public init_lcd, refresh_screen, blank_screen, screen, font5x8; ?PR?lcd segment code rseg ?PR?lcd $include ( LCD_CMD equ ? ; Set this to the address of the command register LCD_DAT equ ? ; Set this to the address of the data register LCD_RESET equ ? ; Mask that selects the reset line on P4 (e.g. for P4.4 use 10H) ; ; subroutines wcom and w_com_a ; Writes a byte to the LCD command register after checking the busy flag first ; Assumes the external memory interface is configured for split mode with bank ; select. ; inputs: ; wcom: r0 = byte to write to command register ; wcom_a: acc = byte to write to command register ; outputs: none ; destroys: ; wcom: EMI0CN ; wcom_a: EMI0CN, r0 wcom_a: mov r0,a ; save acc in R0 while we check BUSY wcom: mov EMI0CN,#HIGH LCD_CMD ; command/status register wcom1: movx a,@r0 ; r0 has no relevance here jb acc.7,wcom1 ; wait for not BUSY mov a,r0 ; get the actual data to write movx @r0,a ; write the command, r0 is irrelevant here ret ; ; subroutines wdat and w_dat_a and w_datc ; Writes a byte to the LCD data register after checking the busy flag first ; Assumes the external memory interface is configured for split mode with bank ; select. ; inputs: ; wdat: r0 = byte to write to data register ; wdat_a: acc = byte to write to data register ; wdat_c: acc = dptr-relative index (dptr[acc]) of byte to write to data register ; outputs: none ; destroys: ; wdat: EMI0CN ; wdat_a: EMI0CN, r0 ; wdat_c: EMI0CN, r0 wdat_c: movc a,@a+dptr ; lookup byte to write (handy for fonts) wdat_a: mov r0,a ; save it in R0 while we check BUSY wdat: mov EMI0CN,#HIGH LCD_CMD ; command/status register wdat1: movx a,@r0 ; r0 has no relevance here jb acc.7,wdat1 ; wait for not BUSY mov EMI0CN,#HIGH LCD_DAT ; data register mov a,r0 ; actual data to write movx @r0,a ; write the data, r0 is irrelevant here ret ; ; Initialize controller for S64128N LCD module ; inputs: none ; outputs: none ; destroys: r0, r2, r3, dptr ; init_lcd: mov p4,#not LCD_RESET mov emi0cf,#28H ; B5: P4-7, B4: non-muxed, B3-2 split bank mov emi0tc,#51H ; pulse width 4 sysclock cycles mov p74out,#0FFH ; push-pull orl p4,#LCD_RESET ; assert then deassert reset mov R0,#02FH ; Boost on, voltage Reg and follower on call wcom mov R0,#0A2H; ; 1/9bias selected call wcom mov R0,#0A1H ; reverse segment driver output seg131-seg0 call wcom mov R0,#0C0H ; common output mode com0 to com63 call wcom mov R0,#024H ; Ra/Rb ratio call wcom mov R0,#081H ; electronic vloume mode set call wcom mov R0,#026H ; contrast call wcom mov R0,#040H ; display line address = 0 call wcom mov R0,#0A6H ; normal video call wcom mov R0,#0AFH ; display on call wcom call blank_screen ; fall through to refresh_screen ; ; subroutine refresh_screen ; Copies 1k bytes of data from external address 0 to the LCD. Bytes 0-7F go ; into page 0, bytes 80-FF go to page 1 etc. ; inputs: none ; outputs: none ; destroys: r0, r2, r3, dptr, EMI0CN ; refresh_screen: mov dptr,#0 ; start of 1k block of memory mov r2,#0B0H ; command to set page number to 0 page_loop: mov a,r2 ; set page number n, n = 0, 1, 2...7 call wcom_a mov a,#04H ; set column number to 4. If LCD is not call wcom_a ; inverted, you will want to set column mov a,#10H ; number to 0. call wcom_a mov r3,#128 ; copy 128 bytes byte_loop: movx a,@dptr ; get byte from memory call wdat_a ; and write it to the LCD inc dptr djnz r3,byte_loop inc r2 ; advance to next page, but bail if it is 8 (B8) cjne r2,#0B8H,page_loop ret blank_screen: mov dptr,#0 mov a,#0 blank_loop: movx @dptr,a inc dptr mov b,dph jnb b.2,blank_loop ret font5x8: db 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H ; db 000H, 006H, 05FH, 006H, 000H ; ! db 007H, 003H, 000H, 007H, 003H ; " db 024H, 07EH, 024H, 07EH, 024H ; # db 024H, 02BH, 06AH, 012H, 000H ; $ db 063H, 013H, 008H, 064H, 063H ; % db 036H, 049H, 056H, 020H, 050H ; & db 000H, 007H, 003H, 000H, 000H ; ' db 000H, 03EH, 041H, 000H, 000H ; ( db 000H, 041H, 03EH, 000H, 000H ; ) db 008H, 03EH, 01CH, 03EH, 008H ; * db 008H, 008H, 03EH, 008H, 008H ; + db 000H, 0E0H, 060H, 000H, 000H ; , db 008H, 008H, 008H, 008H, 008H ; - db 000H, 060H, 060H, 000H, 000H ; . db 020H, 010H, 008H, 004H, 002H ; / db 03EH, 051H, 049H, 045H, 03EH ; 0 db 000H, 042H, 07FH, 040H, 000H ; 1 db 062H, 051H, 049H, 049H, 046H ; 2 db 022H, 049H, 049H, 049H, 036H ; 3 db 018H, 014H, 012H, 07FH, 010H ; 4 db 02FH, 049H, 049H, 049H, 031H ; 5 db 03CH, 04AH, 049H, 049H, 030H ; 6 db 001H, 071H, 009H, 005H, 003H ; 7 db 036H, 049H, 049H, 049H, 036H ; 8 db 006H, 049H, 049H, 029H, 01EH ; 9 db 000H, 06CH, 06CH, 000H, 000H ; : db 000H, 0ECH, 06CH, 000H, 000H ; ; db 008H, 014H, 022H, 041H, 000H ; < db 024H, 024H, 024H, 024H, 024H ; = db 000H, 041H, 022H, 014H, 008H ; > db 002H, 001H, 059H, 009H, 006H ; ? db 03EH, 041H, 05DH, 055H, 01EH ; @ db 07EH, 011H, 011H, 011H, 07EH ; A db 07FH, 049H, 049H, 049H, 036H ; B db 03EH, 041H, 041H, 041H, 022H ; C db 07FH, 041H, 041H, 041H, 03EH ; D db 07FH, 049H, 049H, 049H, 041H ; E db 07FH, 009H, 009H, 009H, 001H ; F db 03EH, 041H, 049H, 049H, 07AH ; G db 07FH, 008H, 008H, 008H, 07FH ; H db 000H, 041H, 07FH, 041H, 000H ; I db 030H, 040H, 040H, 040H, 03FH ; J db 07FH, 008H, 014H, 022H, 041H ; K db 07FH, 040H, 040H, 040H, 040H ; L db 07FH, 002H, 004H, 002H, 07FH ; M db 07FH, 002H, 004H, 008H, 07FH ; N db 03EH, 041H, 041H, 041H, 03EH ; O db 07FH, 009H, 009H, 009H, 006H ; P db 03EH, 041H, 051H, 021H, 05EH ; Q db 07FH, 009H, 009H, 019H, 066H ; R db 026H, 049H, 049H, 049H, 032H ; S db 001H, 001H, 07FH, 001H, 001H ; T db 03FH, 040H, 040H, 040H, 03FH ; U db 01FH, 020H, 040H, 020H, 01FH ; V db 03FH, 040H, 03CH, 040H, 03FH ; W db 063H, 014H, 008H, 014H, 063H ; X db 007H, 008H, 070H, 008H, 007H ; Y db 071H, 049H, 045H, 043H, 000H ; Z db 000H, 07FH, 041H, 041H, 000H ; [ db 002H, 004H, 008H, 010H, 020H ; \ db 000H, 041H, 041H, 07FH, 000H ; ] db 004H, 002H, 001H, 002H, 004H ; ^ db 080H, 080H, 080H, 080H, 080H ; _ db 000H, 003H, 007H, 000H, 000H ; ` db 020H, 054H, 054H, 054H, 078H ; a db 07FH, 044H, 044H, 044H, 038H ; b db 038H, 044H, 044H, 044H, 028H ; c db 038H, 044H, 044H, 044H, 07FH ; d db 038H, 054H, 054H, 054H, 008H ; e db 008H, 07EH, 009H, 009H, 000H ; f db 018H, 0A4H, 0A4H, 0A4H, 07CH ; g db 07FH, 004H, 004H, 078H, 000H ; h db 000H, 000H, 07DH, 040H, 000H ; i db 040H, 080H, 084H, 07DH, 000H ; j db 07FH, 010H, 028H, 044H, 000H ; k db 000H, 000H, 07FH, 040H, 000H ; l db 07CH, 004H, 018H, 004H, 078H ; m db 07CH, 004H, 004H, 078H, 000H ; n db 038H, 044H, 044H, 044H, 038H ; o db 0FCH, 044H, 044H, 044H, 038H ; p db 038H, 044H, 044H, 044H, 0FCH ; q db 044H, 078H, 044H, 004H, 008H ; r db 008H, 054H, 054H, 054H, 020H ; s db 004H, 03EH, 044H, 024H, 000H ; t db 03CH, 040H, 020H, 07CH, 000H ; u db 01CH, 020H, 040H, 020H, 01CH ; v db 03CH, 060H, 030H, 060H, 03CH ; w db 06CH, 010H, 010H, 06CH, 000H ; x db 09CH, 0A0H, 060H, 03CH, 000H ; y db 064H, 054H, 054H, 04CH, 000H ; z db 008H, 03EH, 041H, 041H, 000H ; { db 000H, 000H, 077H, 000H, 000H ; | db 000H, 041H, 041H, 03EH, 008H ; } db 002H, 001H, 002H, 001H, 000H ; ~ db 006H, 009H, 009H, 006H, 000H ; ° xseg screen: ds 1024 end