Faculty Senate
March 25, 2004


MEMBERS - Listed Alphabetically
Tony Allred
Johnathan Aubrey
Lee Badger
Laine Berghout
Lloyd Burton
Scott Butcher - Student
Paul Caldarella
Shelley Conroy
Roger Crockett
Gary Dohrer
Ann Ellis
Rick Ford
Lauren Fowler - Kathryn MacKay representing
Joy Gall - Excused
Colleen Garside - Parliamentarian - Excused
Dawn Gatherum
Richard Greene - Frank Guliuzza representing
Addy Hall - Student
Cheryl Hansen - Jeff Stokes representing
Sue Harley
Laird Hartman
Bobby Herrera
Michelle Heward
Warren Hill - Admin.
Bob Hogge
Joan Hubbard - Excused
Debra Huber
Pam Hugie
Becky Johns
Diane Kawamura
Wade Kotter
Diane Krantz
Taowen Le - Absent
Diane Leggett
Kathleen Lukken - Admin.
Laura MacLeod
Susan Matt
Marek Matyjasik
President Millner
Michelle More
Matt Mouritsen
Dale Ostlie - Excused
Steve Peterson
June Phillips Admin
Kyle Poll - Student
Jack Rasmussen - Admin - Absent
Richard Sadler - Admin. - Mark Bigler representing
Paul Schvaneveldt
Rick Sline
Molly Smith
Erik Stern - Absent
Bob Summers - Absent
Betty Tucker
Michael Vaughan - Admin.
Huiying Wei-Arthus - Rob Reynolds representing
Toni Weight
Yu-Jane Yang

2004-05 Senators
Bill Allison
Laine Berghout
Karen Brookens
Dilek Buchholz
Tamara Chase
Bruce Christensen
Bill Clapp - Excused
Dave Ferro
Michelle Heward
Marek Matyjasik
Jack Mayhew
Jeff Stokes
Scott Wright
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kay Brown, Secretary


l.     ROLL CALL


Motion: Moved to approve the minutes from the February 19, 2004 meeting.
Made: Molly Smith
Second: Warren Hill
Outcome: The minutes were approved


Faculty Senate Chair election - Sue Harley, Michelle Heward, Wade Kotter and Molly Smith withdrew their names from the ballot. Senators for the 2004-05 academic year cast their ballots. The remaining names on the ballot were: Tamara Chase, Bill Clapp, Bruce Christensen, Lauren Fowler, and Becky Johns. Becky Johns was elected Chair of the Faculty Senate for 2004-05.

Faculty Senate Vice Chair election - Sue Harley, Michelle Heward and Becky Johns names were taken off the ballot. The remaining names on the ballot were: Tamara Chase, Bill Clapp, Bruce Christensen, Lauren Fowler, Wade Kotter and Molly Smith. Molly Smith was elected Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate for 2004-05. Paul Caldarella and Ann Ellis were election tellers.

4. ACCREDITATION – Monica Mize

The Accreditation Super Challenge awarded 30 prizes to daily winners, 5 prizes to weekly, and 26 prizes to division and department winners. Sue Harley won the faculty member grand prize. Sue scored a perfect score of 5,243 points. The prize awarded was a two night stay on historical Main Street in Park City at the Washington School Inn.


Salary Recommendations:

Provide faculty with a 3% raise. Monies allocated by the Legislature are sufficient to provide 1% of the 3% raise; the remainder is to be taken from second tier monies.

Use the insurance monies provided through legislative action and any other resource monies to cover part of the insurance cost increases. Maintain current benefit levels for medical and dental coverage and keep the premium shared portion paid directly by faculty as low as possible.

Ask the Deans of the respective colleges to look for moneys to alleviate equity problems within their colleges.

The Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee members recognize the hard work of the Administration and give their vote of confidence to them. Nevertheless, the committee implores the Administration to recognize that the gap between CUPA averages and Weber State University faculty salaries is widening and, in the interest of fairness and maintaining the University’s ability to deliver quality education to the community, to do all within its power to reverse that trend.

6. SPRING SEMESTER UPDATE – President Millner

Weber State will offer for the 2004-05 academic year a choice of medical insurance carries and networks for employees from Educators Mutual and Althius. The benefits, co-pays and deductibles, and network of physicians and hospitals will remain the same as this past year. The overall cost increase in the insurance premium is 12.5%.

"Employee premium sharing will begin July 1. Every contract employee who is at least three-quarter time will receive a $500 base salary increase to help offset the effect of the introduction of premium sharing. The premium sharing amounts will be $20.19 per pay period for family coverage, $13.98 per pay period for couple coverage, and $6.02 per pay period for single coverage. These amounts equal 5% of the full premium for each plan type. If you shelter the cost of the premium in the flexible spending program as part of the open enrollment process, the $500 will offset the entire cost of the premium-sharing." The University will automatically shelter money from the $500 to cover the cost of the premium.

"There will be a 2% increase for all employees performing satisfactorily. This increase is made possible by funding provided by the legislature and from second-tier tuition. The legislature funded an approximate $300 one-time bonus for all contract

Employees who are at least three-quarter time. Contract employees who are less than three-quarter time will receive a proportional share of this bonus. The bonus will be awarded to those employed at the university as of November 16, 2004, and will be included in the December 3, 2004 paychecks."

The Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee representing the faculty of Weber State University expressed their appreciation to President Millner, her administrative team, and to the students for their efforts in providing the 2% salary increase, and the creative mechanism that was designed to support the employee premium sharing.


College of Applied Science and Technology proposed revisions to the college tenure document. This change was presented and unanimously approved by faculty in the College of Applied Science and Technology.

1.2.3 Promotion and Tenure - Professional File

The professional file for promotion or tenure shall contain the following evidential elements in the order listed:

a. A current curriculum vitae in the approved format (see attached)

b. A self-report of activities in the three (or four) performance review categories

c. A summary report of student evaluations for the courses taught by the faculty member for at least one course per semester for tenured faculty and for every course for tenure track faculty. For a tenured faculty, the process of determining which course is to be evaluated each semester is outlined in section IV of PPM 8-11. If a tenured faculty has more than one class evaluated each semester, the selection of which of those evaluations are to go into the Professional File will be jointly determined between the faculty member and the chair. If they cannot come to an agreement, the selection shall be subject to binding arbitration by the dean, after consultation with the faculty member and the chair. The dean’s office will place For a tenure track faculty member, copies of all of the evaluations will go into the professional file for tenure track faculty members before they are sent to the chairs for distribution to the faculty.

It was suggested that staff be added to the above sentence - . The dean’s office staff will place For a tenure track faculty member, copies of all of the evaluations will go into the professional file for tenure track faculty members before they are sent to the chairs for distribution to the faculty. This change was accepted as a friendly amendment.

Motion: Moved to approve the proposed revisions to the College of Applied Science and Technology tenure document.
Made: Warren Hill
Second: Roger Crockett
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.


First reading of the proposed revisions to the Curriculum and General Education Committee description.

PPM 1-13 - The committee on Curriculum and General Education (CGE) Committee shall study and evaluate the curriculum and general education needs of the University by reviewing program, certificate, and course proposals (including courses proposed to fulfill specific General Education designations as defined in the CGE manual) which have been approved by college curriculum committees or programs that report directly to the Office of Academic Affairs. initiate new programs and revise old ones and consider specified proposals of instructional departments or individual faculty members.

Applied Science and Technology, Computer Science minor and BIS Program - Cutting hours from 28 to 24 credit hours. The BIS Program was presented at the December Faculty Senate meeting and approved. Judy Elsley, Director of the BIS Program had not been contacted about the change. Dr. Elsley and Dr. Hart met and have revised the hours for the minor and BIS portion cutting the hours from 28 to 24 hours. The last requirement will now require only one upper division course for 4 hours of credit instead of two upper division courses for 8 hours..

Motion: Moved to approve the change from 28 to 24 hours for the computer science minor and BIS.
Made: Becky Johns
Second: Gary Dohrer
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Dumke College of Health Professions, Radiologic Sciences course changes for Clinical Preceptorship - Radtec 5861, 5862, 5863, 5868; course deletions for Clinical Preceptorship - Radtec 5864, 5865, 5867; program proposals for Radiologist Assistant (RA) Emphasis, Radiology Practitioner Assistant (RPA) Graduate Institutional Certificate.

Questions were raised about using five thousand level numbers in the Radiology Practitioner Assistant (RPA) Graduate Institutional Certificate. The Senate discussed the possibility of changing the course numbers to six thousand level numbers. The RPA Graduate Institutional Certificate would need to be approved by the Board of Regents. Students who will be involved in the RPA Graduate Institutional Certificate are required to have a bachelor’s degree and are looking for an advanced practice level program. The Department of Radiologic Sciences felt that the certificate needs to be designated as a graduate certificate. The suggestion was made to have one of the Standing Committees look at graduate certificates.

Motion: Moved that the (RPA) Radiology Practitioner Assistant Graduate Institutional Certificate be approved as well as the course changes for Clinical Preceptorship - Radtec 5861, 5862, 5863, 5868; course deletions for Clinical Preceptorship - Radtec 5864, 5865, 5867; program proposals for Radiologist Assistant (RA) Emphasis.
Made: Mike Vaughan
Second: Matt Mouritsen

After a lengthy discussion the Department of Radiologic Sciences and the Dean of the College of Health Professions decided to withdraw the course and program proposals.

Goddard School of Business & Economics, Master of Professional Accountancy new course proposal for Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting - MPAcc 6130.

Motion: Moved to approve the from the Master of Professional Accountancy the new course proposal for Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting - MPAcc 6130.
Made: Betty Tucker
Second: Susan Matt
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Stewart Library new course proposal for Information Resources in the Social Sciences - Libsci TD2804. This course will teach information literacy skills with a focus on information resources in the social sciences. This course will fulfill part D of the Information Literacy requirement.

Motion: Moved to approve from the Stewart Library the new course proposal for Information Resources in the Social Sciences - Libsci TD2804.
Made: Scott Butcher
Second: Laura MacLeod
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Honors Program course change for Honors Colloquium 3900. This is a variable title course. They are proposing making the hours variable, changing from 3 credit hours to 2-4 credit hours depending on the course.

Motion: Moved to approve from Honors the course change for Honors Colloquium 3900.
Made: Rick Ford
Second: Rick Sline
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 abstention.


Printed Class Schedules - Some Senate members voiced their concern over the class schedules no longer being printed because not everyone has access to a computer, and it is easier to look through the printed schedule than moving back and forth in the section posted on the web. Student discussed the issues and voted 18 out of 19 in the Student Senate in favor of not continuing to print the class schedule. Problems - Department schedules have to be submitted so early that changes occur after it is printed and department have to post changes. The cost of printing is approximately $40,000 a year.

ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.