Approved 3-9-2000


March 2, 2000
SS115, 1:30 p.m.

PRESENT Karen Dewey, Dave Eisler, Bruce Handley, Judith Mitchell, Candadai Seshachari - Chair, Sally Shigley, Gene Sessions, John Sillito, John Sohl, Alden Talbot, Paul Thompson, Kay Brown - Secretary

President Thompson indicated the following allocations from the legislature: 

A tuition increase of 3-4% is being discussed.

John Sohl: Moved to approve the minutes from the February 24, 2000 meeting.
Second: Alden Talbot
Outcome: The minutes were approved

Salary, Benefits, Budgets, and Fiscal Planning Committee – Thom Kearin, Chair, and Richard Miller were present representing the Salary Committee. Thom Kearin presented the following information and salary recommendations:

The average 1999-2000 WSU salary is $46,140.
The average adjusted CUPA salary for WSU faculty (1998-99 data) is $53,612.
Therefore, WSU is currently at 86% of CUPA.
In 1995-96, WSU was at 94% of CUPA
This leaves a "CUPA Gap" of 8%

Since 1995-96, CUPA has been growing at 4.3% per year.

The Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee proposes that by 2005-06, WSU salaries be at least 94% of CUPA (given two-year-old data).

In order to achieve this, WSU salaries must rise, on average, 5.9% per year.

1.6% 1/5 of the CUPA Gap
+ 4.3% to keep up with CUPA growth
5.9% (This figure is rounded to 6% in the recommendation below.)

With the aim of restoring average WSU salaries to at least 94% of CUPA by the academic year 2005-06, we strongly recommend providing average salary increases each year over the next five years of no less than 6%. We further recommend the following means:

Keep differences between retiring faculty and replacement hires in the salary pool.

Distribute allocations provided by the legislature to colleges as a percentage of salary.  Allow each college to determine how much of its allocation will be applied toward across-the-board raises, merit increases, etc.  During times of enrollment growth, make up annual shortfalls between the legislative appropriation and the minimum 6% increase recommended above.

To cover annual shortfalls:

Distribute these funds to the colleges as a percentage of each college’s salary base and use them to provide equity, merit, and, if desired, across the board raises. Deans, in consultation with constituent groups, are to determine how much is allocated to each category.

Provide funds for promotion and minimum salary by rank from University funds, not from funds allocated to salary increases which shall be no less than 6% per year.

Deans are encouraged to alleviate equity problems within their colleges by freeing money within their budgets for that purpose. Further, they are encouraged to refer to the model approved last year (February 18, 1999) by the Faculty Senate.

Maintain current benefit levels, but not at the expense of the recommended 6% minimum salary increase.

These recommendations apply to the next five years (through 2005-06).

The Executive Committee discussed the above proposal. Also discussed was the legislative allocation for compensation, the operating costs of the University, and enrollment growth money.

The faculty salary negotiation team consists of the Chair of the Faculty Senate, Candadai Seshachari, the Chair of the Salary, Benefits, Budget, and Fiscal Planning Committee, Thom Kearin, and an elected member of the committee. The Salary Committee selected Richard Miller to serve on the negotiation team. Dr. Miller’s name will be presented to the Faculty Senate for approval at the March 9 meeting.

Gene Sessions: Moved to forward the salary recommendations from the Salary, Benefits, Budget, and Fiscal Planning Committee to the Faculty Senate for the March 9, 2000 meeting.
Second: John Sohl
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Teaching, Learning, and Assessment/Teaching and Learning Forum – Judith Mitchell

The following TLA materials were distributed to the Executive Committee for review and discussion: by-laws, budget, New Faculty Retreat evaluations, and the position announcement for the chair/coordinator. These items were reviewed and discussed by the Executive Committee.

The interim chair position will be placed on the agenda for discussion at the March 9 meeting.

Elections for Executive Committee members for 2000-2001 will be held Wednesday, March 8 from 2:00 until 4:30 p.m. in the Smith Auditorium in the Wattis Business Building.

The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.