- Mississippi River
- Missouri River
- Ohio River
- Arkansas River
- Red River
- Rio Grande
- Colorado River
- Columbia River
- Snake River
- the Great Salt Lake
- The Platte River
- The Appalachians
- The Rockies
- Sierra Nevada
- South Pass
- Cumberland Gap
- The Great Basin
- The Great Plains
- The Mohave
- The Sonoran
- The Eastern Woodlands
- St. Louis
- Santa Fe
- New Orleans
- Ft. Laramie
- San Francisco
- Portland
- Salt Lake City
- Philadelphia
- Washington D.C.
- Great Falls
- Council Bluffs
- The route of the Transcontinental Railroad
- Bent's Fort
- Ft. Laramie
- Ft. Smith
- Ft. Hall
- Ft. Bridger
- Sutter's Mill
- Yellowstone National Park
![Map depicting major river systems in the U.S. The Mississippi is the Nation's most important waterway.](rivers2.gif)
![Appalachian Mountains (US relief)](appalachia2.gif)
![Trails West, a map.](west-usa.jpg)