The Role of Mathematics and Metacognition in Gambling
A Test of Dual Process Theory
Eric Amsel & Fall Psy 3610 Class
Dual process theories abound in developmental research these days.
There is a dual process theory from Steinberg (2008) which proposes
dual neurological systems (executive control vs. reward system) and
one from Reyna (2008) based on dual representational systems (verbatim
vs. gist representations). Each holds that development involves
growth in the functioning of one system or the other, although both
acknowledge context effects which can elicit one processing system or
the other.
A cognitive-based Dual Process theory offers a different
perspective on the nature and process of change (Amsel et al., 2008,
2009; Klaczynski, 2004, 2005, 2009). The theory proposes that
information is processed by independent but interacting analytic
(effortful, algorithmic, systematic) and experiential (automatic,
heuristic-based, and intuitive) cognitive systems. The analytic system
may be based on normative rules (mathematics and logic) which are
often learned in a cultural context (e.g., school). The experiential
cognitive system is the default, meaning that experientially-based
responses on a task will be quickly produced and immediately applied.
However, experientially-based responses may be inhibited in favor of
analytically-based ones, if the latter are judged as optimal in the
context and selected. The process of inhibiting, comparing, and
selecting optimal responses in a context is called metacognitive
intercession. In addition to developmental change in each cognitive
system, the ability for metacognitive intercession is thought to
develop with the growth of conscious regulatory control (Klaczynski,
2004, 2005, 2009).
Key in the growth of conscious regulatory control is the
metacognitive skill to distinguish between experiential- and
analytically-based responses. Metacognitive competence is central in
order to identify analytical responses as normative. Metacognitive
competence has been shown to a) develop during adolescence and young
adulthood, b) be associated with the prevalence of optimal and absence
of suboptimal responses ratio-bias judgment task, c) be stable over
trials and across tasks, and d) be related to the avoidance of
gambling behavior (Amsel et al., 2008, 2009). However, metacognitive
competence was related to higher Mathematics ACT scores suggesting a
possible interaction between metacognitive skill and mathematics
The present study explores whether college students
performance on the ratio-bias judgment (R-BJ) task is related to
mathematics ability and/or metacognitive skill. The ratio-bias task
presents a pair of equal gambles (1/10 vs. 10/100) to participants who
are asked to choose between them or express no preference.
Participants are also asked whether they would be willing to pay to
secure a particular gamble to avoid one being randomly selected for
them. Optimal performance on the R-BJ task is to express no
preference, which conforms to the normative meaning of mathematical
equivalence as the substitution of equivalent terms. Suboptimal
performance is to express a willingness to pay for one of two
equivalent gambles, which reflects a violation of normative
probability theory.
Participants and Methods
One hundred and six (60% female and 60% freshmen)
Introductory Psychology students were participants. They completed a
questionnaire in their classrooms which randomly varied whether the
mathematics assessment was presented prior to or after the ratio bias
tasks. The mathematics assessments involved 3 sets of 6 problems which
require the conversion of fractions into ratios (1/10 = ___%), the
conversions of ratios into fractions (10% = ___ /100), and the
comparison of ratios (which is a high ratio, 2/10 vs. 20/100). These
mathematical abilities were assessed as they are required for optimal
performance on the ratio-bias task.
The questionnaire also included 4 trials of the ratio bias
judgment (R-BJ) and evaluation (R-BE) tasks. On each trial,
participants imaged a carnival game (e.g., spinning wheel) in which
they have an option to choose between two gambles, one which has a 1
in 10 chance of winning (10 slots on the wheel with one winner) or one
which has a 10 in 100 chance of winning (100 slots on the wheel with
10 winners). Participants were asked to choose one gamble or the
other, or express no preference without being told
whether or not the gambles were mathematically equivalent.
Participants were also asked whether they would pay for the
opportunity to choose between gambles if one was going to be assigned
to them. Participants’ metacognitive knowledge was assessed on a R-BE
task, which immediately followed each R-BJ task. Participants rated
their certain they each R-BJ response (1/10, 10/100, no preference)
was a logical, reflective, and mathematically sound one on a 4 point
scale (from not at all to very certain).
As in previous studies (Amsel et al., 2008, 2009) most
participants (92%) could be reliably categorized into a Metacognitive
Status. In the present study they were categorized into two
metacognitive groups, Competent (certainty that only "no preference"
judgments are analytic, N = 58) or Non-competent (any other reliable
response pattern, N = 40). Participants were further categorized as
Mathematically Competent (a score at or above the median split score
of 94%) or Mathematically Non-competent (a score less than the median
A 2 (Order of Math Task) by 2 (Metacognitive Status) by 2
(Mathematics Ability) ANCOVA (age, sex, year in school as covariates)
revealed that Metacognitive Status (M Competent = 3.69 vs. M
Non-competent = 1.74) and Math Order (M Math Task First = 2.94 vs. M
Math Task Second = 2.12) predicted optimal "no preference" responses.
A similar 2 by 2 by 2 ANCOVA revealed that only Metacognitive Status
(M Competent = .22 vs. M Non-competent = .81) predicted suboptimal
"payment" responses.
The results demonstrate the role of unconscious (mathematics
task priming) and conscious (metacognitive competence) regulatory
processes on optimal responding. A priming effect was shown by
participants making more no preference R-BJ responses when
receiving the mathematics task first than last. Although priming was
sufficient to promote optimal (no preference) responses among some, it
was insufficient to inhibit suboptimal (payment) responses.
Metacognitive competence was related to making more optimal and fewer
suboptimal R-BJ responses and was independent of mathematics ability
and order effects. This highlights the importance of conscious
regulatory processes in judgment and decision-making. The findings
support the cognitive Dual Process theory which emphasizes the
development of conscious regulatory abilities during adolescence and
young adulthood. |