DRAFT 9-29-03

September 25, 2003
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K


Michelle Heward, Sue Harley, Becky Johns, Diane Kawamura, Wade Kotter, Kathleen Lukken, Laura MacLeod, Molly Smith, Kay Brown - Secretary

 Tony Allred, Diane Krantz Ann Millner

 Kent Jorgensen and Trevan Blaisdell from UTA

Wade Kotter: Moved to approve the minutes from the September 11, 2003 meeting.
Second: Sue Harley
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

 Kent Jorgensen discuss the impact of an increasing population along the Wasatch front and transportation issues that will develop over the next twenty years.
UTA is trying to create a balance between building roads and providing public transportation. They are looking at bus realignment and expansion, technology to operate more efficiently and the help them make better decisions, bicycle transportation, park and ride lots, light rail extensions, and regional commuter rail. UTA recently purchased a 175 mile corridor between Brigham City and Payson. The first phase of this project is from Ogden to Salt Lake with proposed stops in downtown Ogden, Roy, Clearfield, Layton, Woods Cross, and North Temple where it would align with light rail going to the airport and the Gateway Center.
Education Pass - The Ed Pass this year is free to WSU students, faculty and staff because of a grant. Weber State joins the University of Utah, Salt Lake Community College, Utah Valley State College, Brigham Young University, the Davis Applied Technology College, and the Ogden/Weber Technology College in the Ed Pass program. This year the "Wild Card" serves as a bus pass. Next year a universal Ed Pass card will be issued.
Cost of the program next year will be determined by ridership. Estimated cost for next year’s program amounts to about $6.00 a semester for all employees and students of Weber State. The pass is good for a twelve-month period. Routes to and from Weber State have been added so that students from Riverdale, Clearfield and Roy have a direct route to the university with the frequency increased from every sixty minutes to every thirty minutes. In November a route connecting the Davis campus to Weber State will be added. Additional information can be found at - RideUTA.com
UTA would like help in getting information out to faculty, staff and students. A map of the routes could be distributed or put on the Weber State web site with a link to the UTA site. A suggestion was mad to posted maps at bus stops?

 Monica Mize, Chair of the University Graduation Requirements Planning Committee gave a progress report as of this date. Committee members have been contacted and committee charges have been distributed via e-mail. Two meetings are scheduled for October, the 15th and the 24th. One meeting will also be held in November. She will report back to the Executive Committee at the Agenda Setting meeting November 20.
Monica contacted the Association of American Colleges and Universities for copies of their latest articles on general education reform; spoke with Dr. Stephen Briggs at the College of New Jersey and Dr. Peter Facione at Loyola University of Chicago about their process of general education reform; acquired copies of models for general education requirements from Indiana State, College of Charleston, Eastern New Mexico, and IUPUI; acquired reports from Greater Expectation National Panel Report and the Faculty Survey for General Education; ordered the reference book, Twelve Strategies for General Education Reform. Most institutions have taken between three and five years to revise their general education requirements.
The UGRPC will need to identify the issues surrounding gen ed, S.I., diversity, math, American Institutions, etc., and design a plan of attack. Many faculty are asking why this? Why now? Why Faculty Senate? Michelle Heward will issue something in writing that can go to the UGRP Committee and to faculty.
Kathy Herndon, Chair of the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee, will be added to the UGRP Committee membership.

Bill Fruth reporting on the Wild Card - Weber State is transitioning to a new I.D. card for students, staff and faculty. New digital photos will be taken beginning Monday, September 29 in the Lair for about a week and a half. Pictures at the Davis Campus will be taken October 8, 9, and 10. About a year ago Microsoft indicated that our current DOS based system would no longer be supported. The new system will allow greater flexibility with a one card system; software and hardware have been updated. Beginning October 13 the old cards will be inactive.

Mortar Board Honorary Society - Dr. Jim Hurst, a WSU alumnus and former V. P. of Student Affairs at the University of Wyoming, recently approached WSU to see if there is interest in establishing a campus chapter of Mortar Board, a national college senior honor society that recognizes excellence in scholarship, leadership and service. Faculty members who are Mortar Board honorees or who may be otherwise interested are encouraged to contact Bill Fruth, Director of the Shepard Union, at extension 7850 or by email at bfruth@weber.edu. More information on Mortar Board can be found at their website, www.mortarboard.org.

Union Building Feasibility Study - The Union Building is a 180,000 square foot facility. The east wing of the building was originally completed in 1960 and the west wing in 1971. A committee of faculty, students, staff, and facilities management employees are looking at the feasibility of a union renovation. They are also looking at the plaza area and the entrance to the library as a focal point. The desire is to fashion a building that is efficient and exciting, one that encourages energy and people to interact, and one that has the elements of food service, and the bookstore included in the design The Union is every person’s place; its common ground. The goal is to have a tentative plan to present to the campus by the end of the calendar year. WSU is working with MHTN Architects out of Salt Lake. Town meetings will be held to solicit input and ideas . The students would have to be willing to support the cost of the Union renovation through student fees as there is no other source of revenue for this project.

Becky Johns spoke with Andy Lingwall who teaches a PR Campaign class in the Communication Department Spring semester. This class could work up a PR campaign for the Executive Committee sharing ways the Executive Committee could disbursing information to faculty. Professor Lingwall is willing to help the Executive Committee put together and format an e-letter highlighting information items for faculty. We need to develop something that is visually appealing, something faculty can look at quickly with useful information and links to additional information. Items need to be limited and prioritized.
Items that could be included in the first e-letter:

Introduction - Becky Johns
Ed Pass - Diane Kawamura
Gen Ed Ad Hoc Committee - Michelle Heward
Wild Card
Mortar Board - Wade Kotter
Diversity Conference
What is an Educated Person Conference - Kathleen Lukken
Team Workshops - Kathleen Lukken

It was determined that there was not enough lead time in the first e-letter to include information on replacing the Wild Card and Diversity Conference information.
Executive Committee members will write a short paragraph highlighting the above information items and send it to Kay in the Senate Office. The information will then be sent to faculty e-mail addresses. The e-letter would be the Executive Committee’s communication device to the faculty. There are established faculty e-mail lists by college. Drew Weidman could work with us to put together faculty addresses. The adjunct faculty list is a difficult list to compile. Department secretaries could print the information and post it in the department mail room so that it is available to all who teach.

The meeting adjourned at 4:00