Approved 10-12-00


October 5, 2000
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K

Bruce Christensen, Gary Dohrer, Dave Eisler, Ron Holt, Marie Kotter, Judith Mitchell - Chair, Dan Schroeder, Gene Sessions, Sally Shigley, Alden Talbot - Vice Chair, President Thompson Kay Brown - Secretary.

Diane Siegfreid, Ann Millner

Bruce Christensen: Moved to approve the minutes from the September 14, and the September 28, 2000 meeting.

Second: Dan Schroeder
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

Diane Siegfreid presented an overview of the Concurrent Enrollment and Early College Programs.

Concurrent Enrollment is a program mandated by the state legislature. Students who are junior or senior level in high school are able to participate in classes taught by high school teachers who have been approved and are sponsored by an academic department at Weber State University. The contract between Weber State and the high school for the concurrent course and the teacher are renewed each year. The courses are to meet the student=s high school graduation requirement as well as earn them collegiate credit in the introductory course level. Students must be earning a AB@ or better in their course work, have a 90% attendance record, and demonstrate good academic study patterns with a teacher or counselor sponsoring the student. Each academic department at Weber State can identify any additional criteria they wish to have.

Early College is a program that allows eligible high school students to attend classes on the Weber State campus. These students must take the ACT. They are judged on an admissions index, which is a ratio of their GPA and ACT. This program is available for junior and senior high school students. The intent is that the student is taking the course to fulfill their high school graduation requirement as well as being able to earn college credit, generally from introductory level courses. The student=s course load is balanced with their high school classes and their Weber State classes. Early College students participate in the regular course offering on campus.

SCH=s (Student Credit Hours) are counted from Early College students, but not from Concurrent Enrollment unless a technology component is incorporated in the course.

Concern was expressed over resources available at Weber State to maintain quality control over concurrent classes taught at the high schools. The Executive Committee felt more attention needed to be given to the criteria allowing students to participate in Early College. Early College should not be used to solve or address social and academic problems occurring at the high school. Tightening the admission standard or other ways of evaluating students for Early College admission were discussed.

The Executive Committee revised the process for release of faculty evaluation data to read as follows:

1. Current policy (PPM 8-11) regarding faculty evaluations will be followed.

2. A generic faculty evaluation form including two standard questions will be distributed this Fall to all departments. Departments can use the generic evaluation form from the Faculty Senate Office or add the two standard questions to their department faculty evaluation form. The two standardized questions will be identified to the students as the questions from which data will be compiled and the results made available.

3. The evaluation data from the two standard questions will be released by class, listing instructors.

4. A full distribution of student responses to the two standard questions will be released.

5. The distribution of the results from the two standard questions will be included in the tenure and promotion process.

6. Data from Fall and Spring Semester evaluations will be compiled through the Institutional Research Office and made available at the Reserve Desk in the Library.

Judith Mitchell will write a statement for the Faculty Senate packets concerning the GRAMA Act and the history behind the law, the request of the student for faculty evaluation information, and the process for making information available. Executive Committee members were encouraged to talk with their colleagues regarding the GRAMA Act and the process for making information available.

Judith Mitchell will attend the Program Committee meeting and the Business Committee meeting with the Trustees Tuesday, October 10, 2000 along with Lee Sather, and Dean Sadler to discuss the History Department
=s position on the use of C.E. and B.C.E. in the history course title.

The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.