Approved 1-15-09

January 8, 2009
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K




Laine Berghout, Shannon Butler, Dave Ferro, Colleen Garside, Kami Hanson, Bruce Handley, Wade Kotter, Ann Millner, Peggy Saunders, Gene Sessions – Kay Brown, Secretary

Shannon Butler, Mike Vaughan

John Armstrong, Erika Daines, Rick Ford

Peggy Saunders: Moved to approve the minutes from the November 20, 2008 meeting.
Second: Colleen Garside
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

Erika Daines, Chair of the Curriculum Committee brought to the attention of the Executive Committee the need for some guideline as they review master degree program. The program come in various varieties. The idea of setting up a sub-committed for graduated programs to set some standards. The Executive Committee decided to postpone the discussion until the following week so that the Provost will be in attendance.

General Education Improvement and & Assessment Committee – Rick Ford, Chair, rorting.


ARCC Academic Resources & Computing Committee – John Armstrong, Chair, reporting

John would like to report to the Faculty Senate in January to announce the Dee Family Technology Awards and in February to make a report on the action of the committee . He would like to see a significant increase in the number of proposals that are submitted for the Dee Family Technology Awards.

Ownership of the ARCC budget was discussed. Currently the budget is with Brett Ellis in IT. It was suggested that Mike Vaughan and Brett Ellis meet and discuss the ARCC budget.

The process for projects receiving funding from ARCC was reviewed. Once the funds are distributed ARCC steps out of the picture. Deans and Chairs need to work with Norm Tarbox and Facilities Management to see that the projects are scheduled and completed.

Executive Committee members reported on the work completed by their committee fall semester and what they will be working on and completing spring semester.

An overview of continuing Senate members and those going off the Senate was reviewed. Concern about so many junior faculty running for a seat on the Senate was expressed. Executive Committee members discussed ways to encourage senior faculty to run for a position on the Senate.

The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.