EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MINUTES                                        Approved 9-22-98

Thursday, September 10, 1998
SC 167, 9:00 a.m.

PRESENT:  Dave Eisler, Judy Elsley, Bruce Handley, Thom Kuehls, Judith Mitchell - Vice Chair, Monica Mize, Diane Pugmire, Candadai Seshachari - Chair, Alden Talbot, Kay Brown - Secretary.

EXCUSED:  Karen Dewey, President Thompson


Judith Mitchell:  Motion to accept the minutes of May 28, June 8, and August 27, 1998
Second:  Diane Pugmire
Outcome:  The minutes were approved.


Dr. Seshachari presented an update on the faculty salary issue. Ray Hamel and Dana Parker from Eastern Washington University will visit Weber State September 28 and 29 to share information on the salary model used at Eastern Washington University. They will be meeting with President Thompson, Dave Eisler, the Salary Committee, Executive Committee, Faculty Senate members, and interested faculty.

A copy of the Oklahoma State University Salary Survey has been ordered. This survey is used by Utah State, the University of Utah, and Brigham Young University as a comparison for faculty salaries. This survey along with CUPA data will be used by the Salary Committee in making recommendations.


Judith Mitchell:  Motion to place the Faculty Salary update on the Faculty Senate  agenda for September 17.
Second:  Judy Elsley
Outcome:  The motion passed unanimously


Admissions, Standards, and Student Affairs - John Thaeler, Chair reporting. Discussion of PPM 4-19 Cancellations, Withdrawals, Credit/No Credit. This item was discussed at the May 21, 1998 Senate meeting. The recommendations of the Senate will remain in place through the 1998-99 academic year.


Dave Eisler reviewed the Scheduling Guidelines for Summer 1999:

Session A (4-wk) May 17 - June 11 Session C (4-wk) June 14 - July 9

Session B (8-wk) June 14 - August 6 Session D (4-wk) July 12 - Aug 6

Classes will generally be scheduled Monday through Thursday with common start times: 7:00 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 5:30 p.m. Classes will meet 50 min/credit hr/week.

Concern was expressed about evening classes being taught on consecutive days. This does not allow students who work full time to study prior to the next class.


Discussion of student academic load for Summer Term. Alden Talbot will take this issue to the Admissions, Standards, and Student Affairs Committee for discussion.


Current (September 7) enrollment figures indicate around a 6% decrease in enrollment. Final figures will come at the end of the third week (September 18). Mid semester courses will begin on October 17.


November 20 is the deadline for all curriculum proposals to be considered for the 1999-2000 catalog. Curriculum proposals will need to be reviewed by the Faculty Senate on December 10. Catalog proofs are due back to the Provost=s office on December 15 with editorial changes. January 11, final proof received by departments. Final proof due back to the Provost=s office with minor corrections on January 20. The catalog goes to press February 1, with an anticipated delivery date of March 8. This information will be sent to the Senate meeting September 17 as an informational item.


Dave Eisler recommended that the on-line catalog continue to make editorial corrections, but curriculum revisions need to be locked in at some point so that students can declare their major with a specific catalog.


Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Kathryn MacKay, Chair, reviewed the projects the committee will be involved in for Fall Semester. This information will be presented to the Faculty Senate, September 17 as an informational item.


The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.