Corporate Capitalism - a new economic system emerged between 1880-1920 which made the US the industrial leader of the world after World War I


For a good definition and summary of theories, characteristics, see:

Characterized by increased:

1.Industrialization - Widespread use of corporations resulted in the birth of Big Business, which allowed investors to invest with limited liability, and allowed diverse kinds of business activity.

2.Immigration - the rise of American industry attracted immigrants from a number of economically depressed areas of the world (especially Russia and Italy), which provided Big Business with a cheap labor force of unskilled laborers.


4. Unionization 

5.Imperialism -- Manifest Destiny had in the 1840s-50s carried the US from sea to shining sea. With the close of the frontier (US Census in 1890), a new Manifest Destiny emerged which fit into the American ideal of imperialism and sought overseas expansion.