Course Name:   Leadership Lab 

Course Prefix: MILS
Course Number: 0000
             Submitted by (Name & E-Mail):  Georgia Gilbert,

Current Date:  10/16/2009
College: Social & Behavioral Sciences
Department:   Military Science                              
From Term: Fall  2009 



Current Course Subject MILSCI
Current Course Number 0000


MILS 0000. Leadership Laboratory (0) F, S Conducted three hours per week; enhances self-confidence, teamwork and leadership. Allows perspective officers to practice essential leader skills and receive feedback on their performance. Open only to, and required of, students in MILS 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020, 3010, 3020, 4010, and 4020. A $75 lab fee is required.

New/Revised Course Information:

Subject:  MILSCI            

Course Number:

Check all that apply:
    This is for courses already approved for gen ed.
    Use a different form for proposing a new gen ed designation.


Course Title:

Abbreviated Course Title:

Course Type:  LAB

Credit Hours:    or if variable hours:    to

Contact Hours: Lecture   Lab    Other

Repeat Information:  Limit 0   Max Hrs 0 

Grading Mode:  standard

This course is/will be: a required course in a major program
a required course in a minor program
a required course in a 1- or 2- year program


Course description (exactly as it will appear in the catalog, including prerequisites):


The weekly leadership laboratory(now designated MILS 0000 is presently taught in conjunction with MILS 3010, 3020, 4010 and 4020 as a separate required but uncredited course. Lower division courses (MILS 1010, 1020, 2010 and 2020 also require registration for lab. The Military Science Department proposes to drop MILS 0000 as a separate lab course, merge the lab with the upper division courses (MILS 3010, 3020, 4010 and 4020), and increase credit hours from 3 to 4 for each upper division course. (Please see course proposal forms for each, as well as the program change form). The leadership lab will also be included with present lower division courses (MILS 1010, 1020, 2010 and 2020), but no credit assignment is asked.) Leadership lab is a component of the U.S. Army ROTC curriculum leading to commissioning of second lieutenants.

for substantive proposals only

1. Did this course receive unanimous approval within the Department?


If not, what are the major concerns raised by the opponents?

2. If this is a new course proposal, could you achieve the desired results by revising an existing course within your department or by requiring an existing course in another department?

This is not a new course proposal but part of a revision of existing courses (MILS 3010, 3020, 4010 and 4020)

3. How will the proposed course differ from similar offerings by other departments? Comment on any subject overlap between this course and topics generally taught by other departments, even if no similar courses are currently offered by the other departments. Explain any effects that this proposal will have on program requirements or enrollments in other department. Please forward letters (email communication is sufficient) from all departments that you have identified above stating their support or opposition to the proposed course.


4. Is this course required for certification/accreditation of a program?


If so, a statement to that effect should appear in the justification and supporting documents should accompany this form.

5. For course proposals, e-mail a syllabus to Faculty Senate which should be sufficiently detailed that the committees can determine that the course is at the appropriate level and matches the description. There should be an indication of the amount and type of outside activity required in the course (projects, research papers, homework, etc.).