Gaining Control Over Your Time

Begin by carefully reading this page from beginning to end.
It may help to make a printed copy of it to use on a daily basis for your Time Management Assignment.

For a more in-depth look at time and life management, go to your textbook chapter 11 on Time and Life Management.

An unusual resource each of us has is time. It's unusual because you can't save it for tomorrow, you can't borrow today some you had left over yesterday, you can't lend it to someone else, you can't leave it behind, you can't take it with you.

You can do only two things with time: use it now or lose it forever.

Let's look at a simple, sensible time management system. This system, as presented or in some modified version, works for many people, and can help you organize and get more of what you want from the time you have. After all, that's the real purpose behind better management of your time: to find time to do what you want to do.

Prioritized Daily Planning

Planning is bringing future events into the present so appropriate control can be applied.

The most valuable thing we can do to positively impact our days is spend 10-15 minutes planning.

Ultimately, we always do exactly what we want to do.

We are answering and doing something about these two key questions:

This puts us in the proactive, rather than the reactive mode

This time management system has several basic steps:

Phase I –  Consider your Goals

Phase II – Consider your Roles

Phase III – Ask: What are the most important things you can do in relation to each of these roles?

Phase IV – Make a list of daily tasks. Include those from Phase III            

Phase V – Give a letter to each item on your list

Phase VI – Give a numerical value to each item on the list.

Phase VII – Exercise Integrity

Let's look at each in detail.

To do this, you'll need several blank sheets of paper or a planner.

Phase I – Consider your Goals

Begin with this simple exercise. Spend two minutes thinking about your goals: immediate, short term and long term. Where are you headed in life? What do you want out of life? What do you hope to accomplish in the next month, year, five years, 10 years, 25 years, your lifetime? Then take a sheet of paper and for two minutes write down your goals.

Look over your list. There's probably something on that list that, for a long time, you'vebeen thinking you'd really like to do: learn to play golf or tennis; get in shape; trace your family tree; finish your college degree; actually do a hobby you learned so long ago, but can't seem to fit into your schedule now. Right now is the time to promise yourself you'll do it–whatever that "it" is on your list.

You just made a list of goals which you feel are important right now. If you had made such a list a year ago, it probably would not be identical to this. And if you make a goals list a year from now, it won't be identical to your present list. Since people and their situations and circumstances change, their goals change, also. So expect to revise your statement of goals occasionally. It's only natural.

With your list of goals in hand, you're now ready for the next step.

Pick one or two of the goals you're really serious about. Take another sheet of paper, write that goal at the top and spend two minutes writing down what specific things you can do to reach your goal. These activities may range from a phone call enrolling you in a course to actually taking the course. Or, you may start with a physical checkup with your doctor to be sure you are fit enough to participate in an exercise program.

Set this list aside for a few minutes and go on to your Roles.

Phase II – Consider your Roles

Each of us have chosen or fallen into various roles in our lives that are important to us. Examples of roles are family member, husband, wife, friend, employee, manager, athlete, student, teacher, church member, community organization member, and any other part of life toward which we contribute our time and energy.

Write down each of your roles on paper. Now ask yourself the following question, "Is there something I can do in each role that would add value or contribute to that role?" If you are committed to the wellbeing and development of your roles, you will no doubt think of activities that can help strengthen your participation in your roles. There may be days where you can think of nothing for a particular role. That's okay. The important thing is that you are considering your roles as you plan.

Phase III – Ask: What are the most important things you can do in relation to each of these roles?

We begin answering the questions above with this question: What can we do in each of our roles that would significantly add value to the role? How can we improve in each role?

Here, we are looking at the most important aspects of our lives, our roles we have chosen, and asking ourselves what thing or things can we do regarding that role that would enhance the quality or add a significant amount of value to the role.

Phase IV – Make a list of daily tasks. Include those from Phase III
(This part looks like the traditional
"To Do" List)

Next, use another sheet of paper and spend two minutes writing down what you have to do today (or tomorrow if you are planning in the evening). Include everything. Completely exhaust your mind of any and everything that could potentially be done. Be sure to include those items that came to mind when you thought of your goals and your roles.

This is your "to do" list. It is the most fundamental tool of successful time management. It serves as a "reminder" and as a definite "action plan" as you go through the day. It usually takes less than ten minutes to put together this list each day, but it can repay your efforts many times over by helping you "discover" and use hidden time you may now waste.

Your "to do" list helps you:

How does it do this? Let's go on to the next step in time management and I think you'll see how.

Phase V – Give a letter to each item on your list – Your Prioritized Daily Task List

Look at your "to do" list. Some of the things must be done. Others are not so important. In fact, some of the things you put down actually could wait until another day.

The next step (and the one that makes the whole system work) helps you see at a glance what's important and what can wait. That step is determining priorities for your "to do" list.

One way to set priorities is to use three letters -- A, B, and C -- to indicate how important each thing is. Use an "A" in front of those things on your list which must be done today (be sure to include your goal and role-related activities). These items are highly important, even vital. The letter "B" is put in front of what you would like to get done, but could wait. A "C" goes in front of the least critical items on your list. These "C" activities take up time, but really have little value for you.

Phase VI – Give a numerical value to each item on the list.

Go one step further, rank your A's, B's and C's in the order that you feel they should be accomplished according to your goals, roles, and values. Assign numerical rank to each task, for example: A-1 is the most important task and A-2 is secondary to A-1. Do the same with your B's and C's. You now have your prioritized daily task list. You have just determined the order of when you will do the activities that you have determined are most important to you.

Phase VII – Exercise Integrity

I want you to remember one word as you plan and then carry out your plans these next few weeks. The word is Integrity. Integrity is defined as "The ability to carry out a worthy decision after the emotion of making the decision has passed." Many people get very excited about a new exercise program or weight reduction program only to find themselves losing motivation.

As you go through your days, exercise integrity and follow through on your plan. Obviously, occasions will arise that take you out of your plan for the day. We live unpredictable lives. However, when you have free time to do as you choose, move to the next item on your prioritized daily task list.

In Summary - The Assignment

So to make things perfectly clear, let me summarize your assignment. Each day you will do the following steps in your planning session: (You will not send these in to me, but you will keep them for your own happiness)

  1. On a piece of paper, or better still in a planner, write down all the things that could, should or need to be done today considering your goals, roles, and values (or tomorrow if you are planning at night)
  2. Go through each item and give each an A, B, or C using the criteria for determining those as I explained above
  3. Prioritize each of the A's, B's, and C's with numbers as explained above.
  4. Do A1 first, then A2, then A3 and so on as you proceed through your day.
  5. Do this process every day for the next 3 weeks.

Assessing your experience

At the end of the twelfth week I will give you an assessment page that will examine how you did with this assignment and how it affected your sense of control, inner peace, and stress levels.

Cut Out the Clutter – Eliminating "Cs"

When you come across a "C" on your list, ask yourself what would happen if you didn't take care of it today. If the answer is "not much," don't do it. If the dusting, filing, washing or whatever can wait one more day, let it wait. Focus on the "As" and "Bs" on your list.

Of course, some "Cs" may become "Bs" and even "As" if you put them off too long. But, you'll know that just as you'll know when you can forget a "C" forever.

Dealing with the Unexpected

If each one of us was an isolated being, this system of time management (and all other systems) would work beautifully. But, as we all know, none of us are that isolated and independent. Children, spouses, co-workers, bosses, the telephone, an unexpected visitor--all can put the best thought-out time management plan in a state of total chaos.

How can you deal with these unexpected (and expected) interruptions? The key is flexibility. Keep your plan and your thoughts about what you want to accomplish flexible. After all, if you don't accomplish all that's on your "to do" list today, there's always tomorrow and the day after that. In fact, you probably won't get all your list done. But, if you're flexible, that shouldn't bother you. And this shouldn't mean that making a list is a waste of time.

If you need to be really flexible, try making a weekly "to do" list instead of a daily one. It isn't so important to know exactly when you'll get something done. It is important to do some planning, and for most of us that means writing the plans down. Written plans (whether they are done daily or weekly or whenever) give you a sense of direction and a plan of action.

When you are flexible you'll take time for your children, do the errands your spouse asks you to do, and you'll be able to handle whatever else comes up.

You've Got The Basics – Now Put Them In Action

By looking at your goal sheet occasionally and revising when necessary, by remembering to include activities to reach your goals on your "'to do" list, by making a "to do" list every day; and finally, by remembering to set priorities on your "to do" list before you start the day, you'll be headed for better management of your time and more control in your life. You'll probably find more time to do the things you've always wanted to do. Enjoy them. You deserve it.

Variations on a Theme

No one time management system works for everyone. You may have to take a suggested system, try it out, add ideas you get from other places, such as from your friend or neighbor who always seems organized. Then keep reworking the system until you find what works best for you. Because your circumstances change, your system of managing your time probably will change, too. The key is finding a system that works best for you. Try this one for now and see what results you get.


  1. Procrastination. Putting it off until later never works because later never comes, and you never get it done.
  2. Disorganization. Clutter and not knowing what to do next wastes time and energy.
  3. Diversion and distractions. Some (such as children and spouses) can't be ignored, but others can be (such as limiting telephone calls by promising you'll call back when you've finished what's at hand).
  4. Too much involvement in outside activities.
  5. Making excuses for not getting something done. Use that time to do it, not to apologize for not doing it.
  6. Regretting past loss of time. It's gone–regretting will not bring it back.
  7. Doing everything yourself. One of the biggest time wasters both in families and on the job. If someone else can do it, teach them how.
  8. Inability to say "no." That one little word can save you precious time.
  9. Fatigue. When you're tired, it takes you longer to do something.
  10. Inefficient meetings. Be sure the meetings you are in charge of benefit those involved, and that they don't waste their time and yours.