging their feet in opening up the "second front" in Europe, so necessary to take the pressure off the struggling Soviet forces in the east.

Stalin was open about wanting "friendly governments" in Eastern Europe to protect his country's western frontier from another invasion like the invasion by Germany.

(Source: The Cold War Museum: http://www.historywiz.com/coldwarexhibit.htm)


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