Fall Semester 2025 

    Math 2925 - Mathematics Monday

    This course is intended to provide a High Impact Educational Experience.

    By taking this 1 credit Cr/NC course, students who like to be heavily involved in the weekly mathematics events called Mathematics Monday can earn course credit. The mathematics events may include talks by students and faculty, mathematics journals problem solving sessions, puzzles and games, group problem solving, etc. I welcome event suggestions by students. Exception to the course class size and prerequisite will be made for highly motivated and qualified students. We will meet on Mondays at 1:30 in TY 365.

    To earn Credit, you must present solution of a problem posed in a mathematics journal and not miss more than one class. If none of the problems in the collection below look interesting, I can provide you with other suggestions.

    To earn upper division credit, see Math 4925.

    All files are in pdf format and are meant to be printed out

    All files are in pdf format and are meant to be printed out. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for viewing and printing these files. If your browser does not have this plug-in, you can get a free one from Adobe.

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