Approved 10-7-04

September 16, 2004
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K



Tamara Chase, Bruce Christensen, Bill Clapp, Lauren Fowler, Sue Harley, Michelle Heward, Wade Kotter, Jeff Livingston, Ann Millner, Molly Smith - Vice Chair, Kay Brown - Secretary

Becky Johns

Motion: Moved to approve the minutes from the September 9, 2004 meeting.
Made: Bruce Christensen
Second: Lauren Fowler
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

Becky Johns met with Bruce Bowen and Jill Grob and discussed the need to have the wording on the advising sheet exactly as it is stated in the catalog. The possibility of having the Curriculum & General Education Committee review the wording in the catalog and provide clarification was discussed.

The advising sheets indicates that "students need to pass courses with a D- or better." Do we need to advertise the D- as a passing grade? An alternative statement might be, "students need to pass these courses."

Executive Committee members felt that there should be some formal review of the Academic Advising document. Several questions were raised: Are the general education requirements posted on the web stated exactly as they are stated in the WSU catalog? How is the Graduation Office interpreting the policy? Should the advising document be reviewed by the Curriculum and General Education Committee? Jeff Livingston will talk with Bruce Bowen and Jill Grob about the advising document and the possibility of having them meet with the Executive Committee.

Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth Committee – Susan Matt, Chair, reporting

The committee issued 3 calls for proposals–once during the fall semester and twice during the spring semester, and received a total of 34 proposals for RSPG funding, 14 for Hemingway awards, for a total of 48 requests. Requests for RSPG funds totaled $80,428.34; requests for Hemingway monies totaled $43,364.86. The grand total of all requests was $123,793.32. In all, $81,851.51 was distributed. $48,896.51 of this was given in RSPG awards and $32,955.00 was given in Hemingway Awards. $10,000 of this was money designated for new faculty. In all, 12 faculty received Hemingway awards and 27 received RSPG awards. The full report is on file in the Faculty Senate Office.

Motion: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate for the September meeting the RSPG report.
Made: Bruce Christensen
Second: Michelle Heward
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

President Millner was asked to give a "Fall Update" at the September Faculty Senate meeting. Items of interest to faculty might include:

The Executive Committee would like to have Norm Tarbox update the budget category chart that he discussed in March 2003.

P Card Training can be done online and can be done in less than thirty minutes. The Civil Rights training addresses a number of issues that have occurred on campus. The driving safety video is mandated by the state.

The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.