
There are two assignments for the practicum course - a Diary and Final Paper.

Diary:  To get you to reflect on each visit you make to the Treehouse, I would like you to complete a diary.  The diary should include interesting experience of interactions.  Success and failures should be noted as well as curious events or questions about which came to you during or after the visit.  You diary can include questions you have about the readings or ideas stemming from them.

Final Paper:  The final paper will be an account (with references etc.) that addresses some specific or general experience you had at the Treehouse.  You may focus on a particular incident, a particular child, or any other part of your experience at the Treehouse which you found interesting, unusual, curious, or thought-provoking.  You are to read up on the topic, using readings from the class but also augmenting them with other papers.  This should be a 5-7 page paper.