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Course Proposals

Course Name:  Machining Processes Lecture/Lab II 
Course Prefix: MFET
Course Number: 3610
             Submitted by (Name & E-Mail):  Ricky Orr,

Current Date:  9/24/2009
College: Applied Science & Technology
Department:   Manf & Mech Eng Tech                              
From Term: Spring  2010 



Current Course Subject MFET
Current Course Number 3610


MFET 3610. Machining Processes Lecture/Lab II (3) S The manufacture and assembly of precision and interchangeable parts using conventional lathes, mills, drills, and grinders. Introduction to geometric dimensioning & tolerancing (GD&T), and advanced inspection techniques. Students will utilize lab time to complete assignments as required. One lecture per week and two 3-hour labs per week are required. Prerequisite: MFET 1210.

New/Revised Course Information:

Subject:  MFET            

Course Number: 3610

Check all that apply:
    This is for courses already approved for gen ed.
    Use a different form for proposing a new gen ed designation.


Course Title: Machining Processes Lecture/Lab II

Abbreviated Course Title: Machining Processes II

Course Type:  LEL

Credit Hours:  3  or if variable hours:    to

Contact Hours: Lecture 1  Lab 6   Other

Repeat Information:  Limit 0   Max Hrs 0 

Grading Mode:  standard

This course is/will be: a required course in a major program
a required course in a minor program
a required course in a 1- or 2- year program


MFET 1210

Course description (exactly as it will appear in the catalog, including prerequisites):

MFET 3610. Machining Processes Lecture/Lab II (3) The manufacture and assembly of precision and interchangeable parts using conventional lathes, mills, drills, and grinders. Introduction to geometric dimensioning & tolerancing (GD&T), and advanced inspection techniques. Students will utilize lab time to complete assignments as required. One lecture per week and two 3-hour labs per week are required. Prerequisite: MFET 1210.

Justification: This course will be an elective instead of a required course. A program change proposal has also been submitted. The only real change to the course listing in the catalog is to remove the designation indicating that it will be taught in spring semester.

for substantive proposals only

1. Did this course receive unanimous approval within the Department?


If not, what are the major concerns raised by the opponents?


2. If this is a new course proposal, could you achieve the desired results by revising an existing course within your department or by requiring an existing course in another department?

not applicable

3. How will the proposed course differ from similar offerings by other departments? Comment on any subject overlap between this course and topics generally taught by other departments, even if no similar courses are currently offered by the other departments. Explain any effects that this proposal will have on program requirements or enrollments in other department. Please forward letters (email communication is sufficient) from all departments that you have identified above stating their support or opposition to the proposed course.

No other departments will be affected; there are no similar offerings.

4. Is this course required for certification/accreditation of a program?


If so, a statement to that effect should appear in the justification and supporting documents should accompany this form.

5. For course proposals, e-mail a syllabus to Faculty Senate which should be sufficiently detailed that the committees can determine that the course is at the appropriate level and matches the description. There should be an indication of the amount and type of outside activity required in the course (projects, research papers, homework, etc.).


Weber State University

            Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MFET)
MFET 3610

Department:         Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology

Course Number:  MFET 3610

Course Title:       Machining Principles and Practices II

Instructor:           Specified in the class schedule

Course Description: (2008-2009 Weber State University catalog)

The manufacture and assembly of precision and interchangeable parts using conventional lathes, mills drills, and grinders.  Introduction to geometric dimensioning & tolerancing (GD&T), and advanced inspection techniques.

Prerequisites:     MFET 1210                                         

Required Textbook, Tools and Workbook:

Available at WSU Bookstore

1 each text book - Machine Tool Practices (Kibbe, 8th Edition)

1 each Student Workbook for MFET 3610

Available at Herrick Industrial Supply, 2881 S. 1100 W.

1 each 6 inch scale

        1 each safety glasses

1 each 1/2 inch diameter, four flute, center cutting, H.S.S. end mill

Learning Outcomes & Expected Performance Criteria (ABET Criterion 3. Program Outcomes)

Outcome a: An appropriate mastery of the knowledge, techniques, skills and          modern tools of their disciplines:

1.      The complex setups and operation of engine lathes,  milling machines, grinding, sawing, and concepts of quality control using detailed process planning.

2.      The technical information required to produce parts by milling machines, grinders, and engine lathes that requires close tolerances and high quality surface finishes.

3.      How to calculate speeds and feeds accurately and compare the difficult machining operations and choose the most economical methods of machining parts.

4.      The use of precision measuring and quality control devices.

Outcome g: Communicate effectively.

1.      Develop detailed process planning to perform complex setups and operations of engine lathes,  milling machines, grinding, sawing, and apply concepts of quality control.

Topics Coveered:

Generate Process Planning, Learn what Quality is, Learn and Apply Beginning Level GD&T, Datum Selection and Orientation for Function/Manufacture, Tolerances and Fits, Reading Shop Drawings, Shop Safety, Systems of Measurement, Speeds and Feeds for Machine Tools, Learning to Speak the Language of Manufacturing, Machine Tool Operations

Lab/Class Schedule:        150 minutes per day, 2 days per week

Relationship of this course to Program Outcomes;

A working knowledge of the machining processes and related subjects offered in this course will provide an excellent fundamental technical foundation on which to build exciting careers in manufacturing/mechanical engineering technology, or engineering graphics and design.

Testing and Assignments

A combined grade for lab and lecture will be determined as follows:

Location and Angularity Project.........................30% of Grade

Hammer Project..................................................30% of Grade

Match Case Project.............................................15% of Grade

Unit Assignments (Post Tests)............................15% of Grade

Exams..................................................................10% of Grade


Rights/Responsibilities - This syllabus is the governing document for this course; your decision to take this course amounts to tacit consent to the conditions of this syllabus.  Please review the WSU Policies and Procedures Manual student code regarding ethics found at, specifically section IV.   Academic dishonesty, as described in the WSU Policies and Procedures Manual, will not be tolerated.  Consequences may vary from grade adjustment to expulsion from the university.

Disabilities; Any student requiring accommodations or services due to a disability must contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in room 181 of the Student Service Center.  SSD can also arrange to provide course materials (including this syllabus) in alternative formats.

Attendance; Although attendance will not be graded, absenteeism will adversely affect your grade through missed lectures and you will fail to receive assignments in a timely fashion.  If you miss any class, it will be your responsibility to obtain relevant information from your fellow students.

Emergencies; If you find that during the semester you will not be able to turn in an assignment or take an exam on the date scheduled due to an illness or emergency, you must contact the professor before the date in question, if at all possible, or within 24 hours of the date at the latest.


Prepared by:      Robert S. Milner; September 19, 2008


 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Grading Sheettc "Grading Sheet"











Boring Project (10% of Grade)





         Inspection / Planning





Location & Angularity  (25% of Grade)





         Inspection / Planning





Match Case Project (10% of Grade)





         Inspection / Planning





Hammer Project (25% of Grade)





         Inspection / Planning





Unit Assignments (20% of Grade)





          Section D





          Section E





          Section G





          Sectioin H





          Section K





          Section M





Maintaining shop cleanliness, attendance, and professional work ethics

± 10%




Mid Term Exam (5% of Grade)





Final Exam (5% of Grade)



