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Recent Pre-pharmacy seminars

If you were not able to attend a lecture, click on the date to see notes taken at the lecture.

Date Speaker Subject
9-28-05 Marian Lennberg Univ. of Utah pharmacy school admissions
11-1-05 Dave Nilson GlaxoSmithKline - Clinical pharmacist
11-16-05 Mark Harper/Tim Drake McKay Dee hospital (In patient/out patient)
1-10-06 Michael DeYoung Univ. of Southern Nevada pharmacy school
2-27-06 Pauline Cawley IHC pharmacy representatives
3-30-06 Kelly Maughn Wal-Mart pharmacist








Weber State University, SL608, Chemistry Department
Ogden, Utah 84408-2503
Phone # (801)626-6224, email: