Approved 3-30-2000


March 9, 2000
SS115, 1:30 p.m.

Karen Dewey, Dave Eisler, Bruce Handley, Judith Mitchell, Candadai Seshachari - Chair, Sally Shigley, Gene Sessions, John Sillito, John Sohl, Alden Talbot, Paul Thompson, Kay Brown - Secretary

Judith Mitchell: Moved to approve the minutes from the March 2, 2000 meeting.
Second: Karen Dewey
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

C & GE Curriculum and General Education – Jim Wilson, Chair

Foreign Language course proposal for Senior Assessment - Forlng 4990 and program changes for the Foreign Language Major, Foreign Language Major: Commercial Emphasis, and the Foreign Language Teaching Major.

Winslow Hurst and the programmers have assured the Foreign Language Department that this course can be listed on the transcript at zero credit hours. Discussion of the Executive Committee centered around the possibility of incorporating this class in their senior seminar class. The Foreign Language Department feels this course at zero credit hours will work best for their department.

John Sohl: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate for the March 23 meeting the course proposal from Foreign Language for Senior Assessment - Forlng 4990 and the program changes for the Foreign Language Major, Foreign Language Major: Commercial Emphasis, and the Foreign Language Teaching Major.
Second: Sally Shigley
Outcome: The motion passed with 8 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstention.

Telecommunications and Business Education course deletions for Records and Information Management - TBE 2020, Office Systems and Technology - TBE 253; new course proposals for Introduction to FrontPage for Web Design - TBE 2530, 2-D Graphics - TBE 2433; changes to existing courses for TBE 2410 and TBE 2420 changed to Cisco TCP/IP Routing Protocols and Router Configuration - TBE 2415, TBE 2430 and 2440 changed to Cisco Advanced LAN and WAN Switching and Routing Theory and Design - TBE 2435; program changes for Business Education Major: Business Education Composite Teaching Emphasis, Business Education Major: Business Education Office Technologies Emphasis, Telecommunications Administration Major Bachelor Degree, Office Technologies AAS Degree, Telecommunications AAS Degree, Telecommunications Institutional Certificate Program, Business/Marketing Education Teaching Minor, Business Education Teaching Minor, Office Technologies Minor, and Bachelor of Integrated Studies Emphasis.

Alden Talbot: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate for the March 23 meeting from Telecommunications and Business Education course deletions for Records and Information Management - TBE 2020, Office Systems and Technology - TBE 253; new course proposals for Introduction to FrontPage for Web Design - TBE 2530, 2-D Graphics - TBE 2433; changes
to existing courses for TBE 2410 and TBE 2420 changed to Cisco TCP/IP Routing Protocols and Router Configuration - TBE 2415, TBE 2430 and 2440 changed to Cisco Advanced LAN and WAN Switching and Routing Theory and Design - TBE 2435; program changes for Business Education Major: Business Education Composite Teaching Emphasis, Business Education Major: Business Education Office Technologies Emphasis, Telecommunications Administration Major Bachelor Degree, Office Technologies AAS Degree, Telecommunications AAS Degree, Telecommunications Institutional Certificate Program, Business/Marketing Education Teaching Minor, Business Education Teaching Minor, Office Technologies Minor, and Bachelor of Integrated Studies Emphasis.
Second: John Sillito
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Political Science diversity course proposal for Sex Roles and The Law - Polsc 4070.

Gene Sessions: Moved to forward the diversity course proposal to the Faculty Senate for the March 23 meeting the diversity course proposal from Political Science for Sex Roles and The Law - Polsc 4070.
Second: John Sillito
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Women’s Studies diversity course proposal for Topics in Women’s Studies: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Studies: An Introduction to the Scholarship - WS 4900D.

Judith Mitchell: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate for the March 23 meeting the diversity course proposal from Women’s Studies for Topics in Women’s Studies: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Studies: An Introduction to the Scholarship - WS 4900D.
Second: John Sohl
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Dental Hygiene course deletion for Human Behavior in the Dental Setting - Densci 3315, a course change for Dental Medicine II Densci 3305, a new course proposal from Dental Hygiene, Health Sciences and Nursing for Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams - Densci 4010, and a program change for Dental Hygiene Associate Degree.

Karen Dewey: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate for the March 23 meeting the course deletion for Human Behavior in the Dental Setting - Densci 3315, a course change for Dental Medicine II Densci 3305, a new course proposal from Dental Hygiene, Health Sciences and Nursing for Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams - Densci 4010, and a program change for Dental Hygiene Associate Degree.
Second: John Sillito
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Dental Hygiene diversity course proposal for Professional Ethics - Densci 2250.

The proposed course is a one credit hour course and will not fulfill the diversity course requirement without a student taking an additional course. This is a required course that every dental hygiene student will take.

Karen Dewey: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate for the March 23 meeting the diversity course proposal from Dental Hygiene Professional Ethics - Densci 2250.
Second: John Sillito
Outcome: The motion passed with 6 in favor, 2 opposed and 1 abstention.

Geoscience course deletions for Mineral Resources - Geosci 4530, Geophysics - Geosci 4600, X-Ray Diffraction - Geosci 4700, and Senior Seminar - Geosci 4990; course changes for Geologic Field Methods - Geosci 4060 to Geoscience Field Methods - Geosci 4060, Geology Field Camp - Geosci 4510; new course proposals for Quaternary Environmental Change - Geosci 3210, Engineering Geology - Geosci 4100, Environmental Assessment - Geosci 4150, Special Topics in Geoscience - Geosci 4750; program changes for Geology B.S. or B.A. Degree, Applied Environmental Geoscience B.S. Or B.A. Degree, Geology Minor, and Geospatial Analysis Minor.

John Sohl: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate for the March 23 meeting the Geoscience course deletions for Mineral Resources - Geosci 4530, Geophysics - Geosci 4600, X-Ray Diffraction - Geosci 4700, and Senior Seminar - Geosci 4990; course changes for Geologic Field Methods - Geosci 4060 to Geoscience Field Methods - Geosci 4060, Geology Field Camp - Geosci 4510; new course proposals for Quaternary Environmental Change - Geosci 3210, Engineering Geology - Geosci 4100, Environmental Assessment - Geosci 4150, Special Topics in Geoscience - Geosci 4750; program changes for Geology B.S. or B.A. Degree, Applied Environmental Geoscience B.S. or B.A. Degree, Geology Minor, and Geospatial Analysis Minor.
Second: John Sillito
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Geoscience certificate program for Certificate in Geomatics (Applied Mapping Sciences).

John Sohl: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate for the March 23 meeting the Geoscience certificate program for Certificate in Geomatics (Applied Mapping Sciences).
Second: John Sillito
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Gene Sessions: Proposed an end of the year commendation for Jim Wilson for his extraordinary performance as Chair of the Curriculum and General Education Committee, and for Kay Brown as secretary to the committee.
Second: John Sillito
Outcome: All Executive Committee members were in agreement.

Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom, and Tenure
– Frank Guliuzza

PPM 8-11 Evaluation of Faculty Members
The components of this policy are: I Reference, II Student Evaluations, III Post-Tenure Review, IV Tenure Review, and V Evaluative Criteria for Academic Rank.

MOTION Gene Sessions: Moved to Table the discussion on PPM 8-11
Second: John Sohl
Outcome: The motion passed with 5 in favor and 3 opposed.

New PPM 8__ Composition and Selection of University Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee, and Action by the University Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee. The University Committee is another review level for controversial cases. This is not a due process committee. The candidate could still appeal to the Faculty Board of Review if they feel they were denied due process. The Executive Committee suggested staggering the 2 year University Committee appointments.

Judith Mitchell: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate for the March 23 meeting the proposed PPM 8 __, Composition and Selection of University Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee, and Action by the University Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee.
Second: Karen Dewey
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Frank Guliuzza will make changes in the document and mail them to Executive Committee members to review prior to the Faculty Senate meeting.

Gene Sessions: Moved to take off the Table the Motion on PPM 8-11
Second: Karen Dewey
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Several editorial suggestions were made to the document. Frank Guliuzza will edit the document in compliance with the suggestions of the Executive Committee.

Gene Sessions: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate for the March 23 meeting the proposed PPM 8-11.
Second: John Sillito
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The Dated Guidelines will come to the Executive Committee in April.

ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.