Approved 4-1-04

March 11, 2004
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K



Tony Allred, Dawn Gatherum, Sue Harley, Becky Johns, Diane Kawamura, Wade Kotter,, Laura MacLeod, Molly Smith, Kay Brown - Secretary

Kathleen Lukken, Ann Millner, Michelle Heward

Dawn Gatherum: Moved to approve the minutes from the February 26, 2004 meeting.
Second: Becky Johns
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

Sue Harley, Liaison to the Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee presented changes to the College of Applied Science & Technology Tenure Document.

c. A summary report of student evaluations for the courses taught by the faculty member for at least one course per semester for tenured faculty and for every course for tenure track faculty. For a tenured faculty, the process of determining which course is to be evaluated each semester is outlined in section IV of PPM 8-11. If a tenured faculty has more than one class evaluated each semester, the selection of which of those evaluations are to go into the Professional File will be jointly determined between the faculty member and the chair. If they cannot come to an agreement, the selection shall be subject to binding arbitration by the dean, after consultation with the faculty member and the chair. The dean’s office will place For a tenure track faculty member, copies of all of the evaluations will go into the professional file for tenure track faculty members before they are sent to the chairs for distribution to the faculty.

Diane Kawamura: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the revisions to the College of Applied Science & Technology Tenure Document.
Second: Wade Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

CGE Rob Reynolds, Chair of the Curriculum & General Education Committee, presented changes to the CGE committee description in PPM 1-13:

The committee on Curriculum and General Education (CGE) Committee shall study and evaluate the curriculum and general education needs of the University by reviewing program, certificate, and course proposals (including courses proposed to fulfill specific General Education designations as defined in the CGE manual) which have been approved by college curriculum committees or programs that report directly to the Office of Academic Affairs. initiate new programs and revise old ones and consider specified proposals of instructional departments or individual faculty members.

Wade Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the suggested changes to the Curriculum & General Education Committee description found in PPM 1-13.
Second: Becky Johns
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The Computer Science Department Chair, Dave Hart, and the BIS Program Director, Judy Elsley, have revised the Computer Science minor and BIS requirements changing the required number of computer science course credits from 28 to 24 credit hours.

From Radiologic Sciences course changes, deletions, and program proposals for the (RA) Radiologist Assistant Emphasis, and the (RPA) Radiology Practitioner Assistant graduate institutional certificate were presented.

Becky Johns: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Radiologic Sciences the course changes, deletions, and the program proposals for the (RA) Radiologist Assistant Emphasis, and the (RPA) Radiology Practitioner Assistant graduate institutional certificate.
Second: Diane Kawamura
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

From the School of Accountancy a new course proposal for Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting - MPAcc 6130.

Becky Johns: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from the School of Accountancy a new course proposal for Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting - MPAcc 6130.
Second: Wade Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

From the Library a new course proposal for Information Resources in the Social Sciences - Libsci TD 2804.

Diane Kawamura: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from the Library the new course proposal for Information Resources in the Social Sciences - Libsci TD 2804.
Second: Becky Johns
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

From Honors a course change for the variable title course, Honors Colloquium - Hnrs 3900. They are proposing variable credit from 2-4 hours rather than 3 credit hours as currently listed.

Laura MacLeod: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Honors the course change for Honors Colloquium - Hnrs 3900 to change the credit hours from 3 to variable, 2-4 credit hours.
Second: Becky Johns
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The Executive Committee discussed changing all "Special Topics" courses to "Variable Title" courses so that the exact title of the course would be listed on the student’s transcript. They also discussed having the topics for the variable title courses by handled by email as a nonsubstantive item so that departments with the approval of the Dean could email the title of the course being offered during a specific term.

Al Talbot, Chair of the Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee presented the Salary Recommendations.

Draft Salary Recommendations:

Accept from the administration the 1 percent salary increase to base salaries across the board based on satisfactory performance as provided from legislative action. Additionally, the 2nd tier monies that were requested for "salary increases" be added to that 1 percent increase.

Use the insurance monies provided through legislative action and any other resource monies to cover part of the insurance cost increases. Maintain current benefit levels for medical and dental coverage as a carrier is determined keeping the premium shared portion paid directly by faculty/staff as low as possible

Ask the Deans of the respective colleges to look for money to alleviate special equity problems within their colleges and for awarding special merit.

Reinforce the need for the Administration to work toward narrowing the gap between the CUPS averages and the Weber State faculty salaries.

The Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee members recognize the hard work of the Administration and give their vote of confidence to them

The Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning committee will meet on Monday, March 22 to finalize the "Salary Recommendations."

A one percent raise for all faculty requires $300,000. Second tier money will probably range from $900,000 to 1,3000,000. President Millner does not want any employee’s take home pay to be less because of the need of the employee to pay part of the health insurance premium.

Diane Kawamura: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the Salary Recommendations from the Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 3:08 p.m.