EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                                         Approved 9-9-99

Thursday, August 26, 1999
Alumni Center, 9:30 a.m.

PRESENT:  Karen Dewey, Bruce Handley, Judith Mitchell - Vice Chair, Candadai Seshachari - Chair, Sally Shigley, John Sillito, John Sohl, Gene Sessions, Alden Talbot, Kay Brown - Secretary.

President Thompson, Dave Eisler and Ann Millner joined the meeting for lunch and the afternoon session.


Executive Committee and Faculty Senate Committee Chairs luncheon, Tuesday September 7, 1999, 12:00 noon in UB 338.


The following Administrative appointments have been made: ARCC - Warren Hill, ASSA - Winslow Hurst/Christ Rivera, APAFT - David Greene, C&GE - Richard Sadler, RSPG - Mike Vaughan, SBBFP - Ron Galli, TLA - Kathleen Lukken.


The Executive Committee discussed the Faculty Senate Standing Committee charges for the 1999-2000 academic year. The following charges were approved.


1. Do the following to revise and improve the WSU Computing Status and Goals Report and insure that the goals are an acceptable reflection of how information technology (IT) will enhance and improve the students educational experience and faculty research:

A. Inform and encourage all departments, colleges and computing committees to help develop and support the planning effort.

B. Align ARCC planning efforts with other entities on campus, such as: Administrative Information Technology Committee, WSUSA, and Teaching and Learning roundtables to maximize breadth, efficiency, and resources.

C. Survey students and faculty on IT issues to insure plan validity.

D. Address the serious budgetary issues surrounding the funding of IT and work with other IT entities and University Development to generate a comprehensive financial plan, such as eliminate the use of ARCC funding to purchase faculty computers.

E. Develop a policy for faculty computer upgrades and maintenance.

2. Continue to evaluate which hardware and software will be supported.

3. Continue to support the training of the University community.

4. Determine the accessibility of laptop computers for faculty.


5. Routinely invite IT Division directors to summarize the status of new projects and ongoing IT support.

6. Be represented on the IT Council and provide faculty perspective (garnered from the WSU Computing Status and Goals Report, faculty surveys, and ARCC representatives) to the IT Division.

7. Allocate ARCC resources in the context of the WSU Computing Status and Goals Report.

8. Monitor the expenditures of all ARCC funds, including those supported through WSUSA funding.

9. Stay informed about the changing environment surrounding access to and use of Internet services. Keep the Executive Committee aware of any policies or actions that might infringe upon academic freedom.

10. Maintain the ARCC web site to provide easy access to University IT information and to other sites with related IT resources.

11. Review additional charges as they are presented to the Academic Resources and Computing Committee throughout the year.

12. At the end of the 1999-2000 academic year, identify the progress that has been made with the charges given and suggest recommendations for improvements that should be made for the 2000-2001 year.



1. Monitor the legislation that has been passed by the Faculty Senate, but never implemented due to a lack of sufficient STAARS programming resources. (A resolution was passed by the faculty Senate on January 21, 1999, requesting the STAARS Programming Committee to follow a committee supplied priority list in allocating programming resources to implement already approved Faculty Senate legislation.)

2. Develop long-term goals and a means for implementing those goals as a way by which Weber State can more effectively coordinate and communicate with the local school districts to improve the preparation of entering students, particularly in the areas of math, English, computers, and science; and to ensure closer ties between WSU and local school districts.

3. Determine and recommend ways for enforcement and recording of Computer and Information Literacy by end of 60 hours of class work.

4. Determine if any legislation is needed to guarantee that students will not be expected to attend additional classes when they should be taking their final exams during the regularly scheduled exam weeks (days).

5. Determine if Computer and Information Literacy, Quantitative Literacy, and English requirements should be moved to the University PPM rather than the present location of some of these requirements in the Curriculum PPM. (If moved, then other PPM=s can simply reference the PPM rather than restating the requirements.

6. Review policies for grade changes, late registration, late withdrawals, etc. and provide training for policy enforcement and consistency.

7. Review additional charges as they are given to this committee throughout the year.

8. At the end of the 1999-2000 academic year, identify the progress that has been made with the charges given and suggest recommendations for improvements that should be made for the 2000-2001 year.



1. Investigate the formation of a university faculty committee to review those cases in the tenure and promotion process that presently go directly to the provost for final disposition. This committee would only be consulted if no resolution was possible between the candidate and his or her committees.

2. Design and standardize criteria for post-tenure review.

3. Thoroughly review the PPM language concerning peer review committees in the tenure process.

4. Review additional charges as they are presented to this Committee throughout the year.

5. Submit a report at the end of the 1999-2000 academic year commenting on committee member attendance and participation, and identify the progress that has been made in terms of the charges given. The chair should make recommendations for the 2000-2001 charges.



1. Calculate apportionment for Faculty Senate representation during the 1999-2000 academic year. The goal is to complete this during Autumn Semester 1999. Work with the Provost=s office to get up to date information on current faculty.

2. Review issues associated with fractional representation. Review the Constitution with respect to the number of Faculty Senate seats. Determine a consistent rounding rule to account for fractional representation. Provide the Faculty Senate with options between rounding and/or changing number of Faculty Senate seats.

3. Review charges as they are presented to the Constitutional Review, Apportionment, and Organization Committee throughout the year.

4. At the end of the 1999-2000 academic year submit a year end report commenting on committee member attendance and participation, and identify the progress that has been made in terms of the charges given. The chair should make recommendations for the 2000-2001 charges.



1. Review the courses submitted for inclusion on a list of courses that will satisfy the new diversity requirement and pass along recommendations for acceptance or denial to the Executive Committee.

2. Continue to conduct workshops with college curriculum committee chairs to acquaint them with curriculum proposals.

3. Encourage college and department curriculum committees to begin in earnest to review their semester-based curricula for what has worked and what has not.

4. Investigate a methodology for faculty oversight in the growing curriculum issues emerging in WSU Online and other Distance Learning offerings.

5. Develop linkage to the state-wide task force working on issues of what makes an educated person.

6. Revisit the issue of a capstone class-experience.

7. Review the relevant articles and sections of the PPM as they relate to this committee.

8. Review additional charges as they are presented to the C&GE Committee throughout the year.

9. Submit a year end report at the end of the 1999-2000 academic year commenting on committee member attendance and participation, identifying the progress that has been made on the above charges, and recommending charges for 2000-2001.



1. Encourage the selection of at least one honorary degree recipient each year who has made an outstanding academic contribution to higher education, preferably a WSU faculty member.

2. Ensure faculty involvement in the nomination and selection of candidates for honorary degrees and for commencement speakers through maintaining the important voice of the faculty and the Faculty Senate as a major force on the institutional committee.

3. Meet separately and early as the faculty portion of the committee to discuss representing in a unified manner the constituent needs and interests of the faculty in the deliberations of the larger committee.

4. Achieve representation of gender and race among degree recipients and ensure that all recipients are of stature to enhance the image of Weber State University.

5. See that the criteria for honorary degrees are considered, so that the understandable desire of the administration to cultivate donors and potential donors does not overwhelm the deliberations and pass over otherwise worthy candidates.

6. Provide the larger committee with a way to carry forward information so next year=s committee can benefit from work done this year.

7. Review additional charges as they are presented to the Honorary Degree Committee throughout the year.

8. At the end of the 1999-2000 academic year submit a year-end report commenting on committee member attendance and participation, and identify the progress that has been made in terms of the charges given. The chair should make recommendations for the charges for the 2000-2001 academic year.



1. Continue to issue RFPs for Research and Instructional Improvement grants and review the proposals in a timely manner.

2. Hold a separate call for Hemingway proposals.

3. Continue work on the web site to acquaint faculty and professional staff with the proposal submission, process, and with all other aspects of the committee=s work.

4. Enforce the stipulation that individuals who have completed projects but have not furnished reports to the committee, be denied funding for new proposals.

5. Continue to coordinate deadlines for submission of proposals with the chairs of the Institutional Review Board (formerly Human Subjects in Research Committee) and the Animal Care and Use Committee.

6. Review the proposal guidelines to ensure they are clear to applicants.

7. Continue efforts to publicize the committee=s activities. Seek ways to broaden participation campus wide. Explore opportunities to disseminate information about funded projects.

8. Review additional charges as they are presented to the Research, Scholarship and Professional Growth Committee throughout the year.

9. Submit a year end report commenting on committee attendance and participation; assessment of progress in meeting the charges given; and, make recommendations for charges for the 2000-2001 academic year.



1. Work with the President to fully fund health/dental benefits at present levels.

2. Work with the Provost to complete placement of those faculty who have not been assigned appropriate CUPA categories.

3. Review 403 B account investment alternatives and Roth IRA accounts and make recommendations regarding Supplementary Retirement Account funds

4. Review present faculty performance appraisal practices.

5. Make 2000-2001 salary recommendations by February 3, 2000.

6. Review additional charges as they are given to this committee throughout the year.

7. At the end of the 1999-2000 academic year submit a year-end report commenting on committee member attendance and participation, and identify the progress that has been made in terms of the charges given. The chair should make recommendations for the 2000-2001 charges.



The essence of the Forum is founded upon the premise that each of us is in continual pursuit of developing efficacious teaching tools and methods. These teaching tools and methods must be useful in assisting us in successfully addressing the dynamic dimensions and the quality of learning outcomes in the variety of contexts in which we find ourselves as practicing professional educators. Therefore, the following charges are suggested.

1. Define the role of the Teaching/Learning Forum in relationship to the wants and needs of faculty.

2. Continue support for faculty development of teaching and learning strategies by

A. Offering workshops, discussions, and seminars on effective learning, teaching, and assessment;

B. Continuing to create forums for faculty to showcase scholarly and teaching activities, including projects funded through RSPG.

3. Increase efforts to communicate TLA Forum activities widely within the WSU Community, including Executive Committee, Faculty Senate, faculty and staff at large through e-mail, web site, newsletter.

4. Develop and implement plans to increase participation in the TLA projects, and develop a system for informing faculty of the resources available through the TLA Forum.

5. Work with academic and administrative units to support programs helpful to faculty new to WSU.

6. Assess the success and viability of previous projects to determine those that should be continued and those that should be resurrected.

7. Work towards the integration of the various resources available for faculty for the quality improvement of teaching and learning on the campus.

8. Explore and define the relationship of TLA Standing Committee and the T/L Forum.

9. Review additional charges as they are presented to the Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Committee throughout the year.

10. At the end of the 1999-2000 academic year submit a year-end report commenting on committee member attendance and participation, and identify the progress that has been made in terms of the charges given. The chair should make recommendations for the 2000 2001 charges.



The Executive Committee discussed areas of interest to review during the 1999-2000 academic year:

Accreditation - Where are we?
Additional Funding for Computer Equipment
Opening School Meetings and Post School Meetings
Percent of Income Over Base - Look at policy
Quality Control for Online Courses - Who will do?
STAARS - Programming
Teaching Loads - Assigned Time for nonstandard class time (labs)
Technical Support for PC=s and Mac=s
Work Load


The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.


The Executive Committee will meet on September 9, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. in SS 115