English 4120
Seminar and Practicum in Professional and Technical Writing
Spring 2009

Instructor: Mali Subbiah
Off. Phone: 626-6335


Office: Elizabeth Hall 464
Off. Hrs.: MWF TR 10:00-11:00 A.M.
                & by appointment

Course Description

A capstone course, English 4120 gives you an opportunity to practice in an organizational setting the technical writing skills you have acquired in English 3100, 3140, and 4100 as well as in other interdisciplinary courses. Requiring you to be involved in communication related projects (written, oral, and graphics) within an organization for approximately ten hours a week, this course focuses the transition you make from a technical writing student to a practitioner of technical writing. This course provides a forum for you to share your experience as a technical writer of an organization with fellow interns, so all interns can benefit from the collective experiences of all members. This means you will discuss your job responsibilities, projects, challenges, suggestions for improved performance in the organization, and other work-related issues. In addition, the course will focus on the need for a professional portfolio and help you create one.

Course Objectives

1. To help you find an internship and carry out job responsibilities.
2. To encourage you to become a member of the Society for Technical Communication and be involved in local STC chapter.
3. To discuss issues relevant to technical communicators.
4. To help you prepare quality professional portfolio.
5. To assist you in finding employment opportunities beyond internship position.
6. To assist you in making transition from a student to an "employee" of an organization.


1. Description of internship & Internship contract................................................. 05%
2. Work log...................................................................................................................... 05%
3. Class participation..................................................................................................... 10%
4. Professional portfolio (hard copy or electronic)................................................ 20%
5. Supervisor’s Midterm evaluation and your status report................................. 30%
6. Supervisor’s Final evaluation and your self evaluation................. ................... 30%


A  = 95
A- = 90
B+ = 88
B  = 85
B- = 80
C+ = 78
C  = 75
C- = 70
D+ = 68
D  = 65
D- = 60
E = 59 and below

Reference Sources

A style manual, a grammar handbook, and a dictionary.

Class Schedule

We will meet in our classroom once in two weeks to discuss the projects you do, challenges you face, and suggestions for better performance. Within a week from our initial class meeting, you need to find a paid, unpaid/voluntary internship that requires you to work for a client as a technical writer. If you have any problems in finding a suitable position, consult "Internship Contacts" for possibilities.


Since we need to discuss your writing projects as well as your responses to reading materials, we must meet in class once in two weeks. Don’t miss this class period, for absences will affect your Class Participation grade .