November 29, 2012
MA 211K
2:00 p.m.


1.    Approval of the minutes from Nov 1, 2012 meeting.
        (Available for viewing on the Faculty Senate Website click on the November 29, 2012 Agenda, Item 1)

2.    Central Support of Classrooms - Bret Ellis, Vice President, IT and Shelly Bellflower, Director Academic Technologies

3.    Environmental Issues Committee Chair Replacement -

4.    APAFT Committee - Chris Eisenbarth, Chair

Voting item regarding committee charge:
1. Review and revise the statement contained in PPM 8-11, III, C - Tenure Process: Faculty members who have been granted extensions of the probationary period beyond the normal six years shall annually be subject to formal review. The statement asserts that faculty granted extensions are still required to put their file together and undergo the review. The policy effectively states that the faculty member will be reviewed every year until they receive tenure.

Chris Eisenbarth made a motion to change the wording as follows: “Faculty members who have been granted extensions of the probationary period beyond the normal six years shall be subject to formal review the subsequent year.” The motion was moved by Joe Wolfe and seconded by Sandra Fital-Akelbek. The motion passed unanimously.

Informational item:
2. The APAFT Committee was instructed by Provost Vaughan to consider the College of Arts and Humanities request to use Canvas (or some other electronic platform) as a means to compile faculty promotion and tenure portfolios.

Chris Eisenbarth made a recommendation that the College of Arts and Humanities should meet with IT (RC Callahan) to discuss concerns about the security issues and access privileges of the Canvas platform. After this meeting the College should hold meetings to discuss with departmental faculty their findings from IT about the risks involved using Canvas for automating Tenure/Promotion documents. The motion was seconded by Mike Cocos, and then passed unanimously.

5.    Curriculum – Jim Wilson, Chair
    HNRS2020 Exploring Key Concepts in the Creative Arts: Music in Society, Science & Psyche - New Course Proposal, Syllabus - General Education in CREATIVE ARTS
    HNRS2030 Exploring Key Concepts in the Physical Sciences: Are We Alone? The Science of Astrobiology - New Course Proposal, Syllabus - General Education in PHYSICAL SCIENCES EMPHASIS

Criminal Justice  - CJ Program Proposal  (This is a combined change with Program Changes and Course Proposals)

Teacher Education   Teacher Education Overview Document
Associate of Science in Pre-Education - New Program Proposal

Teacher Education Catalog Changes            Teacher Education Program Changes and Course Proposals
Elementary Education, BS - Program Change
New Course Proposals- EDUC3270 Differentiation and Collaboration for Inclusive Teaching (3), EDUC3210 Elementary Level II practicum (3), EDUC3115 Media Integration in Elementary Education Settings (2), EDUC4210     Elementary Level III Practicum (3), EDUC3315 Media Integration in the Secondary School Setting (1), EDUC3910 Secondary Education Practicum (2).
Special Education, BS - Program Change
Course Proposal Changes - EDUC4640, EDUC4650, EDUC4660.
Secondary Education, BS - Program Change
Course Proposal Changes - EDUC3200, EDUC3260, EDUC3930.

Health & Human Performance
Master of Science in Athletic Training - Program Change
MSAT6998 Master’s Board of Certification (BOC) Exam Preparation (1)  Syllabus
Visual Arts
BFA Photography Emphasis - Program Change
Bachelor’s of Fine Arts - Program Change
New Course Proposals
ART3080 Critical Issues in Art (required for all BFA students except Visual Communication emphasis) Syllabus
ART History ARTH3451 History of Design (required for Visual Communication emphasis) Syllabus
ART 3455 Design Theory and Practice (required for Visual Communication emphasis) Syllabus
ART 3450 Design History and Theory---Proposed Course Deletion:
Computer Science
Game Development Institutional Certificate in Computer Science - Program Change
AAS in Computer Science - Program Changes
BS in Computer Science - Program Changes
CS2899 Associate Degree Assessment - New Course Proposal(No syllabus needed for this course)
Master’s in Criminal Justice
MCJ6000 Criminal Justice in Statistics - New Course Proposal   Syllabus
HIST4985 Historical Research and Methods - New Course Proposal  Syllabus

6.    Creation of Ad-hoc Committee - Committee for Institutional Assessment - Colleen Packer   (Pulled off agenda)

7.     SBBFP Committe - Status on Salary Poll, Charge 6 - Colleen Packer

8.     Status on the Ombudsman Charter - Colleen Packer

9.     Executive Committee Vacancy - Select nominees to be brought forward to Faculty Senate to fill Colleen Packer’s seat.

10.   Other Items - Additions to Agenda today Monday, November 26, 2012
            Whether changing a program from face-to-face teaching to online teaching is a "substantive" change for the curriculum process.  (Recent example is Masters of Criminal Justice)
            Whether review teams for graduate program reviews should have a graduate program director from WSU on them.  (Graduate Council chair indicates the answer should be 'yes'.)
            Affordable Care Act (ACA) – Mike Vaughan
            Dissemination of University Wide Curriculum Changes -
            Internal Audit – EthicsPoint – Information – Colleen Packer


Next Meeting: Faculty Senate, December 6, 2012 at 3:00 pm WB 206-207


Agenda Setting Meeting Minutes - Approved
November 29, 2012

PRESENT John Armstrong, Patti Cost, Shelly Costley, Ed Hahn, Kathy Herndon, Brian Rague, Ryan Pace, Vikki Vickers, Colleen Packer, Brenda Stockberger, Secretary

EXCUSED Ed Hahn, Ann Millner

GUESTS Jim Wilson - Curriculum Chair, Shelly Belflower, Director, Academic Technologies

1. MINUTES John Armstrong moved to approve the minutes from the November 1, 2012 meeting
Second: Vicki Vickers
Outcome: Unanimous

Bret Ellis, Vice President, IT and Shelly Bellflower, Director Academic Technologies
This proposal addresses three main functions and costs if IT were to manage support of classrooms on the WSU campus. Support would be out of Computing Support office.
Costs: 1) to purchase and maintain classroom equipment; 2) initially mange and support classrooms in each college centrally, 3) hire employees as resources to provide the support and maintenance work.
Process would support 35 classrooms and would include options to a traditional classroom such as expanded wireless and specialty equipment like annotators or Smartboards.
Cost per standard classroom - updating classroom with existing equipment - $7,000/room
Cost per standard classroom - to update classroom with no existing equipment - $12,000/room
Would like support from Executive Committee and Faculty Senate in order to move forward with this process to manage and support classrooms for interested colleges beginning Summer 2013.

• How many support employees do you plan to hire? 2 hourly and 1 professional.
• Centrally managed by university or by college?
• What support would be available during evening classes?
• Present to Faculty Senate as an information item.

MOTION Vikki Vickers motioned to forward the Central Support of Classrooms Proposal to Faculty Senate.
SECOND John Armstrong
OUTCOME Motion Carried.

Hal Crimmel was suggested as a replacement for Chair of the Environmental Issues Committee for Spring 2013.
MOTION Colleen Packer made the motion to approve Hal Crimmel as the Chair of the Environmental Issues Committee for Spring 2013.
OUTCOME Motion Carried.

4. APAFT COMMITTEE - Chris Eisenbarth, Chair

Voting item regarding committee charge:
1. Review and revise the statement contained in PPM 8-11, III, C - Tenure Process: Faculty members who have been granted extensions of the probationary period beyond the normal six years shall annually be subject to formal review. The statement asserts that faculty granted extensions are still required to put their file together and undergo the review. The policy effectively states that the faculty member will be reviewed every year until they receive tenure.

Chris Eisenbarth made a motion to change the wording as follows: “Faculty members who have been granted extensions of the probationary period beyond the normal six years shall be subject to formal review the subsequent year.” The motion was moved by Joe Wolfe and seconded by Sandra Fital-Akelbek. The motion passed unanimously.


MOTION Moved to forward to Faculty Senate the Tenure Process in PPM 88-11, III, C as an action item.

Informational item:
2. The APAFT Committee was instructed by Provost Vaughan to consider the College of Arts and Humanities request to use Canvas (or some other electronic platform) as a means to compile faculty promotion and tenure portfolios.

Chris Eisenbarth made a recommendation that the College of Arts and Humanities should meet with IT (RC Callahan) to discuss concerns about the security issues and access privileges of the Canvas platform. After this meeting the College should hold meetings to discuss with departmental faculty their findings from IT about the risks involved using Canvas for automating Tenure/Promotion documents. The motion was seconded by Mike Cocos, and then passed unanimously.

Make this a charge for Spring 13 for APAFT committee.
Announce as information item to Faculty Senate.
Faculty can make suggestion and recommendation on what platform to use for ePortfolios.

MOTION Shelly Costley moved to forward as an information item The Promotion and Tenure Portfolios via electronic means to the Faculty Senate.
SECOND Kathleen Herndon
OUTCOME Motion carried.

5. CURRICULUM - Jim Wilson, Chair
HNRS2020 Exploring Key Concepts in the Creative Arts: Music in Society, Science & Psyche - New Course Proposal - General Education in CREATIVE ARTS
HNRS2030 Exploring Key Concepts in the Physical Sciences: Are We Alone? The Science ofAstrobiology - New Course Proposal - General Education in PHYSICAL SCIENCES EMPHASIS
Criminal Justice - Update on CJ Program Proposal
Teacher Education Overview
Associate of Science in Pre-Education - New Program Proposal
Elementary Education, BS - Program Change
New Course Proposals- EDUC3270 Differentiation and Collaboration for Inclusive Teaching (3), EDUC3210 Elementary Level II practicum (3), EDUC3115 Media Integration in Elementary Education Settings (2), EDUC4210 Elementary Level III Practicum (3), EDUC3315 Media Integration in the Secondary School Setting (1), EDUC3910 Secondary Education Practicum (2).
Special Education, BS - Program Change
Course Proposal Changes - EDUC4640, EDUC4650, EDUC4660.
Secondary Education, BS - Program Change
Course Proposal Changes - EDUC3200, EDUC3260, EDUC3930.
Health & Human Performance
Master of Science in Athletic Training - Program Change
MSAT6998 Master’s Board of Certification (BOC) Exam Preparation (1)
Visual Arts
BFA Photography Emphasis - Program Change
Bachelor’s of Fine Arts - Program Change
New Course Proposals - ART3080 Critical Issues in Art (required for all BFA students except Visual Communication emphasis); ART History (ARTH) 3451 History of Design (required for Visual Communication emphasis); ART 3455 Design Theory and Practice (required for Visual Communication emphasis)
Proposed Course Deletion: ART 3450 Design History and Theory Computer Science
Game Development Institutional Certificate in Computer Science - Program Change
AAS in Computer Science - Program Changes
BS in Computer Science - Program Changes
CS2899 Associate Degree Assessment - New Course Proposal(No syllabus needed for this course)
Master’s in Criminal Justice
MCJ6000 Criminal Justice in Statistics - New Course Proposal
HIST4985 Historical Research and Methods - New Course Proposal

MOTION It was motioned to move forward all Curriculum Course proposals and Program Changes to the next meeting of the Faculty Senate.

Additional Item discussed concerning the Curriculum PPM.
Curriculum PPM is hard to locate on the Faculty Senate Web page.
Links are broken.
Recommendation that Curriculum PPM be put in as a link on the University PPM 4-2a.
General Education Assessment Rubric not available via the website - post on website when becomes available.

MOTION Vikki Vickers moved to link the Curriculum Policy and Procedures manual to the University Policy and Procedures Manual 4-2a - Modify Programs and Courses in the Catalog by inserting a hyperlink on the policy webpage to make it easier to locate.
SECOND John Armstrong
OUTCOME Motion Carried.

This item was pulled and will be handled within Teaching, Learning, and Assessment.

Charge 6 - Explore compensation model for promotions.
Option 1: 4 year implementation plan
($500 per year for associate professor, up to $5000)
($1000 per year for full professor, up to $10,000)

Option 2: 2 year implementation plan
($1000 per year for associate professor, up to $5000)
($2000 per year for full professor, up to $10,000)

Option 3: 1 year implementation plan (to be implemented this year)
($2,000 increase for associate professor in 2012-13 to reach $5000)
($4,000 increase for full professor in 2012-2013 to reach $10,000)
Update on the status of the Salary Poll.
SBBFP committee met earlier this week.
Most of the surveys came back Option 3 with the most votes.
As of this meeting, a Total of 103 votes, with 90-95 going with Option 3.

MOTION SBBFP committee recommends the Promotion Based Salary increases be moved to the Faculty Senate as an Action Item for approval.
OUTCOME Motion carries.

A meeting to be held on December 3, with Brian Rague, Colleen Packer, Barry Gomberg, Kathryn MacKay, and Rich Hill to review the Ombudsman Charter. Should be ready for Agenda Setting meeting in January.

Select nominees to be brought forward to Faculty Senate for vote to fill Colleen Packer’s seat on Executive Committee.

Should be a faculty from Arts and Humanities.
Anne Bialowas, Scott Roger, Josh Winegar, Mali Subbiah, Isabel Asensio, Amanda Sowerby, Tom Mathews are candidates. Tom Mathews and Amanda Sowerby was nominated.

MOTION A motion made to nominate Tom Mathews or Amanda Sowerby as a replacement on the Executive Committee from the college of Arts and Humanities to replace Colleen Packer.
OUTCOME Motion Carried.

1. Whether changing a program from face-to-face teaching to online teaching is a "substantive" change for the curriculum process. (Recent example is Masters of Criminal Justice)

MCJ going from Face to Face classes to total online program went through the Graduate Council with no discussion on.
Should the college Dean and Department Chair be involved in the approval process? Concern is to keep a quality online program with continuing high standards.
They are eliminating the face to face option and no other program has done that.
Are any students upset with this change?
Students need to be notified that the program is moving to online classes only.
Should there be a policy written on this issue? Who would create it?
Should there be a Master’s Curriculum Committee created to review masters courses and programs?
Should the Graduate Council be more in the loop on these kinds of changes to the program?
What about when a Program changes location as well? IDT moving to Davis campus next year.
Concerned about the reputation of all masters level classes being taught at Weber.
Request that the Graduate council draft a guideline or policy that lists the type of changes approved for a Graduate Program to the Executive Committee.
PPM 11 covers Graduate Programs. Any new guidelines could be inserted there.

2. Whether review teams for graduate program reviews should have a Graduate Program Director from WSU on them. (Graduate Council chair indicates the answer should be 'yes'.)

Executive Committee agrees that review teams for graduate program reviews should have a Graduate Program Director from WSU on them.
Should have at least one internal reviewer on the team, preferably, faculty that teaches master’s level courses.

Request that the Graduate Council draft a guideline or policy that lists the types of approved chagnes on a graduate program to the Executive Committee.


In 2014 adjunct professors will be eligible for Health Benefits if met criteria.
Have a teaching load of 22 credit hours in a year beginning January 2013.
Benefits will be funded out of department budget.
Influence the way departments will use Adjunctss
Will track what Adjuncts teach very carefully.

MOTION Motion made to move Affordable Care Act (ACA) forward to Faculty Senate as an Information item.
OUTCOME Motion Carried.
Agenda Setting Meeting Minutes Page 6 December 14, 2012

4. Dissemination of University Wide Curriculum Changes – Colleen Packer
Information given at meetings doesn’t get back to departments.
Brian Rague, Mark Simpson, colleen Packer, and Steve Peterson met and discussed concerns on information given in Faculty Senate or other meetings do not get distributed back to departments.
Diversity requirement change is one example.
Changes need to be circulated to the correct individuals so that the WSU catalog is as up to date and correct as it can be.
Advisors and Department Advisors need to be kept informed on important curriculum changes within the university.

5. Internal Audit – EthicsPoint – Information – Colleen Packer
Bryce Barker is the Director of Internal Audit. EthicsPoint is an outside resource to report abuse or fraud incidents anonymously.
Has existed for 6-7 years.
Do they keep information confidential?
Bryce Barker determines what is investigated and how to proceed if notified of a report.
Bryce is willing to give information to the Faculty Senate.

6. Election on Faculty Senate Vice Chair next Faculty Senate Meeting, Dec 6.

Have ballots ready for the senate meeting. If you do not want your name on the ballot, let Brenda know as soon as possible.


MOTION John Armstrong
SECOND Patti Cost
OUTCOME Unanimous

Meeting adjourned at 3:35 pm.

Next Agenda Setting Meeting: Thursday, January 17, 2013