Attendance and participation in laboratory exercises are
required. The laboratory
constitutes 35% of your course grade. There
are eight assignments that are used to determine your laboratory grade; all of
which are difficult to complete (impossible) when you are not in lab.
written assignments are to be typed and completed in the format given in the
Format for Ecology Laboratory Reports.
I strongly suggest that you refer to these instructions throughout the
semester. You should also look at
the papers published in ECOLOGY in order to determine layout and style.
Laboratory reports have a maximum
page limit of 10 pages of text (including Abstract and Literature Cited), plus
tables and figures. Tables and
figures should not simply present your raw, unanalyzed data; instead, they
should contain summaries of your data. Failure
to follow these instructions will result in a lowered grade or the return of
your paper ungraded.
Written assignments turned in late
will be penalized 5% / day up to five days late; after five days, unexcused late
laboratory assignments will not be accepted.
Late assignments will be accepted without penalty only if a valid excuse
(e.g. documented illness) is presented as close to the due-date as is practical.
I expect that you will come to the laboratory prepared, meaning that you
have read the lab handout and any other assigned readings.
Readings and Lab Manual