Creative Arts and Humanities General Education



Foundational Principles


1)    We believe the arts and humanities play a fundamental role as tools for the analysis, interpretation, creation, and expression of human ideals,  challenges, and desires across cultures.

2)    Perspectives from the arts and humanities apply to other academic disciplines and to society at large.

3)    We value open inquiry into complex problems, and the ability to reflect on, analyze, and appreciate diverse viewpoints and schools of thought.   Although the broad foundational principles outlined above are explored in both Creative Arts and Humanities courses, important distinctions of emphasis characterize these two branches of knowledge. The specific learning outcomes for the two areas are as follows.



Creative Arts General Education Student Learning Outcomes


1)    Students will create works of art and/or increase their understanding of creative processes in writing, visual arts, interactive entertainment, or   performing arts.

2)    Students will demonstrate knowledge of key themes, concepts, issues, terminology and ethical standards employed in creative arts disciplines.   They will use this knowledge to analyze works of art from various traditions, time periods, and cultures.



Humanities General Education Student Learning Outcomes


1)   Students will demonstrate knowledge of diverse philosophical, communicative, linguistic, and literary traditions, as well as of key themes,   concepts, issues, terminology, and ethical standards in humanities disciplines.

2)   Students will analyze cultural artifacts within a given discipline, and, when appropriate, across disciplines, time periods, and cultures.

3)   Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate their understanding of humanities materials in written, oral, or graphic forms.





Approved by the General Education Improvement & Assessment Committee on January 24, 2012