Course Name:  EMS Teaching Topics 

Course Prefix: PAR

Course Number: 4120

             Submitted by (Name & E-Mail): 
Jeffrey Grunow ,

Current Date:  10/15/2007
College: Health Professions
Department:   Emergency Care & Rescue                              
From Term: Spring  2010 

new  Current Course Subject N/A
Current Course Number


New/Revised Course Information:

Subject:  PARAMED          

Course Number: 4120

Check all that apply:
    This is for courses already approved for gen ed.
    Use a different form for proposing a new gen ed designation.


Course Title: Emergency Medical Service Teaching Topics

Abbreviated Course Title: EMS Teaching Topics

Course Type:  LEC

Credit Hours:  3  or if variable hours:    to

Contact Hours: Lecture 45  Lab    Other 3

Repeat Information:  Limit 1   Max Hrs 0 

Grading Mode:  standard

This course is/will be: a required course in a major program
a required course in a minor program
a required course in a 1- or 2- year program


EMT-Basic certification

Course description (exactly as it will appear in the catalog, including prerequisites):

Using the USDOT/NHTSA National Guidelines for Educating EMS Instructors, this course will prepare emergency medical service instructors for classroom and skill lab teaching. Topics discussed include; 1) instructor roles and responsibilities; 2) the student; 3) foundations of education; 4) delivering the message; 5) evaluation and 6) course administration. Students will demonstrate EMS teaching in both a class room and skill lab environment. Prerequisite: EMT-Basic certification.

This course is one of several upper division Emergency Medical Services (EMS) courses that will make up a future EMS minor or emphasis in a Health Sciences and/or Health Administrative Services bachelor's degree. Due to high volunteer nature of the profession, EMS educators are rarely schooled from the formal K-12 curriculum programs. The National Guidelines for Educating EMS Instructors delineates a standard course of instruction of 24-48 hours. It should be noted that EMS Education standards come from the US Department of Transportation, not Education. This course may be used a as a stand alone course as preparation for various State Office of EMS instructor certification. Student must possess EMT-Basic certification to participate.

for substantive proposals only

1. Did this course receive unanimous approval within the Department?


If not, what are the major concerns raised by the opponents?

2. If this is a new course proposal, could you achieve the desired results by revising an existing course within your department or by requiring an existing course in another department?

EC&R currently has no other course of this type. Due to the specificity of EMS instruction, there are no other similar courses on campus. Dean Rasmussen (College of Education) gave verbal support at the University Curriculum Meeting.

3. How will the proposed course differ from similar offerings by other departments? Comment on any subject overlap between this course and topics generally taught by other departments, even if no similar courses are currently offered by the other departments. Explain any effects that this proposal will have on program requirements or enrollments in other department. Please forward letters (email communication is sufficient) from all departments that you have identified above stating their support or opposition to the proposed course.

Due to EMS specificity, this course would have no effect on enrollment in other programs on campus.

4. Is this course required for certification/accreditation of a program?


If so, a statement to that effect should appear in the justification and supporting documents should accompany this form.

5. For course proposals, e-mail a syllabus to Faculty Senate which should be sufficiently detailed that the committees can determine that the course is at the appropriate level and matches the description. There should be an indication of the amount and type of outside activity required in the course (projects, research papers, homework, etc.).


Weber State University

Emergency Care and Rescue Department 

PAR-4120 EMS Teaching Topics

Proposed Course Syllabus


Instructor of Record:             

Credit Hours:                  3 

 Class Times:                   - Didactic material online

                                      - Class and skill lab teaching on campus

 Class Location:               Marriott Health Building Room 417 and rooms as designated

 Course Description:      PAR 4120. EMS Teaching Topics  

Using the USDOT/NHTSA National Guidelines for Educating EMS Instructors, this course will prepare emergency medical service instructors for classroom and skill lab teaching. Topics discussed include; 1) instructor roles and responsibilities; 2) the student; 3) foundations of education; 4) delivering the message; 5) evaluation and 6) course administration. Students will demonstrate EMS teaching in both a class room and skill lab environment.  Prerequisite: EMT-Basic certification.

 Required Textbook:        Foundations of Education. An EMS Approach, National Association of Emergency Medical Services Educators (NAEMSE), 2005.

ADA Statement:         When students seek accommodation in a regularly scheduled course, they have the responsibility to make such requests at the Center for Students with Disabilities before the beginning of the quarter in which the accommodation is being requested. When a student fails to make such arrangements, interim accommodations can be made by the instructor, pending the determination of the request for a permanent accommodation. Call 626-6413, or visit Room 181 in the Student Services Building.    

Attendance               Students must participate in all online discussions and assignments. 

Requirements:                  It is estimated that there will be a minimum of 13 hours of online assignments over the course of a 15 week semester. (45 hours) In addition, each student will deliver an EMS class lecture and teach a skill lab.

Grading:                         - Online discussion and assignments                        30%

                                      - Sectional tests                                2 @20%       40%

                                      - Final exam on didactic concepts                           30%


Topical Outline                                                  Hours


Instructor Roles and Responsibilities

- Attributes of Effective Educators                              1

- EMS Educator Roles                                                1


The Student 

- Principles of Adult Learning                                      2

- Learning Styles                                                      1

- Diversity                                                               1



- The Learning Environment                                        2

- Domains of Learning                                                4

- Goals and Objectives                                               4

- Lesson Plans                                                          2

- Legal Issues for the Educator                                   1

- AV Basics                                                              1


Delivering the Message

- Introduction to Teaching Strategies                          4

- Teaching in All Domains                                          3

- Tools for Individual Learning                                    2

- Tools for Small Group Learning                                 2

- Tools for Large Group Learning                                 2

- Tools for Distance Learning                                      1

- Tools for Field and Clinical Learning                          1



- Principles of Evaluation of Student Performance          4

- Using Written Evaluation Tools                                 3

- Other Evaluation Tools                                            1

- Remediation                                                          1



- Administrative Issues                                             1                                  Total 45



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>>> Bruce HANDLEY 9/21/2008 8:27 AM >>>


After looking at the proposal for this course and the proposed course syllabus, I agree with your assertion that this course does not duplicate nor hurt any of our course offerings.

Bruce Handley, Chair
Business Administration


>>> Lewis GALE 09/19/08 9:18 PM >>>


The Department of Business Administration is the appropriate department to address the proposed new course. Thank you.


Lewis R. Gale



>>> Jeff GRUNOW 9/19/2008 11:59 am >>>

Dean Gale and Lloyd

EC&R is proposing a new course called EMS Management Topics as PAR 4120. It is very discipline specific. Attached is the proposal. It is our opinion this course will not duplicate or hurt any of your college's or department activities.

If you could shoot me an e-mail before Wednesday's University Curriculum meeting that would be greatly appreciated.


Jeff Grunow, Chair
Emergency Care & Rescue

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>>> Lloyd BURTON 9/19/2008 12:28 PM >>>


Your course description looks like course content that we cover in courses with HAS. However, I only see a reference to a 4 hour block on management per se. The rest of the course looks more like an overview of EMS operations. The title and the course description might deserve some reconsideration such as EMS Operations.


Dr. Lloyd R. Burton
Associate Professor
Chair, Health Administrative Services
Weber State University
3911 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84408-3911
(O) 801 626-7008
(F) 801 626-6475


>>> Jeff GRUNOW 9/19/2008 11:59 AM >>>

Dean Gale and Lloyd

EC&R is proposing a new course called EMS Management Topics as PAR 4120. It is very discipline specific. Attached is the roposal. It is our opinion this course will not duplicate or hurt any of your college's or department activities.

If you could shoot me an e-mail before Wednesday's University Curriculum meeting that would be greatly appreciated.


Jeff Grunow, Chair
Emergency Care & Rescue