Weber State University

           Department of Botany

Antelope Island Field Trip Itinerary

Note: The $8.00 Field Trip fee is non-refundable.  If you pay and then find that you are unable to go, find a student who can take your place. Make sure they get their name on the roll at the Cashier's Office.

Except for the departure time from WSU, times are approximate and subject to change.

10:20 am Assemble at the parking lot east of the Science Lab Building (the W5 lot).  Bring your own lunch!!
10:30 am Departure from WSU main campus in Ogden.
11:00 am   Stop at the entrance to the causeway
11:30 am Arrival at the Visitors Center. 
Introduction of Botany Department Faculty and Staff
General information about the Great Salt Lake
Physiography and use history of Antelope Island
Chemical ecology
  Bridger Bay
  Garr Ranch
Invasive species
Fire ecology
4:00 pm Depart Antelope Island.  Stop at the causeway parking lot before continuing to WSU.
~ 5:00 pm Return to the WSU main campus.


Preparations for the Field Trip

Arrive at the W5 parking lot (east of the Science Lab Building) as close to 10:20 am as your morning class schedule allows.

Bring a lunch, a canteen of water, and a drinking cup.

Be sure to dress appropriately for the weather. In the event that there is a threat of precipitation, bring rain gear, waterproofed footwear, and a cap.

Wear comfortable hiking boots or shoes.

Bring note taking materials. A clipboard may be very handy. You should bring hard copies of the field trip guide and the review questions.  

Field Trip Guide (PDF)                              Review Questions (PDF)

Botany Department Home Page

20 April 2016