Physical Development in Childhood
I Body Growth (pp. 294-297; 410-412)
A. Growth curves
B. Asynchronies
C. Cultural and historical variation
II. Growth and Health (pp. 300-311; 414-424)
A. Growth and the BPS model
1. Genetic/Biological Factors
a. Hormones of the Endocrine System
2. Psychological Factors
a. Emotional Well being
3. Family routines
a. Sleeping
b. Eating
B. Health and the BPS Model
1. Vision and hearing
2. Malnutrition
3. Obesity
4. Bedwetting
5. Injuries
III. Motor Development
A. Early Childhood (pp. 311-318)
1 Gross vs. Fine motor development
2. Enhancing motor development
B. Middle Childhood (pp. 425-432)
1. Gross motor development
2. Fine motor development
3. Play at school
IV. Brain Development
A. Introduction
B. Mechanisms of brain development (297-300)
1. Non-specialized
a. LTP
2. Specialized
a. Increasing speed: Myelinization
b. Increasing efficiency: Synaptogenesis (blooming and pruning)
c. Increasing control and organization: Corticalization and lateralization
C. Development of brain structures and functions
1. Infancy a. Language development (pp. 240-241)
2. Childhood
a. Recticular Formation (p. 299)
b. Cerebellum (pp. 299-300
c. Corpus callosum (pp. 173-174)
d. Frontal Cortex (p. 413)
e. Neurotransmitters
D. Brain development: Control and flexibility