Spring Semester 2025 

    Math 4925 - Problems, Journals, and Research in Mathematics

    This course is intended to develop independent learning in mathematics.

    By taking this 1 credit Cr/NC course, students will build on earlier High Impact Educational Experiences in Math 2925 (or Math 2920) and other courses to practice guided independent learning. Exception to the course class size and prerequisite will be made for highly motivated and qualified students.

    To earn credit, students must be active participants and not miss more than one class, complete at least one of the course activities in independent learning, and must make a presentation on such accomplishments. This course is not intended to replace other mathematics requirements.

    You can earn more credit hours, and a letter grade, by doing independent research with a Math professor.

    All files are in pdf format and are meant to be printed out

    All files are in pdf format and are meant to be printed out. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for viewing and printing these files. If your browser does not have this plug-in, you can get a free one from Adobe.

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