Draft 3-28-06

March 9, 2006
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K


Bill Clapp, Tamara Chase, Gary Dohrer, Dawn Gatherum, Bruce Handley - Chair, Wade Kotter, Jack Mayhew, President Millner, Gene Sessions, Mike Vaughan - Kay Brown - Secretary

Becky Johns

Bill Clapp: Moved to approve the minutes from the March 2, 2006 meeting.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

S. I. 
Jim Wilson, Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on S.I., reporting

Recommendation - The Committee recommends that the University remove the SI requirement and associated course list as a requirement for the B.S. degree in order to simplify graduation requirements for students and their advisors. It is recommended that in place of the SI requirement, the B.S. be distinguished from the B.A. by a difference in the distribution of Gen. Ed.

This Committee believes that to avoid the next committee going back over the same discussion, there needs to be a model plan as a starting point for the next level of discussion. Attached is one such plan, but approval of the recommendation and sending it on to another committee does not endorse this specific reconfiguration of Gen. Ed.

Additional Elective Hours

With the removal of the SI requirement all programs whose students were taking the B.S. degree will have up to 6 credits of electives restored to them. (This will have the greatest impact on those programs which did not have any SI courses available in their area and negligible effect on those programs which got all their SI internally.)

Associate Degrees

By extension, approval of a specific change to Gen. Ed. requirements will change the A.A. degree to any new B.A. Gen. Ed. requirements and the A.S. degree will change to any new B.S. Gen. Ed. requirements. The A.A.S. degree will not change.

Recommendation - The Committee was in favor of removing the restriction that each course must be from a different program and substituting "No more than two courses in the breadth area can come from one program (i.e. the same course prefix)." The distribution requirements would still prevail.

Gary Dohrer and Thom Kuehls will be invited to the Curriculum & General Education Committee meeting for the discussion on the above recommendation.

Gene Sessions: Moved to forward the above recommendation the to Curriculum & General Education Committee, and have Thom Kuehls and Gary Dohrer be part of the discussion. The recommendation will need the concordance of the Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Gen Ed Assessment and Improvement before it can be taken to the Faculty Senate.
Second: Gary Dohrer
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The Executive Committee would like to see a recommendation go to the Faculty Senate in April.

PPM 1-13, Article B-V,4.9 Committee on Teaching, Learning and Assessment

" . . . The Committee shall be recommended to the Senate by the Executive Committee. The chair will serve for a two three-year term and will be evaluated annually by members of the Committee on Teaching, Learning and Assessment. The chair of the committee shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Forum on Teaching and Learning."

Dawn Gatherum: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate for the first reading the above proposed change to PPM 1-13, Article B-V, 4.9 changing the term of office for the TLA chair from two to three year years.
Second: Jack Mayhew
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Diane Krantz representing the Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee. The APAFT Committee met with Rich Hill and Frank Guliuzza to help with the wording of the policy. They also consulted with the University of Utah and Utah State University.

Part I - Conflict Resolution Policy - General Statement to be placed into PPM 4 (Academic Affairs)

The University recognizes that students’ core beliefs may make it difficult for some students to fulfill requirements of some courses or majors. In these cases the University will make reasonable efforts to help students reach their academic goals. This may not, however, always be possible. The University assumes no obligation to ensure that every student is able to complete every major.

Part II - PPM 9-5

5. A faculty member, At the beginning of a each course, faculty members, by means of the syllabi, should inform students of the general course content, of what is required, and of the criteria with which performance will be evaluated. informs students of the general content of the course, what is required of the students and the criteria upon which their performance will be evaluated. The general content of the course and the criteria for evaluating student performance should relate clearly to the legitimate academic purpose of the course. The faculty member shall hold all students responsible for meeting the course requirements criteria.

6. If there is a conflict between a student's core beliefs and the requirements or course content in a particular course, a student may request a resolution of such a conflict. The faculty member is not required to provide alternative requirements or modify the course content as long as the existing requirements and content have a reasonable relationship to the legitimate pedagogical goals of the course. However, the faculty member is required to grant such a resolution if denial of the request would be arbitrary and capricious or illegal. (See PPM 6-22, part IV.D.9)

Part III - Student Code - PPM 6-22

8. The right to competent academic instruction and advisement such that students may

q. Request a resolution of conflict between course content and the student’s core-beliefs. (See PPM 6-22 IV. D. 9)

PPM 6-22 IV. D. 9.

9. Determine, before the last day to drop courses without penalty, when course requirements conflict with the student’s sincerely-held core beliefs. If there is such a conflict, the student should consider dropping the class.  A student who finds this solution impracticable may request a resolution from the instructor. This policy does not oblige the instructor to grant the request, except in those cases when a denial would be arbitrary and capricious or illegal. This request must be made to the instructor in writing and the student must deliver a copy of the request to the office of the department head. The student’s request must articulate the burden the requirement would place on the student’s beliefs.

Gary Dohrer: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the above recommendations for a conflict resolution policy.
Second: Gene Sessions
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Laine Berghout, Chair of the Curriculum & General Education Committee reporting.

Curriculum Proposals

History - Course proposal for Religion in American History - Hist 3250

Criminal Justice - Course proposal for Scientific Crime Scene Investigation - CJ 2340

Political Science - Course proposals for Political Behavior - Pols 3620, Politics in Perspective - Pols 4870, and Internship Research - Pols 4880

Athletic Training - Program proposal for Athletic Training Major; Course changes for Level I Clinical Experience - AT 2862 changing to Clinical Application of Athletic Training I - AT 1501, Sports Injuries - AT 3530 changing to Prevention and Care of Musculoskeletal Injuries - AT 2430, Level II Clinical Experience - AT 3861 changing to Clinical Application of Athletic Training II - AT 2500, Level II Clinical Experience - AT 3862 changing to Clinical Application of Athletic Training III - AT 2501, Evaluation and Care of Athletic Injuries: Lower Extremity - AT 4300 changing to Evaluation and Care of Musculoskeletal Injuries: Lower Extremity - AT 3300, Evaluation and Care of Athletic Injuries: Upper Extremity - AT 4301 changing to Evaluation and Care of Musculoskeletal Injuries: Upper Extremity - AT 3301, Level III Clinical Experience - AT 4861 changing to Clinical Application of Athletic Training IV - AT 3500, Level III Evaluation and Care of Musculoskeletal Injuries: Upper Extremity - AT 3301, Level III Clinical Experience - AT 4861 changing to Clinical Application of Athletic Training IV - AT 3500, Level III Clinical Experience - AT 4862 changing to Clinical Application of Athletic Training V - AT 3501, Modalities of Athletic Injuries - AT 3571 changing to Basic Therapeutic Modalities for, Musculoskeletal Injuries - AT 4100, Level IV Professional Experience - AT 4960 changing to Clinical Application of Athletic, Training VI - AT 4500, Administration & Management for Human Performance Professions - AT 4600 changing to Administration & Management in Athletic Training - AT 4600

Course proposals for Introduction to Sports Medicine - AT 2175, Tapping, Bracing, Padding, and Splinting - AT 2431, Advanced Therapeutic Modalities for Musculoskeletal Injuries - AT 4101, Individual Projects - AT 4800, Preparation for the Board of Certification (BOC) Exam - AT 4998, Critical Thinking for Musculoskeletal Injury Management - AT 4999.

Chemistry Department - Course proposal for Introduction to General, Organic & Biochemistry Lab

Questions were asked about the course content of Religion in American History - Hist 3250.

Tamara Chase: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the above curriculum proposals.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The current moratorium on general education courses was discussed. If it is not renewed it will expire automatically at the end of spring semester. The Philosophy Department is proposing a logic course to fulfill the quantitative literacy requirement, and waiting to see if the moratorium will be renewed for another year.

Salary, Benefit, Budget & Fiscal Planning Committee

Instructions have been given to the Salary Negotiation Team for their meeting with the President and Provost on March 20. The Negotiation Team will report back to the Salary, Benefit, Budget & Fiscal Planning Committee members on March 21 for their approval of the recommendation. That recommendation will go to the Faculty Senate March 23.

The Legislature allocated 2.5% with an additional .5% if the institution added .5% to come from savings to benefits. Second tier tuition adds another .5%, bringing the total to 4%. There is a $300,000 gap between what has been allocated for medical benefits and the actual cost to fund medical benefits.

The Salary Committee authorized the Negotiation Team to go to the President with the recommendation that 2.5% be given for across the board cost of living, .5% come in the form of a dollar amount to put toward the benefits (approximately $200), the additional 1% would be identified as merit/equity. It is suggested that funds to close the gap in what has been allocated and what is needed for medical benefits will come from raising the copays for office visits from $15 to $25, copays for therapy from $20 to $25, urgent care copays from $25 to $30, and ER copy from $65 to $100; and a three tier prescription program be implemented requiring a 20% copay for generic, a 25% copay for preferred and a 35% copay for non-preferred.

Dawn Gatherum: Moved to support the above direction of the Salary, Benefits, Budget & Fiscal Planning Committee .
Second: Jack Mayhew
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting will adjourn at 3:20 p.m.