1. The exosystem in Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory takes into account A. in what historical time period the individual was born. B. how systems in which individuals do not have an active role still have an effect on their experiences in contexts that are more immediate to them. C. those contexts that affect the individual most directly. D. beliefs that are passed on from generation to generation. E. how connections between different contexts can dramatically affect the individual's development. ans: B weight: 1 2. The biopsychosocial model proposes that A. Biological factors are the most important for development B. Cogntive factors are the most important for development C. Contentual factors are the most important for development D. No one factor is as important as the interaction between the factors. ans: D weight: 1 3. When parents not only influence their adolescents but are also influenced by them, this is called A. secure attachment. B. emotional autonomy. C. reciprocal socialization. D. continuity. E. synchrony. ans: C weight: 1 4. Healthy relationships within a family are ones which are NOT necessarily: A. satisfying B. adaptive C. cohesive D. polite E. None of the above ans: D weight: 1 5. Authoritative parenting is to authoritarian parenting as A. good grades are to lower grades. B. adolescent mature reasoning is to adolescent immature reasoning. C. adolescent social competence is to adolescent social incompetence. D. adolescent realism is to adolescent idealism. E. power-assertion is to negotiation. ans: C weight: 1 6. Studies of adolescent-parent conflict have shown that conflict A. intensifies during early adolescence and continues to increase during late adolescence. B. is generally about the same in intensity as child-parent conflict, except for a small minority of families. C. increases during early adolescence, but then declines through late adolescence. D. is most intense between fathers and daughters. E. usually concerns achievement-related issues such as career goals. ans: C weight: 1 7. Research has shown that children interact in a more aggressive way with A. their father than their mother. B. their parents than their friends. C. friends than with siblings. D. siblings than with parents. E. teachers than with classmates. ans: D weight: 1 8. According to a study of latchkey children in Montgomery County, Maryland, what percentage of juvenile delinquents tried before a judge were from latchkey families? A. 10 percent B. 20 percent C. 40 percent D. 70 percent E. 90 percent ans: E weight: 1 9. After adivorce, mothers with custody of the children experience... A. an increase in income due to child support and alimony. B. a drop in income, but not as big a drop in income as the divorced father experiences. C. increased closeness with their children. D. better relationships with their sons than with their daughters. E. a decrease of one-fourth to one-half of their previous income. ans: E weight: 1 10. In a study of parental work that compared four different categories of parental work status, it was found that the most disruptive adolescents in school were from A. stable families. B. recovery families. C. deprived families. D. declining families. E. unemployed families. ans: C weight: 1