Faculty Senate

January 22, 2009


1.     Roll Call

2.     Approve the minutes from the December 4, 2008 meeting

3.     Constitutional Review, Apportionment & Organization – Michelle Heward, Chair

4.     Second Reading - Proposed change to the Faculty Senate Constitution making the Environmental Issues Ad Hoc Committee a permanent Faculty Senate Standing Committee

5.     Academic Resources and Computing Committee – John Armstrong, Chair

ARCC Proposals

6.     Curriculum – Erika Daines, Chair

Curriculum Proposals

Zoology - Course proposal for The Nature of Sex - Zool 1030. General Education Life Science course proposal for The Nature of Sex

Telecommunications & Business Education - Program changes for Business Education Composite Teaching major, Business Education Teaching Minor, Business/Marketing Education Teaching Minor; course change for Principles of Business/Marketing Education - TBE 3600; New course proposals for Methods of Teaching Business/Marketing Education - TBE 6610, Principles of Business/Marketing Education - TBE 6600

Visual Art - Program proposals - BFA in Visual Arts with Art Education Emphasis, Art Education BA/BS, Art Education Minor; Course proposals for Drawing on the Land: The Visual Journal - ART 2015, Art Methods and Resources for Secondary Teachers I - ART 3515, Art Methods and Resources for Secondary Teachers II - ART 3520

Economics, Business Administration, Accounting - Program changes for Economics Minor for Non- Business Majors, Business Administration Major, Finance Emphasis, and Master of Accounting

Master of Accounting - New course proposals for Real Estate Taxation - Macc 6450, and a course change for Tax Practice, Procedures & Ethics - Macc 6425

7. Academic Affairs Budget Issues

8. Other Items


Next meeting: February 19, 2009

January 22, 2009

MEMBERS - Listed Alphabetically


Isabel Asensio
Mark Baugh - George Comber representing
Laine Berghout
Shannon Butler
Matt Choberka
Ken Cuddeback
Dick Dahlkemper
Larry Dooley
Eric Ewert
Dave Ferro
Robert Fudge
Lewis Gale
Janelle Gardner
Colleen Garside
Azenett, Garza
Doris Geide-Stevenson
Afshin Ghoreishi
Jeff Grunow
Susan Hafen
Bruce Handley
Rod Hansen
Kami Hanson - Shelly Costley representing
Laird Hartman
Michael Hernandez
Valerie Herzog
Warren Hill - Admin. - Al Talbot representing
Joan Hubbard -
Michelle Johnson - Student
John Kelly - Steve Stuart representing
Wade Kotter
Tyler Latham - Student - Excused


Becky Jo McShane
President Millner - Admin.
Madonne Miner - Admin. - Excused
Dale Ostlie - Admin.
Ryan Pace
Jack Rasmussen - Admin.
Rob Reynolds
Richard Sadler - Admin. - Excused
Peggy Saunders
Paul Schvaneveldt
Dan Schwab -Student
Cori Segovia-Tadehara
Gene Sessions
Yas Simonian
Kathleen Sitzman
Rick Sline
John Sohl
Ryan Thomas
Victoria Thompson - Student
Michael Vaughan - Admin.
Barbara Wachocki
Jeff Ward
Jim Wilson
Jan Winniford
Bill Zundell

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kay Brown, Secretary



1.     ROLL


Motion: Moved to approve the minutes from the December 4, 2008 meeting.
Made: Larry Dooley
Second: Rick Sline
Outcome: The minutes were approved following one correction to the statement under the apportionment figures.


In 2008 ARCC received 23 proposals from ten colleges and divisions, requesting a total of $194,388. They allocated $153,912 to 22 projects, funding many in full. Thirteen multimedia rooms were funded. Dee Technology Grants were awarded to 7 proposals for a total of $33,738 with $51,100 in matching funds.


Dee Technology February 17 at 4:00 p.m.

ARCC April 1 at 4:00 p.m.


Second reading of a proposed change to the Faculty Senate Constitutional Bylaws proposing that the Environmental Issues Ad Hoc Committee be made a permanent Faculty Senate Standing Committee.

PPM 1-13,

4.6 Committee on Environmental Issues

The Environmental Issues Committee shall help facilitate the integration of environmental initiatives into academic affairs, student affairs, and facilities management. The committee shall serve as a local and statewide source for scientifically-based information and for leadership on environmental issues affecting Utah, the Wasatch Front and WSU campus communities.

The Senate discussed the phrase "a source of scientifically-based information" and whether this meant that the committee would be involved in research. The committee will not be involved in research. Currently, they are inviting speakers to come to campus and speak on environmental issues.

Motion by the Constitutional Review, Apportionment & Organization Committee
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 abstention.

5. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE – Erika Daines, Chair

Curriculum Proposals

Zoology - Course proposal for The Nature of Sex - Zool 1030. General Education Life Science course proposal for The Nature of Sex

Telecommunications & Business Education - Program changes for Business Education Composite Teaching major, Business Education Teaching Minor, Business/Marketing Education Teaching Minor; course change for Principles of Business/Marketing Education - TBE 3600; New course proposals for Methods of Teaching Business/Marketing Education - TBE 6610, Principles of Business/Marketing Education - TBE 6600

Visual Art - Program proposals - BFA in Visual Arts with Art Education Emphasis, Art Education BA/BS, Art Education Minor; Course proposals for Drawing on the Land: The Visual Journal - ART 2015, Art Methods and Resources for Secondary Teachers I - ART 3515, Art Methods and Resources for Secondary Teachers II - ART 3520

Economics, Business Administration, Accounting - Program changes for Economics Minor for Non-Business Majors, Business Administration Major, Finance Emphasis, and Master of Accounting

Master of Accounting - New course proposals for Real Estate Taxation - Macc 6450, and a course change for Tax Practice, Procedures & Ethics - Macc 6425

It was requested that the Telecommunications & Business Education proposals be pulled from the packet.

Motion by the Curriculum Committee to approve the curriculum items from Zoology, Visual Art, Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, and Master of Accounting as stated above.
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 abstention.

Principles of Business/Marketing Education - TBE 3600, Principles of Business/Marketing Education - TBE 6600, and Business/Marketing Education - TBE 6610


It was suggested that the vote on TBE 3600 and TBE 6600 be separate.

Motion: Moved to approve from Telecommunications & Business Education the course change for Principles of Business/Marketing Education - TBE 3600.
Made: Doris Geide-Stevenson
Second: Susan Hafen
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously

Principles of Business/Marketing Education - TBE 6600, and Business/Marketing Education - TBE 6610


Preparation of students for doing research - These students will have taken Med 6000 - Fundamentals of Graduate Study which is an introduction to research. It was indicated that only a small part of 6610 is on research. 6610 is designed to help facilitate those students who want to get their license to teach in business education. The state requires a certain number of courses for licensure in this area. Telecommunications & Business Education is hesitant to require additional courses for this licensure as student may go else where. TBE was asked by the Teacher Education program to bring these courses forward. The 6000 level courses are designed for students who already have a bachelor’s degree and are working on a second bachelor’s degree in Business Education or a master’s degree. When these courses went through the COAST Curriculum Committee and the University Curriculum Committee they were not viewed as research courses.

Textbook - The textbook used for 3600/6600 and 6100/6610 is from the National Organization for Business Education. Assignments and readings differ for each course.

Course description - The course description states: "This graduate-level course includes an analysis and research into methods of demonstrations and practices, objectives, outcome measurements, testing, and grading . . ." There was some discussion of changing the course description on the floor of the Senate. Some Senate members felt they would like to see this come back with a revised course description and review the entire proposal before giving approval.

Motion: Moved to approve from Telecommunications and Business Education the course proposal for Principles of Business/Marketing Education - TBE 6600.
Made: John Sohl
Second: George Comber
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 opposed and 1 abstention.

Motion: Moved to approve from Telecommunications and Business Education the course proposal for Business/Marketing Education - TBE 6610.
Made: John Sohl
Second: George Comber
Outcome: The motion failed with 17 in favor, 18 opposed and 2 abstentions. The proposal will be sent back to the Curriculum Committee.

Program changes for Business Education Composite Teaching major, Business Education Teaching Minor, Business/ Marketing Education Teaching Minor.

Motion: Moved to approve from Telecommunication and Business Education program changes for Business Education Composite Teaching major, Business Education Teaching Minor, Business/Marketing Education Teaching Minor
Made: John Sohl
Second: George Comber
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

6. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS BUDGET ISSUES – Mike Vaughan reporting

Last year in October Academic Affairs took a budget cut of 1.9 million. This budget cut was taken by the Academic Deans, Library, Enrollment Services, and Continuing Education. Even though this was a midyear cut they were told by the Legislature to view it as a permanent cut to base and that they should expect and additional cut to base to be determined by the Legislature. They were told to plan on a cut next year in the range of 4 to 4.9 million.

The Provost has met with six of the seven academic colleges, the Library, and Enrollment Services. The deans and directors have in place a plan to cut close to five million dollars. The vast majority of this cut is being taken out of positions that are presently on hold.

The Legislature is talking about and additional one-time cut this year and a significant cut to base which would translate into an additional budget reduction for Academic Affairs. A variety of options are being explored for absorbing the additional cuts.

Where would the money come from?

Tuition - We expect an increase in enrollment as well as an increase in the tuition rate which would cover about one third of the cut. It appears that we will have about 200+ FTE (Full time equivalent) students on an annualized basis. That would translate to something over $600,000. With that funding and the increased rate of tuition there would be the potential to cover about one third of the shortfall.

Rate Change for Teaching - The rate of compensation for online and overload teaching could be reduced. With the rate change they could come up with an additional 1.3 million. This idea would have to go to the Salary, Benefits, Budget & Fiscal Planning Committee. The Provost wants to cut things that could be corrected in a year or two or three and that is one reason they are looking at changing the rate for online and overload teaching. The Provost does not want to cut base salary or retirement.

Other Sources - The Provost had set aside some money for funding additional enrollments, money was also set aside in case online grew, and they set money aside in case the summer program grew. There will be no new faculty positions next year. Money from all these sources would be about $600,000.

Weber will also face an additional one time cut this year. How we address that will depend on the magnitude of the cut and the timing of the cut. As you go farther and farther into the year our options for cutting become less and less. If the cut comes prior to the beginning of a semester you can cut classes. Once the semester begins you no longer have that option.

Faculty Concerns

Will promotions be funded? Yes, faculty promotions will be funded.

Process for tuition increase? In recent years the system has adopted a model where there is a systemize increase, and then institutions are given the latitude to impose a second tier increase. The process for the second tier increase is that hearings are held on campus.

Summer Course Offerings - Approximately the same number of credit hours will be offered this year. The Deans have been directed to count on offering as many credit hours as they offered last year. If they need to offer additional credit hours they need to make that request to the Provost.

Restructuring - Some programs that were receiving a little state money, will no longer receive state funding. The Provost anticipates some restructuring of non-academic programs.

Staff Cuts - Staff cuts will be made in accordance with university policy. A key issue is staff cuts are a result of program restructuring, an elimination of a program, or whether it is a simple reduction in force.

Faculty Cuts - At the present time faculty positions will either result from retirements, voluntary departures or non-renewal of one-year faculty. Most off campus instruction is adjunct and overload.

Sabbaticals - No central mandate on sabbaticals. Seven sabbaticals have been approved for fall 2009 by the trustees.

7. Other Items

Alcohol Policy - The Trustees have approved a policy allowing alcohol to be served on campus by outside entities while conferencing on campus. Campus department will not be allowed to serve alcohol. This policy applies to four locations that they felt could be managed in such a way that no students would be in the location of the event: Hurst Center, Alumni Center, Sky Suites, and Kimball Visual Arts.

Student Senate - On Monday January 26 the Student Senate will be discussing budget issues and concerns. Their intent is to speak with legislators about their concerns.


The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.